Hearing what he said, Ye Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath. In fact, what he said made some sense. If he really knew each other, he wouldn't be in such a mess for so many years.

Director Chen's wound was bandaged, his face was pale, and he closed his mouth without saying a few words.

Seeing his appearance, Ye Xiao frowned, "Go back the way you came!"

"Go back? I can't go back. I've already looked like this. If I go back again, I will definitely not be able to live! Xiaoye let me follow you. Anyway, I can still survive together. If I go out, it will be true. There is only one way to die."

When Ye Xiao heard what he said, he stopped talking immediately. In fact, what Director Chen said was also reasonable. He might be able to live with him right now, but if he really went out, he didn't know what would happen to him.

Ye Xiao nodded, and Director Chen grabbed him, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you in the future, I will be obedient."

As soon as he finished speaking, voices came from all directions, which made Director Chen terrified.

"He's here again!"

Ye Xiao looked around vigilantly, and silently calculated, there should be two of the four subordinates now.

Director Chen was really ruthless, four people turned into blood corpses at the same time, but he himself was safe and sound, it would be strange if there were no ghosts here!
Ye Xiao couldn't help feeling a bit of a headache from the roar of the blood corpse, and at the same time there was a rustling sound.

This makes everyone at a loss.

"Quickly get out!"

"Director Chen, take them to a safe place, I know you must know the map and route here!"

Director Chen had no choice but to ignore it right now, he could only listen to Ye Xiao and take them to a safe place first.

Seeing Director Chen like this at this moment, Ye Xiao also took a deep breath. Anyway, since he has come, he is a person in the same trench, and he must not be taken lightly.

As for Director Chen, he couldn't trust him, but right now he was going to lead everyone to find a way.

Director Chen quickly pressed a bulge at the bottom of the crystal coffin, and suddenly a hole appeared under the coffin. He pointed to the bottom, "I hid here from the beginning, so I didn't get bitten."

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help scolding, Director Chen is really not a joke!

"At first I thought he was a good man, but after being a tomb robber for a long time, he is a tomb robber, and he will never become a good man in his life!"

"Ye Xiao can still be trusted, this Director Chen is really not a joke."

"Do you think he will shoot Ye Xiao and the others halfway?"

"That's not the case, Director Chen himself can't help. What's more, who can deal with Ye Xiao? The big rice dumpling can't do anything to Ye Xiao."

At this time, everyone was rushing in, Ye Xiao was doing the last thing, when he saw the black shadow approaching, Ye Xiao took the flamethrower without hesitation, and shot a burst of flames, everyone could see clearly by the light of the fire, and they were immediately terrified.

In the flames, the blood corpse was blood red all over, and exuded a strange smell and bloody smell from its body, making it look extremely hideous.

All the skin on the face fell off. Seeing the living person rushing up immediately, and the lips are gone, just imagine what will happen to the muscles on the face without the support of the skin after the whole skin of the living person falls off?

The eyeballs of both eyes are particularly prominent under the blood wrap.

When the blood corpse saw the people here, it immediately rushed forward with its teeth bared. Ye Xiao raised his kick and hit him in the chest, kicking him away with a plop!

Then he jumped into the entrance of the cave, the mechanism was closed, and the cracks were tightly closed. Everyone hid in the cave, and heard the rustling sound from above, and the roar of blood corpses, as if they were right next to their ears. Startled.

Everyone was crowded in the hole, not daring to breathe out, the sound came from above their heads, for fear that there would be a hole where bugs would fall.

"Little Leaf?"

Ye Xiao stretched out a finger to signal them not to make a sound, and after about half an hour, the sound outside gradually stopped.

The roar of the blood corpse also gradually disappeared, and there seemed to be muffled groans of tearing and beating. Everyone was surprised, what kind of insect could scare the blood corpse?
After about half an hour, Ye Xiao glanced at Director Chen, "Organ."

Director Chen reacted, and pressed the round button beside him, click, click, the sound from above made Ye Xiao quickly pull the flamethrower and aim at the hole, for fear that some insects would jump in, and it would be bad if it was too late up.

At this time, everyone was also terrified, and their hearts were raised in their throats. As long as there is a bug here, they will definitely not survive.

But after coming out at this time, the inside of the hall was already covered with blood, and there was a strong smell of blood everywhere. The flashlight shone around, and when they saw that the blood corpse was divided into pieces and left with only bones, everyone was stunned by this scene. Then bent over and vomited.

The surrounding blood can be smelled through the gas mask, and they are so sick that they can't die.

"Xiaoye, this..."

Director Chen clutched his arm, blood was oozing from the wound, and his face was pale, "It seems that we still can't hide, three of the four died, Ye Xiao, let's go quickly, it will be a disaster if the blood corpse evolves Yes. And they are so powerful, you can’t do it alone. There is more than one blood corpse here, and those snakes and insects that appeared inexplicably, there are many organs inside!"

Director Chen only dared to tell the truth at this time, and he only believed after seeing Ye Xiao's skill that the previous live broadcasts were all true.

He always thought that the archaeological team edited it on purpose, but now it was his turn, Director Chen believed that all of this was true.

The reason why he didn't dare to say it before was because he was afraid that Ye Xiao would use him.

At this time, everyone slowly crawled out, seeing the scene in front of them, they all turned their heads to stare at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao shook his head, "Hurry up and get out of here, Director Chen, I don't need to say more, you lead the way, don't play tricks."

Director Chen didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly led them away, and returned to the corridor to start over, but saw that the entire corridor was densely packed with bones.

Everyone was astonished, and Ye Xiao was also a little confused. He didn't know when this happened?
Obviously it wasn't there when I came here before, Ye Xiao looked at the ground, then looked around, and reached out to touch the stone wall.

When they came over at first, Ye Xiao touched the stone wall and judged that there was liquid inside.

But now it's completely different, moss grows on the stone wall.

The wet tomb passage is somewhat inappropriate. There is water here, but the entire passage is covered with moss, which is unreasonable.

Ye Xiao couldn't figure it out. His eyes stayed on the moss, and he looked around. Everyone was amazed. No one thought that there were such things here.

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