After a pause, Ye Xiao spoke:
"I think there are either treasures in this palace, or they are just playing tricks to lure us in."

Hearing Ye Xiao say this, Zhang Rulong was a little confused again, "According to what you said, we did all the work for nothing?"

"If it's just to lure us in, what's the purpose?"

Hearing this, Ye Xiao frowned, "It depends on the purpose of the people behind the scenes."

"If we just need to let us in to make rations for those bugs, there is no need!"

"But if there are treasures inside, maybe we can take a look."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone hesitated, looked at Ye Xiao, and Ye Xiao looked at the bandaged wound on his hand, then picked up a stone from his feet and threw it down!
It landed on the white bone with a bang, and everyone became a little nervous at this moment, and even pulled the bolt of the gun and aimed it at the bottom.

But they didn't find out after waiting for a long time, which made them relieved, and it seemed that it was no big deal.

"Xiaoye, it seems that you are too nervous."

Ye Xiao felt that this was not the case. Anyway, this gap is full of weirdness?

He took a flashlight to take a picture, and the flashlight couldn't illuminate clearly at a distance of ten meters.

Right now, I can only try my best, but judging from the current gap, blocking is also a kind of protection, and I still don't know what's inside.

So Ye Xiao was also wondering, he glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice, "I'll go."

"Xiaoye, don't argue with us, we should be the ones at this time!"

"If your words are everywhere, how can they reflect us?"

Ye Xiao laughed amused by his words, "It's not that I won't let you go, it's just that it's a bit dangerous. If you sacrifice yourself, what will you do next?"

"There is still a long way to go, see? We have only walked a quarter of the way on the map, and we still have three quarters of the way to go."

"If you sacrifice again, I will have no one to rely on later, and you have to think about me."

Ye Xiao pretended to be relaxed and looked at them and patted Zhang Rulong, "You are my strongest backing, protect yourself, watch me go down, if nothing happens, you come up again."

"I have a special physique. If I am injured, I can recover, but you are different. Your team is my last hope!"

"When I meet Master Habu, I have to rely on you to help me catch him."

Hearing Ye Xiao's explanation, Zhang Rulong thought for a while and nodded heavily. It is true that they followed Ye Xiao, but it was because Master Habu had a conspiracy.

And there were so many mercenaries around, they agreed because they were worried about Ye Xiao.

At this moment, Ye Xiao's words made everyone understand that the burden on Ye Xiao's shoulders was heavy, and they had to help Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao took a look and asked Zhang Rulong to put down the rope ladder, while he went down.

Stepping on the bone, Ye Xiao took a flashlight to take a picture. The moment he stepped on the bone, his body sank and he almost fell down.

Immediately, everyone above was so shocked that their hearts were raised in their throats!

"Xiao Ye must be careful!"

Zhang Rulong was lying on the side, holding on to the rope ladder.

Ye Xiao nodded, stepped on the bones and walked forward.

But just two steps away, Ye Xiao felt something was wrong, why is it so soft underneath?

If it is a white bone, it shouldn't feel like this.

He took out the ancient black gold knife, inserted it twice into the bones, and pushed all the bones away.

Seeing the scene below, Ye Xiao couldn't help being surprised!
And Zhang Rulong and the others also shone the flashlights on the place where Ye Xiao was just now. What they saw was all golden underneath, like swamp mud. Everyone was a little shocked!
"What is this?"

Ye Xiao squatted down, stretched out his hand to touch it, and put it on the tip of his nose to smell it.

At that time, his face darkened, "It's Gu insect feces."

"Gu worm feces? Damn, it's really unlucky!"

"You can't escape the Gu insect's hand when you get down here, Xiaoye, hurry up!"

Zhang Rulong reminded him, but Ye Xiao shook his head and said in a deep voice, "It's too late!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw the white bones moving in the ditch not far away, as if something was about to turn up from the bottom.

Seeing that everyone couldn't help but tremble with fear, Zhang Rulong immediately took out his gun and aimed it at the bottom.

"Xiaoye, don't be afraid, no matter what comes, we can beat him away!"

Ye Xiao held the knife in front of his body, "Don't come down, no matter what happens, do you understand?"

Ye Xiao was worried that the entire army would be wiped out after they came down, and he still didn't know what kind of bug was under there, so he scolded them.

But Zhang Rulong couldn't control so much at this time, and Ye Xiao stopped him when he was about to come down: "If you want to come down, you want to see me die! Zhang Rulong, don't you even listen to my orders?"

Zhang Rulong stomped his feet immediately, "Didn't I help you, Xiaoye? Quickly bring the flamethrower!"

Everyone set up their flamethrowers and aimed them five meters in front of Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao looked around and frowned tightly, he didn't dare to move, for fear that any movement would trigger all the bugs to come over.

At that time, I can escape from birth, but what about Zhang Rulong and the others?
He can't move, but the bug does move.If Zhang Rulong and the others were surrounded by insects above, it would be even more tragic.

So at this time Ye Xiao could only look at the crowd.

Seeing those things getting closer and closer, the white bones were churning continuously, making clanking noises.

Ye Xiao frowned tightly, Zhang Rulong was the first to turn on the flamethrower, and several flames shot out together, making those bones turn over!
And the worms below also showed their true faces. Seeing this scene, everyone was a little horrified.

I saw a dense layer of black worms attached to the bones.

These bugs were about the size of a finger.

The whole body is black and green, with circles of patterns on the worm's body, only one horn grows on the head, the mouthparts glow with cold light, and dozens of legs move quickly.

At first glance, it looks a bit like a combination of a centipede and a longhorn.

But it's much more disgusting than they are longer.

Seeing these densely packed little bugs coming towards Ye Xiao.

Some of them could even penetrate the flames, which made Zhang Rulong and the others stunned.

Ye Xiao unhurriedly picked up the ancient black gold knife and split the approaching insect in half.

There was a stench in the air, and the blood that came out was actually black!
It seems extremely poisonous.

Ye Xiao didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly walked to the other side, but before he arrived, the bones on the other side began to roll.

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