Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 664 Who is the ancient tomb to suppress?

As an archaeologist, the most important thing is to find out what you think in your heart and the secrets of the tomb. Any cultural relic shows the blank faults of this dynasty or even several dynasties. in the secret.

Seeing that old professor Zhou was walking forward, the rest of the people followed, and Ye Xiao walked up bit by bit on the bones. When he reached the top of the altar, he found a golden chessboard, There was nothing on it, which made Ye Xiao suddenly feel a little strange.

The chessboard is very abrupt, and this thing is placed on the altar, which is really unprecedented.

"Professor Zhou, what is this?"

Old Professor Zhou also climbed up at this time. It was the first time he stepped on the bones. The old professor still felt a little bad, but seeing Ye Xiao doing this, old Professor Zhou felt nothing.

Although the deceased is the most important, but this is a sacrifice, and there is so much blood, the resentment is extremely heavy, and there is no respect or disrespect.

Old Professor Zhou came up directly by stepping on it. At this moment, everyone followed suit. Seeing the golden chessboard on the altar, everyone was stunned.

Made of gold!

Everyone became a little curious, and hurriedly touched the chessboard, pushing Ye Xiao aside.

Ye Xiao nodded, "It is indeed made of gold. Tuyuhun is in business with the Western Persia, so gold, silver and those brightly colored offerings are indispensable."

At this time, when Ye Xiao said this, everyone understood.

"But what exactly does this golden chessboard symbolize?"

"Why did you set this up here? It's an altar, but now it's a golden chessboard. What the hell are you doing?"

"I don't think so, it's just a coincidence."

"What coincidence? This is clearly a game of chess, whoever wins can go out, I guess right?"

At this moment, everyone was a little nervous, but Ye Xiao looked at them and smiled, "Maybe, but maybe there is a possibility, but what we have to do is to solve this secret."

The chessboard is still made of gold. Does it have something to do with the tomb? Ye Xiao suddenly thought of the prayer wheel, turning it round and round. Does it have something to do with the chessboard?
He looked at it, there were no chess pieces, but he had to say that the workmanship was still very delicate, Ye Xiao suddenly had a flash of inspiration, he thought of it, this chessboard seemed to be a little bit wrong.

Generally speaking, there are 71 squares on a chess board, including Chu and Han, it is 72, but here there are 81, ninety-nine return to one, it is true!
Ye Xiao suddenly laughed, and when everyone saw Ye Xiao smiling, they became a little curious.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also curious.

"Every time Ye Dao smiles like this, I feel like he's planning a strategy."

"Could it be that Ye Dao came to this tomb before?"

"Don't say that, it's the first time for Ye. If he had been here before, he wouldn't have let the archaeological team sacrifice one in vain."

"That's right, every time Ye Dao strategizes, he always has a well-thought-out plan, so it looks like he's been here before, but it's actually the first time."

"Oh, I can't make it up anymore, I think he has been here, you see his smile is a bit weird."

"Ye Dao, please don't tell me that you have been here. If you do this, your image in my mind will be different!"

"What's the difference? He's not that handsome. Besides, Ye Dao is not an ordinary person. He comes from a family of tomb robbers. Although he has become a regular, he still has a reserve of knowledge."

Old Professor Zhou couldn't help asking: "Xiaoye, what did you find?"

Ye Xiao said in a deep voice: "Ninety-nine return to one, it can be confirmed that he has a relationship with Master Habu, maybe he has already started to deploy it earlier, but we didn't find out."

"If you look at all the pictures of these tombs together, you may be able to discover a secret."

"What secret?"

"All of them are above the dragon veins, and everything corresponding to them is used for longevity. The 81 chessboards are not used for ordinary chess, but correspond to ninety-nine return to one. Do you want to suppress something?"

Ye Xiao's words surprised everyone, "It's repression! Because I thought of the prayer wheel, if it is an ordinary ancient tomb, it shouldn't be like this. He is not a beast, but the whole thing is turned into a prayer wheel." The appearance of the prayer wheel. Didn’t you find it?”

"Now that I think about it, the whole thing is for suppression. It was rebuilt by later generations."

When Ye Xiao said this, they were immediately surprised, "Rebuild? Is it taking so much effort to suppress the owner of the tomb?"

Maybe it was to fight against Master Habu, that's why it happened like this. Whether it's the prayer wheel or these are for exorcising evil spirits, as for what exists in the tomb itself, have you ever thought of what Director Chen said? ? "

"Director Chen said that he came here to look for relics, long-lived relics, which are only available to eminent monks. Who would place the remains of eminent monks and relics in ancient tombs? This is clearly for the purpose of suppressing The ancient corpse in the tomb, I guess there must be a very powerful corpse here."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone was a little nervous, Gu worms are fine, but now there is another corpse, which makes them unacceptable. Even if they have weapons in their hands, they still think of the suppression Ye Xiao said. Immediately panicked.

"Xiaoye, what should we do now?"

Ye Xiao waved his hand: "Don't worry, we should have something to do, besides, it's useless to say anything at this time, so don't be in a hurry."

What Ye Xiao said made everyone less panicked for the time being.

Now that they have come here, the secret of unlocking the altar will be clear.

"Xiaoye, do you think it is to suppress the people in the crystal coffin?"

"In the beginning, Director Chen said that the crystal coffin was full of black air. After the black air dissipated, the corpse began to decompose. If he said so, we can explain it clearly along the way."

"The culprit is the corpse of the crystal coffin."

After Ye Xiao reminded everyone, it was true. If it wasn't for this, how could such a thing happen?
"If it's true, then it's over. We haven't had time to clean up the corpse. We just made a number. Will he come out of the coffin?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a vibrating sound and an air-like roar from the whole blood pool, which made everyone cover their ears, Ye Xiao frowned tightly, looked around and everyone was squatting on the ground , and then saw that there was a crack on the altar, and the chessboard was split into two. This made Ye Xiao startled?
Hurry up and take Professor Zhou and the others back the same way. No matter what you say, ensuring life is the most important thing, and this voice is obviously the voice of a blood corpse.

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