The young man coughed twice. It was obvious that his body could no longer hold on, but he still sat on the jade chair and laughed while watching the scene in front of the computer.

It has been a while since he came down, and all the people around him have been driven out to prevent them from coming in, and they will send food and water when the time comes.

Master Habu was already used to this way of working and resting, but Ye Xiao and the others decided to sleep on the ground at this time to recharge their batteries.

This made Master Habu a little impatient, and he quickly recruited his subordinates, "Create a little problem for him, let him understand that it is impossible to sleep, as long as they are here, they will definitely not be able to sleep."

"But my lord, if this happens, we will suffer heavy losses. Ye Xiao and the others are not joking!"

Master Habu laughed immediately, "It's none of my business, you can figure it out for yourself, whether you can make him obey his orders is your ability."

Hearing what the Lord said, the people under his hands immediately understood.

"Lord, don't worry, we will definitely be able to handle it!"

He turned around and went out, Master Ha Bu couldn't help laughing, "Ye Xiao, what do I see you do this time?"

"All the lines are designed by me, you are stepping into my trap step by step!"

"Let's see how long you can protect them. A bunch of trash living is a waste of food. Why should you follow Ye Xiao?"

He just couldn't understand this group of people, so he changed the mechanism a little bit.

When he buried all those people back then, he had already vowed to be a master.

I will never allow myself to be slaughtered or bullied by others, and it is the same now.

He has gone through so many dynasties, and he has already accumulated his contacts.

No matter where it is, he is confident that he can handle the whole process.

But at this moment, the subordinates who were ordered to go out to meet Ye Xiao began to talk about it happily.

"What do you mean by the lord? We are here to find trouble for Ye Xiao. Do you want him to live or die?"

"The Lord asked us to create some difficulty for each other. I guess it's just for fun, and it won't kill people."

"After all, Ye Xiao is still useful to the master. As for the others, they will die if they die!"

Ye Xiao is resting his eyes with his eyes closed. They have been down for a while, and the old professor Zhou has not contacted them.

It should be safe outside, so Ye Xiao can lie here to rest and recharge his energy.

In any case, we must persevere until the end. Only when we see Master Habu will we be completely at ease.

Ye Xiao tightly closed his eyes, but there was a slight noise in his ears, which made him wake up immediately.

But the people around hadn't noticed yet, they were all tired from exploring the tomb for a long time, and there was still snoring in the hall, Ye Xiao didn't disturb them.

Besides, it was inevitable that they didn't find out for a while, but Ye Xiao looked around and couldn't help standing up.

The rest of the people hadn't reacted yet, and he was the only one walking around in the hall, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

He had already seen it the moment he woke up, there was definitely something wrong here.

Sure enough, voices came from outside after a while, just right!

He couldn't help laughing, it seemed that the mouse had come in anyway.

He quickly hid aside, when someone came over and threw a smoke bomb inside, and Ye Xiao broke through the door in the next second!

He knocked down one of them directly, and before the other could react, Ye Xiao pierced his foot with a short knife and nailed him to the ground!

The screams immediately woke everyone up, and they ran out quickly.

"what happened?"

Ye Xiao said calmly: "It's nothing, it's just a few mice caught, everyone come over and have a look."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone ran over, and everyone laughed when they saw this scene, "What kind of clothes are you wearing? Is it a mercenary? Or a member of Master Habu?"

"It's not all the same!"

Ye Xiao kicked the man he stabbed, he was in so much pain that he couldn't speak.

"He sent you here to cause trouble for me, didn't he?"

"I just can't stand me resting, so I want to come here at any time to make trouble, I want to make us exhausted, and finally eat it after playing enough, right?"

Hearing Ye Xiao explain the mystery directly, those people were a little dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xiao saw it.

At this time, Ye Xiao smiled and kicked him: "Hurry up, don't pretend to be like me! Tell me where Master Habu is and take us there!"

Ye Xiao's words caused these people to stop talking at that time, but he smiled, "Do you know what's in here?"

"The most common ones here are insects and snakes. You said that if I cast you to the place where the golden cicada spider is, will you be swallowed up immediately?"

"Don't say I didn't take care of you, this is beyond my ability to solve, as long as you promise to take us to find Master Habu, I promise to let you go."

"I will never make it difficult for you after finding Master Habu, otherwise I will throw you down immediately and let you know what regret is!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately became frightened. There were only three of them, but Ye Xiao and the others had around ten people.

If it was really hard, the consequences would be unimaginable, and several people immediately became scared.

"I can not!"

"Aren't you afraid to go against him, or you don't dare to go against me! If you don't dare to go against Master Habu, I'll kill you now?"

"If you don't dare to talk to me, you can come with me, otherwise you will look good in a while."

Ye Xiao held the ancient black gold knife against his neck, and suddenly these people became a little scared, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, the big cameraman's lens was aimed at them.

"Did you see it, everyone has seen it now, you can't escape, why don't you explain it to me obediently, otherwise you will only have a dead end!"

These people were persecuted by Ye Xiao, and they had no other choice but to beg for mercy with Ye Xiao, "Okay, take you there, why not take you there?"

Ye Xiao laughed at that time, and everyone around was overjoyed when they saw this.

"It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!"

"I thought I had to go further, but I didn't expect to see it so soon."

At this time, Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows: "Let's go."

These people limped and led the way. After the companion gave him a simple bandage, he dragged his shoes and walked forward.

Ye Xiao didn't take it seriously at all, it was nothing to him at all.

These guys, if it weren't for them, how could I not be sleepy, it was all caused by them!

Master Habu didn't expect these guys to be so stupid and be caught so soon. Seeing Ye Xiao like this now, Master Habu couldn't help laughing.

This guy is really smart, but unfortunately, even seeing him can't change anything.

He couldn't wait to see him soon.


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