In an instant, all the experts present remembered when Ye Xiao shook the copper bell just now.

Although they didn't hear the sound, they clearly saw the slight pause in the movements of the archaeological team.

I wanted to come here before, because I didn't hear the bell, I thought it was just a coincidence.

But now it seems... this is no accident!

The ringtone in Ye Xiao's hand is definitely tricky!

For a while, even the old professor Zhou at the conference table couldn't help but feel hot in his heart after he figured it out.

After the audience in the live broadcast room figured it out, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly became choppy.

"Damn it! The copper bell in Ye Dao's hand is really useful!"

"I thought it was a bell that couldn't make a sound, but it really has the effect of breaking the illusion!"

"What's the matter? Didn't the copper bell in Ye Xiao's hand make no sound? Why can everyone in the archaeological team hear it?"

"I'm afraid, you have to ask Ye Xiao to know the answer!"

"I was shocked! I was really shocked! What is the origin of the bell in Ye Dao's hand?"

"Could it be that this is some kind of artifact that Daedou went to the grave?"

"Looking at the age of this thing, it's been a long time ago! Could it be... some kind of treasure handed down from Ye Xiao's family? This kind of work is also passed down from generation to generation?"


The audience in the live broadcast room started to speculate.

While Ye Xiao was sitting at the conference table, sipping tea nervously, when he suddenly saw the "passed down from generation to generation" screen, he immediately sprayed it.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Choking on the tea, Ye Xiao took a while to recover.

Instead, Ye Xiao put down his teacup and explained solemnly:

In fact, Ye Xiao really wanted to say, "The person who said it was passed down from generation to generation, please send me the address, and I'll come find you!"

But after all, Ye Xiao is not a rude person, so he explained:

"My family's grandparents have been serious workers and peasants for generations, it's not a job passed down from generation to generation!"

Immediately, Ye Xiao scanned the experts present.

However, they found that even though Ye Xiao had put away the copper bell, the eyes of the experts on Ye Xiao became extremely fiery.

It seems... Treating Ye Xiao as a peerless treasure just unearthed,
Or looking at a superpower with an immortal body, and wanting to pack it on the dissection table at any time, and dissect it wantonly.

This feeling made Ye Xiao shudder.

Old Professor Zhou pondered for a while, then walked towards Ye Xiao with a bright smile on his face.

Ye Xiao stared at old professor Zhou warily, and when he saw his smile, he felt vigilant in his heart.

"Cough cough!"

Old Professor Zhou pretended nothing happened, coughed twice, and continued:
"Hehe, Xiaoye, don't be nervous, take it easy!"

Ye Xiao didn't speak, but stared at Old Professor Zhou with a full face of wariness, and took half a step back on his hind legs, ready to "retreat" at any time.

Seeing this, Old Professor Zhou had no choice but to pretend to be nonchalant and coughed lightly again, then slowly stepped forward and said:

"Xiaoye, your red copper bell... It seems that one has been unearthed before!"

As he spoke, Professor Zhou slowly stroked his chin with his index finger, then looked at Ye Xiao again, and said:
"I said why does it feel familiar! Can you show it to me?"

As he spoke, a smile once again appeared on Old Professor Zhou's face.

However, in Ye Xiao's view, this is undoubtedly the smile of the big bad wolf.

Ye Xiao was very cautious.

Of course, Ye Xiao was not worried that Chixin Tongling would never come back.

After all, the experts present were all public figures, and they were also conducting a national live broadcast.

Of course he doesn't have to worry about this kind of thing.

But you must know that this red heart copper bell is a reward from the system after all.

If there is a problem detected, Ye Xiao really doesn't know how to explain it.

So immediately, Ye Xiao had no choice but to smile and decline:

"Professor Zhou, I bought this copper bell in the antique market in my spare time. It's nothing special!"

Ye Xiao smiled, waved his hands, and then added another sentence, saying:
"It's just a handicraft, nothing special!"

When Professor Zhou heard this, the smile on the corner of his mouth remained undiminished.

Of course he wouldn't believe Ye Xiao's words.

They had all seen such a magical copper bell before.

Obviously there was no sound, but through the wireless headset, the archaeologists under the tomb heard the ringtone in the illusion.

And the ringtone also helped everyone in the archaeological team break the illusion.

Saved the entire archaeological team.

If you say that this copper bell is nothing special, I am afraid no one will believe it now.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but start booing one after another, and the whole live broadcast room was extremely lively for a while.

"Ah, this, this, this... Why does Professor Zhou's smile look a bit like a big bad wolf!"

"What? Is Ye a Little Red Riding Hood? Hahahaha!"

"Laughing like crazy! Looking at old Professor Zhou like this, why is it a bit like a child kidnapper?"

"The copper bell in Ye Dao's hand is definitely not ordinary! It is definitely a magic weapon that can help people break the illusion!"

"It's okay, which of you heard the ringtone just now? Didn't you hear it? Maybe it's just a coincidence or not?"


command headquarters
seminar hall

Old Professor Zhou looked at Ye Xiao with a smile, and was about to speak again.

Ye Xiao was the first to "take out" a simple red copper bell from his waist pocket.

On the copper bell, a little bit of blood rust is extraordinary.

Many experts present, including Professor Zhou Lao.

The moment he saw this copper bell, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help breathing a lot.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the entire live broadcast room suddenly became a little weird.

Ye Xiao looked at the people present with "wolves and tigers" eyes, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly, saying:

"This is really just an ordinary copper bell!"

As he spoke, Ye Xiao picked up the copper bell and hung it in the air, shaking it gently.

Ye Xiao could hear the cheerful and light ringtone.

Every sound made Ye Xiao's mind clearer and cleared away some distracting thoughts.

But compared to the other experts present and the audience in the live broadcast room, Ye Xiao seemed to be performing a pantomime.

They couldn't hear the sound of any red heart copper bells at all.

Old Professor Zhou also frowned tightly, staring at the red copper bell in Ye Xiao's hand, his brows twisted into the shape of "Chuan".

He murmured:

"Strange, this copper bell is simple in style, it looks a bit like... an artifact from the Three Kingdoms period?"

As he said that, Old Professor Zhou let the flow take its course, and stretched out his hand towards the copper bell in Ye Xiao's hand.

Seeing this, Ye Xiao withdrew his hand back like an electric shock.

Old Professor Zhou had no choice but to sneer and touch his nose.

Ye Xiao stared at Old Professor Zhou vigilantly, then spread the copper bell in his palm again, and said:

"This copper bell is just a defective product. The copper tongue inside has been lost, and it is impossible to make a sound!"

With that said, Ye Xiao raised the red heart copper bell and let the camera take a close-up.

Old Professor Zhou also saw the emptiness inside the Chixin copper bell.

Sure enough, there is no copper tongue!

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