Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 683 Digging the ground with bare hands?walking excavator

Old Professor Zhou said solemnly: "It doesn't matter so much now, let's all hurry up and find a way out."

"I see weirdness everywhere in this tomb, it must not be..."

Before Old Professor Zhou finished speaking, he heard a click outside, and something seemed to break out of the wall, and then everyone understood in the next second, "The snake cypress has come out!"

"Back to the back!"

Ye Xiao took the lead to block the front, a vine stretched out from the darkness, he picked up the flamethrower and sprayed it out!

No matter how you say it, you can't put everyone in danger.

But at this time, perhaps because of the scattered light source, the vines hiding in the bronze tripod also began to change. Ye Xiao watched the roots on the ground seep into the ground bit by bit, and the broken vines quickly grew wildly. Immediately after the ground, it began to grow to a height of more than one meter, and then dragged Ye Xiao's feet, Ye Xiao took out the ancient black gold knife and chopped it down without saying a word!

But the more and more vines were cut down, he quickly stepped aside, "Use a flamethrower to burn!"

Everyone acted quickly, but it was still a step too late. Countless vines came out of the wall, and the one growing under the ground quickly rushed towards the archaeological team.

Only then did Ye Xiao realize that this is the main root system of the vine!

He immediately retreated to the side of old professor Zhou, dragging old professor Zhou to the middle of the tomb, but what he didn't expect was that the vines moved faster than him, and immediately rolled up the people of the archaeological team and threw them high. Into the air, there are hard thorns growing on the soft vines!

Seeing that the person's body was about to be pierced, everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Suddenly a shadow flashed by, Ye Xiao touched the ground with his toes, stepped on the vine with a knife, and cut the vine flat, then he wrapped his arms around the man's waist, did a backflip, and rolled to the ground, which surprised everyone. Netizens swiped their screens one after another!

"Damn, Ye is amazing! This skill is comparable to a martial arts instructor!"

"What kind of martial arts instruction, this is simply light work!"

"Ye Dao just said he believed in science one second before, and jumped off the next second. Jian Shuai was stunned!"

The man was rescued with a dazed look on his face. When he saw Ye Xiao, he finally realized, "Xiao Ye, thank you!"

Ye Xiao shouted to Old Professor Zhou and the others: "Get out!"

Ye Xiao covered them to the tomb passage, and then rushed out, chopping down the vines on the wall one by one, in the chaos, there was a sharp scream.

Everyone didn't know what happened, and the big brother's camera was aimed at Ye Xiao, only to see vines being cut down and twisted on the ground from time to time in the darkness. In the flickering firelight, Ye Xiao The figure flickered.

While everyone was nervous, they were also a little strange, why did those vines suddenly come alive?

Netizens were talking.

"I know, it must be that Ye Dao just inserted a knife into the wall and awakened those vines to do this!"

"Ye deliberately woke up those vines!"

"Stop talking nonsense here, how could Ye Dao be such a person?"

"Then how do you explain it? I guess Ye Dao must have wanted to test it out, but I didn't expect that things exceeded my expectations, so that's why it happened."

"Didn't Ye say that? He's going to take the initiative. Now that he's facing these vines alone, don't make random guesses."

"Don't talk nonsense to sow dissension, Ye Dao and them are all in a cooperative relationship, and besides, they are well-organized archaeological team members, so is it necessary to do this kind of thing?"

"Don't trust him too much, after all, people's hearts are unpredictable."

When the netizens in the live broadcast room said this, the cameraman couldn't stand it any longer. He covered the camera with one hand, which made the netizens startled and agitated.

"Camera brother, what are you doing?"

"Brother Camera doesn't play like this!"

"Brother Camera is telling you to shut up, he can't stand it anymore!"

"It won't be dangerous if the big cameraman is here. If he wants you to watch it, you can watch it, and if he doesn't want you to watch it, just forget it."

At this time, there were different opinions, everyone became excited, and asked the camera brother to switch the camera as soon as possible, but the camera brother was unmoved. He couldn't bear the sight of these people typing on the keyboard behind the network, acting like a keyboard warrior.

To know how dangerous this is, everyone is working hard, only they can convict Xiaoye by talking nonsense, he can't understand it!

At this time, the live broadcast room was in chaos, and the cameraman stopped for about 10 minutes before re-released the camera.

Seeing this scene at this moment, everyone took a deep breath, "See, this is the attitude of the cameraman and the archaeological team! It means to make you shut up! They have their own judgment!"

At this time, Ye Xiao was no longer in front of the camera.

"Ye should not be destroyed, right?"

"Don't be crowed, how could Ye Dao be wiped out, Ye Dao won't die if you are wiped out."

At this time, the big cameraman was also looking for Ye Xiao's figure, and Ye Xiao quickly stood in front of the bronze tripod. The vines took root here just now, and then sank into the ground. Now he wants to dig it out!

Ye Xiao directly took out the ancient black gold knife and stabbed it fiercely into the ground, only to hear a violent roar, it was here.

The black gold short knife stepped forward and quickly dug open the ground, and then he stretched out his fingers and directly inserted into the ground, and the appearance of lying on the ground shocked everyone!

Everyone rushed here to look at Ye Xiao, and watched him insert his hand into the ground, then pull out a vine, then insert it again, and keep pulling it out, which made everyone dumbfounded.

"Dig the ground with bare hands? Xiaoye, this is a real skill."

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiaoye is looking for the root system of the vine, everyone hurry up and help!"

All the people around took out their weapons, and Luoyang shoveled it, and quickly dug up the ground. From time to time, roots came out and entangled everyone's hands and feet. Beat all these roots to pulp.

And the stone wall on the other side also collapsed, and with a loud sound, the whole tomb room began to shake. Ye Xiao went straight down with a knife, cut the root system to pieces, and burned it all up. Vertical wilted vines appear.

"The roots of the vines are gone, but there are still some clinging to the snake cypress."

"So it's impossible to wipe out all of them at once. Everyone, be careful and get out quickly, this tomb is about to collapse!"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone dared not be careless and rushed out. The last person was caught by Shebai before he had time, "Xiaoye, save me!"

Everyone was shocked by this cry, Ye Xiao stretched out his hand to hold the man, then chopped it down with a knife, and the vine quickly retracted.

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