Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 560 Zhang Rulong, you can have some snacks

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone hurriedly checked, but luckily nothing was missed.

"Don't worry Xiaoye, everything is normal!"

Ye Xiao nodded, feeling relieved.

Then everyone crossed the stone bridge and came to the main hall.

The hall in front of him was eerie, and under the illumination of the flashlight, the entire hall was empty and silent.

But there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at them in the dark, which made everyone a little uncomfortable.

Everyone was a little hesitant, but Ye Xiao said in a deep voice, "I'll go explore the way first."

"Don't! Let's go together, share the blessings, and share the troubles. What's the point of letting you charge forward alone?"

Zhang Rulong grabbed him, and the others also said:

"Yes! If we want to leave, let's all go together, but we must not leave you alone, otherwise, the spine will be broken, and they will definitely make irresponsible remarks!"

"Xiaoye, let's go together!"

Everyone stepped forward to prevent Ye Xiao from acting alone, and pushed open the door of the main hall.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiao couldn't help crying and laughing.

It seems that after these few times, everyone has regarded him as the backbone, and they must protect him in everything, but this matter is completely different.

Climbing up the stairs and entering the palace gate, the inside is really not easy.

Everyone couldn't take their eyes off it. Outside the eaves were carved with beams and painted buildings, but inside there was a strong smell of blood.

What came into view was a forest of wine pools and meat, or blood pools to be precise.

In fact, Ye Xiao has encountered it before. There are blood pools on both sides, and bones are still submerged in the pools, while a passage in the middle is a round stone slab.

If there is a mechanism under these stone slabs, if they make a mistake, the pool of blood will surge up, allowing them to swallow it quickly.

Zhang Rulong dismissively said, "I thought it was something new, but after working on it for a long time, this is it! Let's just pick up the ladder and go there!"

Ye Xiao didn't speak, Zhang Rulong and the others had already started to take action, ready to start erecting the long ladder with the equipment in hand.

And Ye Xiao looked up at the top of the tomb, he said it was a palace, but it was actually just a small burial chamber.

There is nothing in the surrounding area, but the palace feels spooky, and the situation inside and outside is completely different.

The people in the live broadcast room also saw it.

"Damn it! It's not that simple. Seeing how familiar Zhang Rulong is, I suddenly felt something was wrong."

"Yes, but there must be traps in ancient tombs. If they were broken so easily, how could those mercenaries become like this?"

"Yes, you should be more careful, Zhang Rulong, take care of yourself, don't make a big fuss!"

"You see Ye Xiao didn't speak, so don't move, if you kill your comrade-in-arms, you will regret it again!"

"Originally, the team this time has no back and forth. It would be a pity if it was easily folded here!"

Netizens were persuading him, but Zhang Rulong looked at Ye Xiao, seeing him wandering around in the hall, he couldn't help hesitating, "Xiao Ye, what are you looking at?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, "Everyone, don't move!"

Everyone was a little dumbfounded when they heard this, don't move?How is this going?

Ye Xiao pointed upward, "What do you see?"

Zhang Rulong followed Ye Xiao's gaze, and saw a row of small ventilation holes in all directions above the main hall, "What is this? It is breathable?"

"Does the ancient tomb need ventilation?"

Ye Xiao's words made him startled, "Xiao Ye, stop being a fool, I don't understand these things!"

Ye Xiao said in a deep voice, "That's the poison gas vent!"

"poison gas?"

"Yes, as long as we go there, the poisonous gas will gushes out through this place, and it won't matter what ladders you set up by then."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone was shocked, and quickly stopped what they were holding.

"Then, how did this pass?"

"I said it would never be that simple."

After Ye Xiao finished speaking, he took off a button on his body and flicked it towards the circular stone road.

The button made a sound as it fell on the stone slab, and then a vent hole above it suddenly changed, turned over, and then a green gas gushed out!

Seeing this scene, everyone was startled, stepped back quickly, and put on gas masks.

This scene shocked everyone!

"I rely on Ye Xiao to say that it is true!"

"After entering the ancient tomb, don't act rashly. If you see it, this is the lesson of blood!"

"If it wasn't for Ye Xiao, I'm afraid it would have died long ago!"

"Zhang Rulong, you are still too young, be careful!"

"Just kidding, Zhang Rulong is older than Ye Dao!"

"So what about old age? Inexperience will only harm people, so forget it, let's just watch it obediently!"

"Whether it's Zhang Rulong or Ye Xiao, everyone is dedicated to the cause of archaeology. It's good enough for them to come in. If it were you, you probably wouldn't have the courage."

Ye Xiao frowned tightly, watching the green gas discharge for 5 minutes, he calculated the time, if there is no gas mask for these 5 minutes, there must be countless casualties.

But now as long as you step in, all the round holes will spray out.

I'm afraid I won't be able to pass in time.

Ye Xiao frowned tightly, and saw that the rest of the people had different degrees of chest tightness.

Everyone hurriedly withdrew from the main hall, breathing heavily, although the air outside was also very thin, it was better than inside.

"What should Xiaoye do now? This thing is really weird!"

"I didn't expect there to be poisonous gas. I thought it would be easy to pass through the palace!"

"The organs in the ancient tomb are hard to guard against."

Ye Xiao said in a deep voice: "The so-called wine pool and meat forest is just a cover, the purpose is still to kill us, as long as we pass, we will be recruited. It seems that the people who built the ancient tomb understand people's psychology very well."

Hearing that they were even more afraid, "Then what should we do?"

Zhang Rulong panicked immediately. If this was the case, how could they pass?


Zhang Rulong suddenly thought of it, "Just now you touched the stone slab to trigger the mechanism, if we don't touch the slate, it will be fine."

Ye Xiao shook his head, "As long as you enter the hall, it's not enough, otherwise you can try."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Rulong didn't believe in evil, went straight over, took the steel pipe on his body, and waved it over the stone road twice tentatively.

I saw a row of round holes on the upper left suddenly flipped down, and more and more green gas spewed out, so scared that he quickly backed out, took a breath and said:
"Sure enough, as you said, it seems that this is a sensing device. As long as it senses someone coming in, it will spew out poisonous gas. If this happens, I'm afraid none of us can pass through. What should we do?"

"However, we can't cure him, I don't believe it!"

Someone was eager to try, Ye Xiao shook his head, "No matter what, we can't retreat."

Ye Xiao thought for a while and rushed in, "You guys are waiting for me outside, don't come in."

"Xiaoye can't do that!"

Zhang Rulong still wanted to stop him, but Ye Xiao turned his head and said, "Don't worry, I'll be out in half an hour!"

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