Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 681 Here comes the first magic weapon clue

At this time Ye Xiao stood up, "I'll see if there is another way."

Professor Fang took the initiative to join him, and the two of them groped on the stone wall. After the searchlight was turned on, it became brighter, and everyone was also helping.

Ye Xiao took a look, the mechanism was either on the ground, or it was a stone wall, but the tight-knit wall bricks could only be determined after groping.

At this time, everyone was looking at Ye Xiao, and they didn't feel sleepy anyway, so they might as well get up and search for the mechanism with him.

Ye Xiao groped for the wall and still focused his eyes on the screen. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the screen was a bit abrupt. There were a lot of gold, silver and jade wares in the funeral room, and there were also many ceramic products, but the wooden funeral objects were placed here casually. Although it is not that important in terms of value, it records everything about Princess Honghua and Murong Nuohebo after all.

How could such an item be placed here, and five magical artifacts had already appeared, could it be that this is Feng Yu's clue?
Ye Xiao took a closer look and found that Fengyu was inserted into a ring. He originally thought that Murong Nuohebo was holding Feng Yu, but only now did he find that Feng Yu was inserted into the ring and worn on his finger.

So to find Feng Yu, you must first find this ring. Ye Xiao groped around, and finally found clues on one of the stone bricks in all the walls near the screen.

He took a flashlight and carefully took a picture. There was a groove on it, only the size of a ring. It seemed to be the ring on Feng Yu, but where is the ring?

Ye Xiao turned his head and looked around, and the people from the archaeological team also looked over, "What's wrong with Xiaoye?"

"See if the ring is there!"

ring?The archaeologists were a little surprised, Ye Xiao added: "See if there is any ring, as long as you can find the ring, maybe you can find a way out."

Everyone was a little surprised, Ye Xiao reminded them, "See if there is a ring, there is a groove here, it seems that it is the place where the ring is inlaid."

Everyone became nervous when they heard it.

"When I was counting the items, I saw a ring, I'll look for it!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at the archaeologist. He rummaged through the notebook, found it in one of the wooden boxes, and then took it out with tweezers, "This is it."

Ye Xiao saw that after a thousand years, this ring is still so exquisite, it can even be seen that it is made of gold, and it is full of light, which makes Ye Xiao feel a little incredible.

The members of the archaeological team can also see that there is definitely a problem.

Netizens in the live broadcast room kept swiping their screens.

"I rely on it to be as good as new after thousands of years. What's the difference between this and the polished ones in gold shops?"

"Definitely a baby!"

Ye Xiao took it over and looked carefully, "No, is there anything else?"

This surprised everyone a little bit, didn't it?
"There must be a small hole on the ring where the phoenix feather can be inserted, the clue shown on the screen."

The archaeologists rummaged through the box for a long time before finally finding it, "Is this it? Look, it's a square ring with a dent on it. I thought it was a gemstone that fell off, but I didn't expect it to be the place where the phoenix feather was inserted."

Ye Xiao took it over, looked at it and nodded, this square ring was hollowed out, and the shape of the other shore flower was engraved on the ring, and the stamen in the middle was sunken, and the slender round tube was just for inserting the phoenix feather.

He immediately took the ring and embedded it on the wall.

The next moment, a space was exposed from the bottom to the top of the wall, and everyone was startled. Old Professor Zhou and the others stood up quickly, aiming all their weapons at the entrance, for fear that something would come out.

Accompanied by a rustling sound, people around were terrified, "This, is this a bug?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, "I didn't see any insects."

But the leaves flashing past inside the wall made Ye Xiao vigilant.

"Everyone get your flamethrowers ready."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly took out the flamethrower, "Did Xiaoye find something?"

Ye Xiao said seriously: "It seems that there are plants and vines, everyone be careful, there is something wrong with this place!"

When Ye Xiao said this, everyone was astonished. If it was a bug, they would burn it at worst, but if it was those plants, it would be difficult to deal with.

Maybe it's those particularly disgusting insects that live in symbiosis with plants, and then suck flesh and blood, which is really common in ancient tombs.

Ye Xiao frowned and glanced around. Everyone was alert, holding flamethrowers.

Although the fuel was running low, they scraped some pine oil at the beginning, but it was only for lighting, and it was still not enough to fight the enemy.

Ye Xiao looked around with a black gold ancient knife in his hand. The cracks in the walls were clean, and there was a distance of a finger's width. It seemed that it was forced into this appearance to allow plants to come and go freely.

I don't know if the owner of the tomb did it on purpose or what.

In short, Ye Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath here, it seemed that he had to fight with his back.

Ye Xiao lifted his feet and walked inside. This tomb was quite big, but it was different from the other tombs. There was a tripod in the middle, a second-generation bronze tripod!

Ye Xiao walked over quickly and took a photo with a flashlight. There were some dead branches, vines and a black mass inside, but he couldn't tell what it was.

But I also feel a little surprised, why is this here?
"It looks like an altar!"

"Look at the road under your feet, it seems to be a groove of blood!"

"It's too disgusting for me to rely on it. If this is the case, how many people will die!"

"I can imagine that I can see blood corpses!"

"Don't be crowed, what's the matter, this place doesn't even have a coffin, even if it's an altar, there must be offerings!"

"Look at the mirror in front of you!"

Everyone looked ahead, and there was a mirror hanging not far away, which seemed to be embedded in the wall.Ye Xiao looked at the stone pillar next to him. Is it a candlestick?
What kind of relationship is there between the candlestick mirror and the altar?

Ye Xiao raised his head to look in the direction of the top of the tomb, and took a photo with his flashlight, only to hear a swish, as if something had receded.

This scene made everyone shudder.

"There shouldn't be anything after it's over!"

"Xiaoye, I don't think it's easy here!"

"Yeah, it's kind of scary."

"No, let's quit. I don't feel right about this place."

"It's spooky. Could this be some dojo? It looks a little weird."

Ye Xiao also felt the same, but he had already entered, and there was no way to retreat.

At this time, Ye Xiao pointed the black gold ancient knife at the crack in the wall and inserted it in!
The next second there was a deafening roar, which made everyone terrified, squatting on the ground together, what the hell is this?

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