"Look at the three-legged Golden Crow engraved on the coffin!"

At this time, someone noticed that after approaching the coffin, a flashlight hit it. On the black iron coffin on the yellow wooden frame, there was a three-legged roc bird with wings spread out, and it was full of majesty.

Ye Xiao looked at the yellow wooden frame, it was about two meters high, and the black iron on it had been black for many years, without any trace of rust.

Everyone unanimously took out the equipment from the backpack and started to build the scaffold.

Ye Xiao was the first to climb up, no matter what, he had to see clearly what was there.

After everyone climbed up, the strange fragrance became more intense.

Ye Xiao frowned, and when everyone stood up, Ye Xiao pushed off the lid of the black iron coffin.

Immediately, everyone took a deep breath and was shocked to see the person in the coffin. This is a corpse that has not rotted for a thousand years!

Netizens in the live broadcast room of the person in the coffin were also stunned.

"My God is alive!"

"This is a beautiful woman, is this Princess Honghua?"

"No, Princess Honghua has been dressed like this for thousands of years, and she looks pretty like this!"

"Isn't this a high-waist skirt unique to the Tang Dynasty? Only the nobles of the Tang Dynasty can wear it. Look at the bright golden crown on her head. What's going on?"

"The anti-corrosion technology of the ancients is so powerful!"

The members of the archaeological team also felt a little unbelievable. The people in the coffin were so vivid that they seemed to be alive.

Old Professor Zhou didn't believe in evil, and even stretched out his hand to sniff, but the corpse didn't move at all. It was true that there was no breath, but it didn't rot after a thousand years of death. What's going on?

The old professor and the others pressed it, and the skin was indeed still elastic. This scene shocked everyone.

After Ye Xiao looked at it, he stretched out his hand, and used his body-binding rope to pass under the body of the female corpse, carefully pulling her up.

Immediately after, old Professor Zhou helped, put a rope through her armpits, and lifted her up. At this time, the mouth of the corpse opened, and everyone could see clearly. Ye Xiao even punched it in with a flashlight.

"Corpse Pill, according to legend, Pill can prevent corpses from decaying for thousands of years. If this is the case, then this corpse has been preserved for thousands of years."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words!

"My God, if the corpse is taken out, it will be weathered soon!"

"So stay here or take it out?"

"Stay here, what is this?"

The archaeological team found a jade pendant under a group of people in the coffin.

Old Professor Zhou took it over and looked at it. It was a dragon and phoenix jade pendant with English characters engraved on it. Ye Xiao took it over and looked at it after thinking for a while, and then said: "Li Jiying, the eldest daughter-in-law of Princess Honghua, is also the third son of King Li Daoen of Kuaiji County. Daughter, married to Murong Zhong, the eldest son of Princess Honghua."

"Princess Honghua's three daughter-in-laws are from the Tang Dynasty. She went to the Tang Dynasty several times to seek marriage, so this coffin should be Li Jiying."

The people understood.

"Xiaoye is so knowledgeable, she even knows this."

"Yes, it's really admirable to be able to deduce the identity of the corpse from a jade pendant."

"If this is the case, then why are there no funeral objects around? She is also the daughter of a county king after all! After she is married, she can be regarded as a concubine or something like that? This is too shabby!"

Everyone thought so, and Ye Xiao nodded, "That's true, but compared with Changsheng, no one is important."

This makes sense!

After Genghis Khan died, he was moved aside by Master Habu, so what is the daughter-in-law of Princess Honghua?
"However, it's not without burial. You can see that the jade pillow in the coffin, as well as the gold and silver in it, are priceless."

As soon as Ye Xiao said this, everyone could see clearly. The flashlight shone on it, and it was indeed so.

Inside the coffin were gold, silver, jade, agate and pearls, everything that one could expect, and it seemed that the necessary regulations were still for her.

But since it is Li Jiying, why not be buried with Murong Zhong?

Leave her here all alone?

Ye Xiao suddenly smelled a faint fragrance from the tip of his nose, and he couldn't help frowning tightly, as if something was wrong.

He quickly lowered the rope, and the body lay down again.

When I looked up again, I saw that the faces of the archaeological team were all flushed, and they were very excited. Ye Xiao felt bad, and everyone hurried down.

But it was too late, the archaeological team and the garrison began to laugh wildly, which surprised Ye Xiao a bit, and when he looked at the lifelike corpse inside the coffin, it was clearly a withered corpse of a woman!

At this time, the netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly had a commotion.

"What's wrong, why is this a mummy! It was still a fresh corpse just now!"

"Don't scare me, there is a sudden flash in the camera and it changes."

"What the hell is going on? Is this post-production? Isn't this a real-time broadcast?"

"Ye couldn't be lying to us, could he?"

"Why do I feel so horrible? This corpse changes too fast."

"I have already taken a screenshot, and it has changed in a second before and after. Is there any problem with this?"

It seems that even everyone has discovered the problem. Ye Xiao looked up at the camera brother, and saw that he was really confused when he saw him through the lens.

"Xiaoye, what the hell is going on here? I look at everyone and there seems to be something wrong!"

Ye Xiao frowned tightly. Seeing everyone at this moment, he understood at the time, "It's a hallucination! Brother camera, hurry down!"

The one that the camera brother climbed is called a slippery one, hurry down.

Old Professor Zhou and the others were still on it, Ye Xiao turned over and started to look around, there must be something wrong, otherwise they would never be like this!
Seeing Ye Xiao like this at this time, the camera brother hurried forward to help, "Xiao Ye, what are we looking for?"

"Brother, put on the gas mask quickly, there is a problem here!"

Ye Xiao's words surprised the big cameraman immediately, and he quickly put on the gas mask. The next moment, when he looked at the archaeological team, they all reached into the coffin and took out an unknown object from inside. They wiped it on their faces and looked at each other with a smile.

Ye Xiao was shocked by this sudden scene, the symbiosis of insects and plants, the first thing he thought of was the hallucinations emanating from the plants!
But there was nothing wrong with the surroundings, and suddenly he saw the black powder on the ground out of the corner of his eye, Ye Xiao suddenly realized, walked over quickly, stretched out his hand to smell it, it really was this fragrance!

Black powder is powder.Why didn't he think of the puddle of black powder at the door just now, everyone had already been tricked when they came in.

In addition to these things in the coffin, Ye Xiao didn't dare to think that the powder with psychedelic color was really different.

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