command headquarters
seminar hall

The experts present also suddenly remembered watching this episode.

So immediately, Professor Zhou looked at Ye Xiao and asked:
"But I remember, Professor Yang and the others heard the sound of copper bells at the end of the illusion! What's going on?"

Old Professor Zhou stroked his chin, frowning in thought.

And Ye Xiao thought about it for a while, and immediately "found the answer", he immediately murmured:

"The big one is the bell, the small one is the bell!"

"Since the bell was born, it has always played a role in alerting the world, and so is the bell!"

"In the illusion, the subconscious minds of Professor Yang and others actually know that everything in front of them is fake!"

"But their brains have firmly believed that everything in this illusion is real! So the subconscious cannot wake it up!"

"And bells and bells are a kind of subconscious illusion... a way to wake them up!"

"It's just that at that time, the effect of the mirage powder just faded, so they finally heard the bell and woke up!"


Many experts present fell into deep thought again.

Ye Xiao nodded with a smile, and couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

Although he seems to have made up so many absurd passages in order to conceal the fact of the red heart copper bell.

But in all fairness, the so-called "mirage powder" and "awakening of the subconscious mind" are all real.

The only facts that Ye Xiao changed were those related to the Chixin Brass Bell.

"It's not a lie, it's a white lie at best!"

Ye Xiao nodded slowly, and then hinted to himself again in his heart: "Yes, that's right! A white lie!"


Under the tomb
The members of the archaeological team have finished their rectification at this time, and they are observing and observing the seven people in the hall.

The seven coffins were placed in a random place, and it was indeed a bit weird to look at.

But after careful observation, even Professor Yang didn't know what the meaning of the arrangement of the seven coffins was.

All of a sudden, many archaeologists frowned around the seven coffins.

"Professor, why don't we... just open the coffin?"

Among the team, an archaeologist suggested.

Everyone fell into silence when they heard the words.

Opening the coffin is indeed an intuitive method of verification without knowing the reality of the coffin.

But now, is it really necessary to open the coffin?
Everyone can't help but ask themselves.

For a moment, the entire hall fell into silence.

In archaeological work, opening the coffin is undoubtedly a very prudent matter.

You must know that the corpses in the coffin have been decomposing for thousands of years, and it is generally impossible to say that they are completely degraded.

The germs contained in it are hard to guard against.

Opening the coffin without enough equipment is likely to lead to death.

Similar to a pyramid.

The experts who entered the pyramid and opened the coffin rashly to study the mummies all died violently without exception.

Many people say that this is because of the curse of Pharaoh.

But in fact, it is because of the special production method of mummies that they have been in the coffin for thousands of years and have produced various terrifying bacteria.

And the few experts who opened the coffin rashly died inexplicably because they came into contact with this kind of bacteria.

And right now, these seven coffins are no exception.

If the archaeological team rashly opened the seven sarcophagi, some unpredictable accidents might happen.

In addition to these, the dangers that are naturally caused.

In addition, in order to prevent being disturbed, many people will set up organs in the inner and outer coffins when they place the ancient coffins.

If anyone wanted to open the coffin, he would definitely be hit by the mechanism at the coffin and die.

These coffins are placed so strangely that they don't know what mystery exists in them.

If it weren't for the fact that they had been in an illusion before, they walked straight into this hall in a daze.

Otherwise, the archaeological team would not easily enter this hall before they figured out the reality of these coffins.

And now, this is why everyone in the archaeological team fell silent.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw that Professor Yang and others seemed to be about to open the coffin, they couldn't help being very excited.

The live broadcast room also immediately became boiling.

"Open the coffin! Oh my God! Can you still see this scene in your lifetime?"

"Hiss! Why, when it comes to opening the coffin, I can't help but feel chills all over my body! Goosebumps are rising!"

"To be honest, I am a little too! I was a little curious and excited when I heard the opening of the coffin! But now that the opening is approaching, I am still a little uncomfortable!"

"Hiss! Nothing really happened, right? I'm a little panicked!"

"Opening the coffin is very dangerous, what do you think? In short, you have to make a lot of preparations, otherwise it is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out because of opening the coffin!"


The audience in the live broadcast room, whether they are knowledgeable or not, are all talking about it.

The live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

In the seminar hall,

In front of the conference table, Professor Zhou also received instructions from Professor Yang.

Immediately, Professor Zhou was in command of the archaeological team under the tomb, and joined forces with the experts on the tomb.

Together, they reconstructed the positions of the seven sarcophagi in the main hall one by one, and drew them on the paper.

And when they saw the content on the paper, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

Looking at the paper again, it was a pattern of seven stars!
That is to say...

These seven copper coffins are placed one by one in the position of the Big Dipper!
Seeing this scene, whether it was Professor Yang and others under the tomb, or Professor Zhou and other experts at the seminar.

All fell into deep doubts.

This is the first time they have seen the arrangement of the coffin.

What is the meaning of placing the coffin in the way of the Big Dipper?
For a moment, the entire hall fell into silence.

Obviously, Professor Zhou and the others didn't know the significance of the arrangement of the sarcophagus.

Under the tomb, Professor Yang and the others also evacuated away from where the sarcophagi were located.

Generally speaking, if the sarcophagus in the tomb is placed in this way, or it has some special meaning.

Or it was used to deal with tomb robbers.

After careful consideration, everyone in the archaeological team chose to suspend the investigation for the sake of safety, and they will take action after the seminar gives an action plan.

In the seminar hall, Professor Zhou and other experts all started to get busy after a brief silence.

Either flipping through notes, or querying information, or discussing in twos and threes.

Its purpose is all because of this seven-star sarcophagus.

However, among this group of experts, the leader, Professor Zhou, did not participate in the search for information.

After being silent for a while, he resolutely walk towards Ye Xiao.

So immediately, Old Professor Zhou picked up the materials at the table, and slowly walked towards Ye Xiao who was sitting at the conference table, who was bored interacting with the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Little Ye!"

Old Professor Zhou smiled kindly and shouted.

Ye Xiao turned his head in a daze, not knowing why.

Seeing this, Old Professor Zhou said again:

"In this hall, the seven coffins are arranged in the way of the Big Dipper. It seems a bit strange?!"

This sentence seemed to be the old professor Zhou talking to himself, and it seemed to be speaking to Ye Xiao.

However, Ye Xiao didn't make any reaction, just pretended not to hear.

To be honest, Ye Xiao knows the reality of the seven-star coffin!

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