Old Professor Zhou naturally knew what everyone meant, so he said in a deep voice: "Now we can only confirm that this is the costume of Tuyuhun, but the identity of the owner of the coffin is not yet sure, but being able to be buried with so many gold coins shows that his identity is quite Noble. But cultural relics are cultural relics after all, please don’t destroy them.”

Director Chen blushed when he said this, everyone looked at Director Chen, even the people in the live broadcast room understood what Old Professor Zhou meant, and laughed immediately.

"I rely on Chi Guoguo's discrimination!"

"It's Director Chen. It's time for you to review yourself. Why did Professor Zhou say that?"

"What else can Director Chen say? It's clearly aimed at him. Where did you hide those cultural relics before? Take them out as soon as possible, otherwise the archaeological team won't help you in a while!"

"It's Director Chen, since you want Ye Dao to protect you, you have to be sincere, right?"

Director Chen shivered while covering his buttocks, pointing at the people in the coffin, his face was pale, and he couldn't speak clearly.

"He He……"

Ye Xiao frowned tightly and looked at him, "What is he!"

"He seems to be moving!"

Everyone was shocked when he said this, and immediately pointed the weapon at the inside of the coffin. Old Professor Zhou was also surprised when he saw it, the corpse changed visibly with the naked eye.

Just now they were only looking at the clothes, but they hadn't seen the appearance of the corpse, but looking at it now, the corpse quickly began to weather.

Old Professor Zhou sighed, "It's nothing, it's weathered after entering the air, so don't make a fuss."

Everyone was relieved by Professor Zhou's words, and Ye Xiao nodded, "It's really weathered, look, this corpse is becoming more and more obvious. It shouldn't be what you saw at first."

Ye Xiao looked back at him while talking, and Director Chen looked confused: "Did you see it at first? No, I didn't see it at all at first, because it was full of black air. After the black air dissipated, we I didn't care about looking at the corpse, so I was scared away!"

Now Director Chen was so surprised that he couldn't speak, and he didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Ye Xiao couldn't help shaking his head, how dare he go to the grave with such courage?

I really admire Director Chen for using the name of filming to deceive so many people, he almost deceived himself.

Ye Xiao didn't say anything, just looked at Director Chen, and seeing his appearance, he suddenly frowned, and there was a rush of blood from the tip of his nose, he could not help but waved his hand, "Okay, stop talking, go and treat the wound yourself , lest the blood will attract those big rice dumplings in a while, it would be bad!"

Director Chen was startled, "Big zongzi? What is a big zongzi?"

Hearing this, the netizens in the live broadcast room became excited.

"Big zongzi? Are there zongzi in this place!"

"I think there should be. Otherwise, why would Ye Dao say that?"

"Ye's not joking, open the coffin quickly, otherwise you won't know what will become of the corpse in a while!"

At this time, the camera was focused on the coffin. Professor Zhou and the others were indeed about to open the coffin and take a closer look. Seeing this, Ye Xiao pushed open the lid of the coffin with them. The clothes started to turn black, and Professor Zhou and the others had no time to rescue them. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but sighed.

"what a shame!"

"Director Chen, when you came here, apart from black air, didn't you have anything else?"

Director Chen shook his head, endured the pain in the next second and pulled out the short arrow on his buttocks, blood gushing out all at once.

Professor Fang and the others helped to apply hemostatic medicine and bandage up again.

Director Chen looked a little funny, his butt was covered with thick gauze, and his trousers had a hole, but it was better than arrows stuck in it.

Fortunately, there was no poison on the arrow, otherwise Director Chen would have died long ago.

At this time, seeing the corpse in the coffin, Director Chen couldn't help sighing, "It's really a pity that there is nothing left!"

What makes him even more regretful is that the corpses in the coffin will also be numbered as cultural relics. It seems that he has nothing left this time.

Ye Xiao looked up at him, "Where are the cultural relics and things you stole before?"

Director Chen was startled, and then pointed to the corner, "They put them all together, but at the beginning I was separated from them. I didn't carry anything on me, and I don't know if they took these things away."

"Didn't you say that they have all been bitten? Since they were bitten, they should have been corpses, and it is basically impossible to touch cultural relics."

Ye Xiao directly exposed him.

A trace of panic flashed across Director Chen's face, and Ye Xiao couldn't help sneering when he saw it, and shone a flashlight into his eyes, "If you lie to me, you should know the consequences, you have Gu worms in your body, and now I see you again The blood will soon start eating and laying eggs in the direction of the blood, and your skin will start to rot after a while, and even the gods of Da Luo will not be able to save you!"

Hearing what he said, Director Chen suddenly became flustered. I have to say that Director Chen really couldn't stand the scare, and he couldn't hold it for a while. Seeing that the corpses in the coffin had changed, he was really afraid that he would also turn into a corpse. Getting up, he quickly fell to his knees with a plop, startling everyone.

"I was wrong. Let me tell you the truth. They were all brought in by me. I knew there would be dangers here, so I took them this way on purpose."

Everyone was surprised when he said this, "Director Chen, what did you say, you know this place!"

Ye Xiao stared at him closely, "Your family told you something, just say it, I will make a reference, if you don't say it now, there will be no chance again!"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, Director Chen nodded quickly, "I said, I'll tell you right now, I'll tell you everything! Actually, that's what my ancestors did. They said that there are immortal things in here, as long as you can find them in the coffin Shirley will do."

"The relic dug up outside is just a cover, I just want to let them know that there is a treasure in it, and lure the three of them to come in as bait."

"When my father and the others went before, they told me that there must be bait, otherwise they would die if they entered at the beginning, so I let them go there, pretending that there were valuable things there, but I didn't expect it to be so scary down here! "

As soon as Director Chen finished speaking, there were some small voices in the darkness. Ye Xiao immediately turned his head and took a flashlight to look around, but unfortunately he didn't find it.

But even so, this change surprised everyone, "Xiaoye, what did you find?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, stretched out his hand to his lips and hissed, telling everyone not to talk to each other. Everyone gathered in the middle to protect the archaeological team, and the flashlight shone in all directions.

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