At this time, everyone became a little nervous, and the more they walked down, the more frightened they felt. The chill at the beginning swept over again, and everyone was amazed by it.

They didn't feel any cold when dealing with the answering bug.

At that time, there was fire and beating, and my whole body was full of energy, and I didn't expect to be cold at all.

But looking at it now, something is really not quite right.

"Xiaoye, why do I feel that the more I walk, the colder it gets, and the chill suddenly arises again?"

"If the issue just now has been resolved, how can such a thing happen now?"

"Shouldn't you be in the place where the Yin gathers?"

"Yo, little words come in sets!"

Ye Xiao shook his head, he didn't understand what happened, maybe the feng shui in the ancient tomb had changed, the further down he went, the colder he felt.

After walking from top to bottom for such a long time, the drop in a straight line is almost [-] meters.

Cold is also normal.

At this moment when Ye Xiao heard the words, he immediately frowned, and then glanced ahead, "Let's all take a rest after walking down, it's been a long time, if we don't rest, we won't be able to bear this."

"Maybe it's because I'm so tired that I feel cold."

After coming down, it was dark, and everyone didn't know how many days had passed. Now that they heard Ye Xiao say this, everyone nodded, thinking that it really made sense?

At this moment, everyone walked down all the way in one go. After passing through the steps, they walked to the front and saw a spacious square.

This made everyone a little surprised, how was such a large square built?
And it's so deep underground, if you want to transport the stone bricks in one by one, I don't know how much energy it will take.

But considering that the owner of the tomb should be a powerful person, this trivial matter is not a problem for him.

But Ye Xiao didn't take it lightly, he directly checked the stone bricks under his feet to make sure that there was no fire ladybug underneath, so he was relieved.

Everyone also leaned together to rest, leaving two people on duty, and everyone took turns.

Ye Xiao set an alarm clock for himself, and slept for two hours to replenish his energy. If this continues, he may not be able to do so.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also staring at the screen, for fear of missing something.

But for them, even staring at the screen can't help.

In case something happens, there is no way to remind them, so now the netizens have all retreated.

There are also some diehard fans standing in front of the screen.

After Ye Xiao lay down, he fell asleep. Seeing that Ye Xiao and the others were fast asleep, the fans felt relieved.

"I rely on being able to protect Ye Dao to sleep, that is such a happy thing!"

"I'm not the only one of you perverts!"

"Of course, Ye Dao has worked so hard all the way! It's good for us to watch him sleep."

"As long as being able to fall together with Ye is the greatest happiness in my life!"

"My mother, I'm about to throw up, you don't deserve it!"

"Only at this time can I feel the charm of Ye Dao, he is so handsome even when he is asleep!"

"Can you invite all these rogue women out!"

"It's up to you! The operation of the patron saint begins now!"

Netizens became excited one after another. Ye Xiao didn't know, but felt that it hadn't been long since he just lay down.

A familiar voice sounded in his head.

"Ding~ It is detected that the host is approaching in danger, so make a quick choice."

"One, be a salted fish and lie flat, and two, stand up and kill the enemy, and you can get a soul calling bell."

Hearing this voice, Ye Xiao opened his eyes without hesitation and chose the second, of course he rose up to kill the enemy, isn't this a joke?
If the salted fish can get out alive, it's fine to be a salted fish, but now is obviously not the time.

Ye Xiao was so stupid to cry by this system, this dog system has been upgraded now, and it can warn of danger, but that's fine.

With his reminder, there is no problem at all. He chose the second option without hesitation, then grabbed the black gold ancient knife, and stood up suddenly. The sound made the person on duty startled!
"what happened?"


Ye Xiao's voice immediately awakened everyone, everyone got up, and the netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

"What's going on? You just got up within 10 minutes after lying down?"

"Ye Dao Shenren! Just squinted for a while?"

"Ye Dao has a special constitution, but this is too special, don't you need to sleep?"

The others got up in a daze, and were a little dumbfounded when they saw Ye Xiao vigilant around him.

"What's wrong with Ye Xiao?"

"what's the situation?"

"He said it was dangerous, maybe he misread it?"

"It's absolutely impossible. If we lie down here, we will be in danger? Why didn't I hear anything!"

Ye Xiao shook his head, the system would not lie to him, not to mention that he had already got the summoning bell, so how could there be any mistakes?
There is an exquisite bell lying on the system page, faintly glowing with golden light, Ye Xiao can't mistake it.

There must be something wrong with this matter, he looked around and said, "Everyone, let's see what is wrong with his physique, he didn't even notice it.

But at this time, everyone became vigilant and did not dare to be careless. Ye Xiao said that if there is danger, then there must be danger. He is so powerful that he will definitely not be wrong.

Zhang Rulong looked at the huge square and had a question, "What do you think this square is used for? Is it used for sacrifices? But there is nothing there!"

"If it's just a palace, this place is more majestic than other palaces!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Xiao also remembered that they saw many things along the way, but nothing like this before them.

This made everyone a little surprised, the entrance of the palace is so big, it doesn't look like an ancient tomb.

Even if it is so spacious, is there any valuable treasure in this palace?
Ye Xiao frowned tightly.

All they heard was a sudden sharp sound in the darkness, which instantly made their faces turn pale with fright.

The voice was sharp and terrifying, and everyone's scalps went numb when they heard the fright.

"What is that voice!"

"What the hell is this?"

If there were snakes or insects, they would not be afraid, and the worst would be to use fire, but now this voice came out from the darkness, piercing through the entire ancient tomb, making their hair stand on end.

The voice was a bit like that of a night owl, but it was very high-pitched, and everyone was a little scared.

They all leaned together and pulled the bolt, and at this moment the sound came again.

This time Ye Xiao heard clearly, it was more than ten meters to the right, getting closer!
Ye Xiao pulled out the ancient black gold knife, the blade was extremely sharp, and with a flash of cold light, it slashed across with a bang!
He only heard a muffled groan, and the thing suddenly ran away, seeing this figure Ye Xiao frowned, dwarf?
Not like!

And the knife was still bleeding, and everyone was dumbfounded seeing this scene.

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