Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 58 The Place where the Seven Fairies Live——The Pavilion of the Seven Fairies

Hearing this, Ye Xiao thought for a while, but then slowly shook his head.

When Professor Zhou and the other experts heard this, they couldn't help being slightly stunned, and they were even more confused.

He said just now that there is space behind the wall, but now he is shaking his head?
However, when all the experts present were at a loss, Ye Xiao's voice sounded again.

"Behind this wall, there is more than one layer of space! I don't know the details!"

Ye Xiao pondered slightly, and said.

When the experts present heard the words, they couldn't help but glance at Ye Xiao in surprise.

Old Professor Zhou was puzzled: "More than one level of space?"

Ye Xiao nodded and said, "That's right, the space behind the wall... the structure should be more complicated!"

Ye Xiao didn't directly tell the whole story what the space behind the wall looks like.

In his spare time just now, Ye Xiao relied on the "Sixteen-Character Fengshui Yin-Yang Secret Art" to map the location of the fengshui pattern of the yin house to the location of the archaeological team.

Ye Xiao's body has been transformed by Qilin's ancient blood, and his memory has also increased a lot.

So the route that the archaeological team traveled in the tomb just now basically formed a map of the ancient tomb in Ye Xiao's mind.

It's just that the place where the archaeological team has never set foot is still a fog.

After the transformation of the feng shui of the yin house, combined with the 36 heavenly gangs in the heaven and the 72 earth evils corresponding to the 36 palaces and 72 halls.

Ye Xiao roughly calculated that behind this door seemed to be the place where the Seven Fairies lived in the Heavenly Court - the Pavilion of the Seven Immortals!

In the depths of the Seven Immortal Pavilion, there is even a peach garden planted with countless flat peach trees.

Legend has it that flat peaches bloom once a thousand years, bear fruit once a thousand years, and mature once a thousand years!

If a mortal eats a freshly ripe flat peach, he will gain eternal life and live the same life as the sky.

And if you eat a flat peach that has matured for 500 years, you will be able to directly ascend to the sky and achieve immortality.

A person like Emperor Jiajing, whose obsession with longevity has almost reached the point of obsession, certainly has a strong obsession with Pantaoyuan.

So behind this wall, there must be a blessed land with a unique cave.

As for the specific reason...Ye Xiao didn't really come here, so he didn't know.

But at this time, the old professor Zhou who was on the side heard the words, thinking that it was because Ye Xiao couldn't tell what he had been here before and what he saw, so he found an excuse to prevaricate.

Immediately, Old Professor Zhou suddenly realized, and smiled meaningfully.

Looking at Ye Xiao, his expression also became weird, with a look of "I understand, I understand you".

It made Ye Xiao confused.

Immediately afterwards, Old Professor Zhou regained his composure, and turned to Ye Xiao again, saying:
"If that's the case...then how do we enter the space behind the wall?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the rest of the people immediately focused on Ye Xiao.

In fact, when Ye Xiao was responding to the feng shui of the yin house, he discovered that the opening of the feng shui existed at a position nine inches high on the right wall.

As for the specific location, Ye Xiao did not observe it on the spot, so it was not easy to judge.

So, Ye Xiao said, "Let them check the wall on the right, about 30 centimeters above the ground, and see if they can find the mechanism!"

After all, Ye Xiao took the place at the conference table and continued to sip tea leisurely.

In fact, it wasn't because Ye Xiao was thirsty.

Really, the tea leaves in this seminar are too top-notch!
After taking a sip, the fragrance remains on the lips and teeth, as if returning to the tea terraces, the air is full of strong tea fragrance.

As for whether the agency is really in that position, Ye Xiao doesn't need to worry about it at all.

In other words, in Ye Xiao's view, there is no option of "No".

And it is.

After Old Professor Zhou conveyed the news to the archaeological team under the tomb and above the corridor, the archaeological team quickly found the mechanism Ye Xiao mentioned.

It was a hidden bronze ring inlaid under the bluestone slab.

And when they saw that there was actually a mechanism inside the wall, everyone couldn't help being shocked in an instant.

In an instant, the live broadcast room exploded as if a bomb had been thrown into it!
"Damn!!! This... is it real or fake? It's not a posing, is it? Is there really a trap?"

"How did you do it? Ye Dao is on the ground, how would he know there is a mechanism here?"

"Wait a minute... I'm a little confused now! Ye already knew that the agency was in this position, right?"

"And from what he said just now, it seems that he knows the things behind this wall very well! Adding this mechanism..."

"Isn't the answer ready to come out? Just give it a shot, Ye Dao has definitely been here before! The case can be filed now!"


command headquarters
seminar hall

There was a complete silence here, and the atmosphere was eerily quiet.

All the experts were dumbfounded, staring at Ye Xiao in disbelief.

It's an expression of hell in broad daylight.

Everything Ye Xiao said... came true!

The discovery of this mechanism just shows that there is a space behind the wall in front.

But it is precisely this that makes the experts even more astonished.

Ye Xiao is on the ground!
Not to mention that he has actually observed the scene in the corridor, he has never even seen the whole corridor.

However, he pointed out out of thin air that there is a space behind this wall.

Moreover, the location of the agency was also found out.

If the archaeological team were to search for the bronze pull ring embedded in the stone slabs, it would take a piece of bluestone slabs to find it.

But now, Ye Xiao directly revealed the location of the organ without observing the scene.

How could this not shock the experts present?
All of a sudden, the hearts of all the experts were filled with turbulent waves.

At that time,

Ye Xiao, who was at the center of this incident, was sitting at the conference table sipping tea as if these things had nothing to do with him.

It seems that it was not him who pointed out the location of the agency just now, but someone else.

After experiencing the initial huge shock, many experts present finally began to calm down.

They looked at Ye Xiao, who was sitting at the conference table, always looking very indifferent, and then they all looked at each other and nodded.

That's right, it's confirmed now!

He must have been here!


Under the tomb
Everyone in the archaeological team looked at the bronze pull ring embedded in the wall, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

I thought it was a lack of technical content, but it really made them find the mechanism.

Could it be that nine inches, that is, the position of more than 30 centimeters, is there any special saying?

Thinking of this, everyone in the archaeological team looked at each other, and they all saw some doubts in each other's eyes.

Obviously, no one understands.

The members of the archaeological team once again cast their eyes on Professor Yang in the team!

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