Master Habu is an obvious example, since thousands of years ago, no one knows whether he is too greedy or a worm has selfishness.

If he hadn't seen through Master Habu, he wouldn't have walked out so smoothly.

Ye Xiao even began to wonder whether Master Habu couldn't bear it and wanted to die, or the mother worm couldn't control it anymore, but he didn't want to know all this, he just breathed a sigh of relief.

After Professor Zhou and the others resolved the matter, they reported it directly, and Tianshan Mountain will also be sealed off and the entire town will be moved out.

Anyone who has anything to do with Tianshan Mountain was arrested, and the follow-up matters were handed over to the police.

This is not something that Ye Xiao and the others can overcome, and Zhang Rulong also returned to the garrison with his people.

This time, it is natural for them to go back and reward them for their achievements. Before leaving, Zhang Rulong patted Ye Xiao, "When there is a chance, I will not get drunk with you!"

"Don't worry, I'll go find you when I'm done!"

Life and death brothers, that's it.

Zhang Rulong waved his hand and led others to say goodbye to him. Ye Xiao took a deep breath and left with Professor Zhou and the others.

After arriving at the place, the archaeological team naturally returned to normal, and Ye Xiao was also thinking about his future destination.

Old Professor Zhou invited him to the archaeological team, and Ye Xiao thought for a while that he was not a person who could sit in an office, not to mention that he did all these things just to find out the secrets, and he was a little confused about his official work or archaeology.

After returning to the familiar hut, Ye Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. Old Professor Zhou gave him a week to think about it. Ye Xiao frowned tightly. It is not impossible to go to work, which means that most of the future Time is running around on the road, and some ancient tomb will pop up in a while, and he has to go there.

So Ye Xiao was also thinking about it at this time, he looked at his hut, luckily he made an appointment with the part-time worker to clean it before he came back, otherwise the house would be unlivable.

At this time, Ye Xiao was bored watching the TV show, when an unfamiliar number called, Ye Xiao frowned, and after connecting, a strange voice came from the opposite side.

"Is it Ye Xiao? I'm Chen Sheng, the director, and I want to meet with you to talk about movies. Are you free?"

Hearing what he said, Ye Xiao immediately raised his eyebrows, "Movie?"

"Well, tomb robbers, are you free?"

Ye Xiao originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, the director sincerely invited him, and he could have multiple choices when he came back, so he agreed.

"Okay, yes."

Chen Sheng was very happy, "Then I will send you the address later."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Xiao's eyes lit up. He hadn't decided to go to the archaeological team yet, but now Director Chen's call came, which gave Ye Xiao a new task.

He feels that sometimes writing books and making movies may be more enjoyable than going to the archaeological team, but the two cannot have both.

The work of the archaeological team may also be kept, after all, it is a formal establishment, and entering the establishment is the kingly way these days.

Ye Xiao smiled and tidied up immediately, and went directly to a nearby tea restaurant according to the address. After arriving, Director Chen waved at him from afar, "Xiao Ye, come here!"

Ye Xiao hurried over, the impression that Director Chen was in his sixties now, he was extremely thin, but his eyes were piercing, and he was even more excited when he saw Ye Xiao.

"Xiaoye, I watched your live broadcast and was really amazed, it's amazing!"

Ye Xiao smiled, "It's nothing, it all depends on the background of the peers, plus everyone's cooperation."

"I think this one of yours has great potential. If you want to make it into a movie, how about it? I've collected all of your live broadcasts since then!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Xiao was taken aback immediately, "Making this movie?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid you don't have much money to follow the archaeological team this time. Filming is different, and you can cash it out immediately. I'll prepare props and costumes for you, so you don't have to worry about everything."

Hearing what Director Chen said, Ye Xiao couldn't help laughing, "Director Chen, are you kidding me?"

"Why am I kidding you with this? I am more optimistic about this theme. Now the screen is full of love material, or it is patriotic or something. If I want to find another way to open this, it must be very popular, and it can be done whether it is a movie or a TV series. of."

"Xiaoye, think about it carefully and tell me in time."

Ye Xiao took a deep breath. He didn't know that what Director Chen was filming was his experience. If this was the case, he would have to get the approval of the higher authorities!
Ye Xiao shook his head, "I'm afraid it's not very convenient."

"Why is it inconvenient?"

"Because I have promised Professor Zhou to join the archaeological team, it would be bad if I came out to shoot this."

Director Chen wondered what was the matter, and said with a smile: "What's so difficult about it, we also need people from the archaeological team as consultants for this film, so we can just hire you as a consultant."

As expected of Director Chen, he immediately thought of a solution. When Ye Xiao heard him say this, he raised his eyebrows. What he said made sense.

At this time, Chen Sheng saw his appearance, and immediately laughed, "Think about it, as a consultant, those who run in and out with us are also paid."

"In addition to this matter, the members of your archaeological team should also know, so I don't need to say anything more, everyone knows it well, and it's enough to live with face, you don't have to worry."

"Now you are the only one. If you agree to this matter, I can do it right away. What do you think?"

"Xiao Ye, I am very optimistic about you. Recently, you don't know that you have become popular all over the Internet, and everyone calls you Ye Dao. I want to see if you Ye Dao can guide me.

There is such a shortage of domestic movie themes now, and only you have emerged as a sudden force, I just want to move it to the big screen! "

Hearing what Director Chen said, Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows. In fact, he didn't care too much about it. After all, this matter can make money and it is his old profession, so he is naturally willing.

But for Old Professor Zhou, Ye Xiao thought for a while and said, "I'll report to the higher-ups, and then I'll reply to you, but you still have to pay attention to framing, after all, there are many places."

"Don't worry, what we want are people with acting skills, and this time the subject matter is very special, there will be no ghosts and gods, but those things will definitely be kept, and I need all the climax plots and so on. As a member of the archaeological team,

You should be very clear about the cultural relics below. I will not customize and imitate them, and the prop master will go all out to cooperate. As long as you agree, you can join the group now. "

Chen Sheng was not bragging when he said this. He had already started planning when Ye Xiao went to Laoshan. When Ye Xiao came back, he would call him as soon as possible. He even went to the archaeological team. I read it, that's why I contacted Ye Xiao like this.

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