Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 552 Entrance to the Tomb, This Is Too Hasty

Everyone was amazed, "If Xiaoye hadn't brought us here, how could we have found it?"

"This is too unbelievable."

"But it still surprises me, this place can bury people? It's amazing!"

Everyone was watching here, while Ye Xiao was staring closely at the road ahead. After getting down, everyone was very careful, for fear that if one accidentally slipped his foot, he would fall under the cliff.

This Tianshan Mountain is really unbelievable, everything is so scary, but Ye Xiao is staring at the stone wall in front of him, this is a cave, but there are three roads after entering, once entering, it is a dead end!

Ye Xiao shook his head, chose the road in the middle according to the map, and led everyone in.

Everyone couldn't help being curious when they saw this.

"Don't you even need to take a look at Xiaoye? Is there another way to go?"

"Yeah, isn't this too hasty?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, "Don't look at it, just go from here.

This map shows that there are roads on the left and right, but the middle is the way of life. "

"If Master Habu has not changed his mind, this road must be passable."

"The premise is that it hasn't been changed, but what if he changes it?"

Hearing what Zhang Rulong said, Ye Xiao suddenly laughed, "If he really wants to change, we will have a dead end, we can only fight with our backs, and let it go."

Zhang Rulong nodded when he said this, "That's the only way to do it, but I'm not afraid, there are so many brothers here, what am I afraid of!"

"Besides, everyone is going to die here, and everyone will die together!"

Ye Xiao laughed and patted Zhang Rulong, "It's not so exaggerated, don't move and die. We have a chance to escape from here together, so we will definitely not die, don't worry."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, Zhang Rulong was relieved. Anyway, they are brothers who came here together, and they have been passing by for so long. Are you still afraid of this?

Even if it is really broken here, they are all willing, anyway, everyone is going along the way, no matter what, we have to go along the way.

Under the leadership of Ye Xiao, everyone walked forward together, and saw that the road was wet all around, probably because of being in a snow mountain, but it was obviously different.

Ye Xiao touched it and smelled it, "This is the smell of blood!" Zhang Rulong and the others also smelled it.

"I can't believe it, I just had a little way of life, does this make us die again?"

"Impossible, but you must not look like this, otherwise, what way can we go?"

"Xiaoye, you are not leading the wrong way!"

Ye Xiao laughed, "What's the matter? Anyway, it's just blood, and the tomb robbers should pay the price! Otherwise, how can they be worthy of them stealing so many cultural relics?"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone nodded. It is true. After going through so many ups and downs, it is finally rewarding to come here.

Seeing Ye Xiao like this, everyone stopped talking, but at this moment Ye Xiao frowned tightly and walked forward.

Although the tomb passage is quite long, the smell inside is really not very good. Before walking too far, I saw a corpse on the ground. This is a tomb robber, no, to be precise, it should be called a mercenary.

Seeing this scene, everyone frowned and kept thinking about what would happen to the tomb robbers, but they still felt a little unbelievable after actually seeing them.

"It should be caused by the uneven distribution of spoils. See, they still carry some gold and silver with them."

"This kind of burial object was not obtained here, which means that they have entered the burial chamber before!"

"The way we came is probably not the original entrance. They may have entered from other places."

Hearing Ye Xiao say this, everyone hesitated, "Could it be that this is their last way? Impossible!"

Ye Xiao shook his head, "Impossible has become possible, but no matter what, we can't miss it."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone took a deep breath and examined the corpse carefully, only to find that besides the mercenary badge, there was some gunpowder on this guy's body, and his body was densely covered with red spots, as if he had been injected with it. Yes, what is going on?

Ye Xiao didn't say much, this guy may be sick, but if someone can enter the ancient tomb, he must have undergone strict physical training, so how could he let a sick person in?
Ye Xiao didn't think it was appropriate, but he didn't say too much at this time. He just let them go in first, and led everyone around the corpse. Everyone stayed in the tomb passage, feeling a little uneasy.

This scene made them feel a little uneasy.

Even though he had already entered the tomb, he still felt a little inappropriate.

"Xiaoye, did we go the wrong way?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, "You didn't go the wrong way, didn't you notice? We are on the cliff, the real underground palace should be underground, we walked down from above, and these people should come up from below , maybe there will be something chasing them, so they will go astray."

"According to the bloodstains in the tomb, the wet ones were also turned up from the bottom, indicating that there must have been a large-scale massacre underneath."

Ye Xiao's explanation made everyone even more unbelievable. They couldn't believe that such a thing would happen, but if there were really large-scale killings underneath.

It's too impressive. There was a large-scale slaughter in this place before it even started. What will happen when they enter?
Everyone didn't dare to imagine, just staring at the front, a faint scent came from the darkness, which made everyone a little surprised and nervous.

As soon as you enter the tomb passage, there is a scent, which is too weird, and it is incredible that this is an ancient tomb.

Everyone quickly put on the gas masks. In order to avoid hallucinations, those who have been to the ancient tomb are already very experienced with these things.

Seeing this, Ye Xiao couldn't help smiling, and then remembered the red spot on that person just now, maybe it was a bug.

"Everyone, quickly protect all the exposed skin, and prepare the flamethrower."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone dared not be careless, and quickly followed what he said.

Seeing Ye Xiao so nervous at this moment, everyone became nervous too. If this is really the case, it will be really troublesome.

Bugs, their first thought is that bugs are coming!

Ye Xiao looked ahead, and saw a rustling sound in the darkness, this sound was too familiar.

Without saying a word, he took the tinder and lit it and walked over.

Seeing Ye Xiao walking forward quickly, everyone was dumbfounded for a moment, what does Xiao Ye want to do?

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