"Come on!"

Ye Xiao's voice reminded them that the two escaped from death, their legs were weak, and before they had time to say anything, Ye Xiao had already rushed over to smash the stone bricks with his bare hands, grabbed the vines, and pulled them all out !

It's all here, so don't hide!

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Fuck, Ye is too amazing, isn't he?"

"I said it would not be a problem for Ye to fall!"

"Ye Dao yyds! Who can compare to this move!"

"Vine: Do we need to be so violent?"

"It's all right, the house has been demolished!"

Netizens were overjoyed and swiped their screens one after another. Seeing Ye Xiao's bravery, the members of the archaeological team couldn't believe it was Ye Xiao?
How brave!
But this is not the time to proclaim Ye Xiao's bravery, right now Ye Xiao has ripped out the roots of the vines.

He knew that the roots of these insect-plant symbiosis systems were here. Like the Nine Deaths Shocking Mausoleum, it must be hidden on the bottom floor, near the main tomb. This is the final mechanism!

Now Ye Xiao picked up the black gold ancient knife, raised the knife and dropped it, directly cutting off the root system, and then the vine withered visible to the naked eye, and the entire wall began to collapse for a while.

The surrounding corpses were also burned away, and they wanted to go forward again. Ye Xiao cut his arm and spilled the ancient blood of the unicorn. For a while, the corpses were terrified and retreated one after another, as if seeing some terrible monster, they dared not go forward at all. .

At this time, after the tomb shook for a while, the wall on the other side collapsed, and a tomb suddenly appeared, and the dust raised made everyone cover their mouths and noses. After a few minutes, everything returned to calm.

Everyone took a deep breath. They didn't expect that there was something wrong here.

Everyone bravely walked in, only to find that the place is full of funerals, and there is a sarcophagus in the middle.
"Fuck! So much gold and silver!"

"It's piled up into a mountain, it's too much!"

"It's a bit awesome! Is this Liu Dan?"

"It should be, what are these two flags?"

There were two flags on both sides of the coffin in the tomb. Ye Xiao looked at it. The bamboo poles on one side had rotted, and there were complicated patterns on the flag, while the other flag had ornamentation and a column of words.

Ye Xiao said in a deep voice: "This side is a funeral banner, which means to lead souls to ascend to heaven."

"As for this." He pointed to the side with writing, "This side is the banner with the sun and moon pattern, and the writing on it is Liu Dan's title."

After watching for a long time, everyone suddenly realized.

Old Professor Zhou also nodded, "That's right, it's Liu Dan!"

Now that the identity is confirmed, there is no need to waste time.

After everyone walked over, they pushed open the lid of the sarcophagus and found that there was another layer inside, which was a jade coffin.

This jade coffin was probably used to keep corpses, but after opening the jade coffin, I was a little dumbfounded at the scene in front of me.

"How is this going?"

"This seems to be exactly the same as Queen Mother Luo's, it shouldn't be a dead body!"

The corpse in front of him was tightly wrapped in a layer of silk, forming a huge human-shaped cocoon.

"Could it be that the bee gu has gone in?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, took out a short knife and inserted it directly, splitting the filament.

Over the years, the filaments inside were so hard that they were finally torn apart, exposing the corpse inside.

The black and red dragon robe embroidered with five-clawed golden dragon was wrapped around a mummy. Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It should be Liu Dan.

Professor Zhou took a closer look, "This is a kind of embalming wax, but it has been too long, so it will form a mummy. However, it is not easy for a corpse to be preserved so well after a thousand years."

Everyone was relieved to hear Professor Zhou say this, and the netizens in the live broadcast room were already boiling.

"This is Liu Dan? How dare he wear the dragon robe of the five-clawed golden dragon? Does he want to be emperor?"

"Just kidding, it is recorded in the history books that Liu Dan had a dream of becoming an emperor. He just wanted to be an emperor, but he didn't make it. Now he finally found the opportunity. When he died, he proclaimed himself an emperor. This is also an obsession."

"Compared to being an emperor, he prefers longevity, right? After all, the emperor doesn't live as long as he does!"

"Liu Dan became like this after his death. It's better to establish himself as king when he was in Chang'an. With his ability, he can definitely do it. Why wait until now?"

"Yeah, it's not that he's talented, why didn't Emperor Wu of the Han think of making him emperor at all?"

"Are you kidding? Of course such a smart person wants to find the secret of longevity. Those sub-smart people will naturally have ministers to assist them when they become emperors. Otherwise, who would be able to find it? Do you think it is more difficult to be an emperor than to find the secret of longevity? Of course the latter is more difficult! That’s why I chose Liu Dan!”

"Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is also a rare genius, and he can think of a way. It's a pity that Liu Dan has been delayed by Emperor Wu of the Han all his life. Otherwise, he wouldn't have become like this. Since he wants to be the emperor, he should do everything well. Prepare."

At this time, everyone looked at the jade coffin inside the huge sarcophagus, and at that time it was confirmed that it was the owner of the tomb.

Ye Xiao was also sure, whether it was from the clothes or the funeral banners, he could be sure.

Inside the jade coffin were also buried with countless treasures, countless gold and silver, and precious stones.

More importantly, he found a box beside him. Professor Zhou took out the box and found it was empty, but this empty box shocked everyone!
This was exactly the same as the box of the female worm they found, which made everyone a little dumbfounded.

This also confirmed Ye Xiao's guess, indicating that the female worm did not first appear in Li Yuanhao's time, and it may even go back hundreds of years.

This worm must have lived for a thousand years, no wonder Guru Habu must find it, the secret of this worm is the secret of longevity.

Now all the puzzles can be solved, and Ye Xiao feels that there must be something missing.

At this moment, a familiar mechanical sound came!
[Ding! It is detected that the host has completed the task of exploring the cloth step tomb, found the snake-shaped bone jade, and now rewards a bone jade. 】

The system quickly gave him a snake-shaped bone jade, and Ye Xiao couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw it. The dog system is getting more and more stingy, and now even the snake-shaped bone jade has to be obtained in this way.

He couldn't help but took a deep breath, and then discovered a strange thing, the system actually gave him an extra reward, which was placed in the interface.

Also ask him to confirm whether he accepts it.

Nonsense, isn't it obvious that you must accept it?
Ye Xiao chose to accept without hesitation, but at this moment he found that what the system gave him was a Warring States Silk Book, what exactly is this?
At this time, Ye Xiao didn't have time to study it, so he put the Warring States Silk Book in the system first, and then followed everyone to contact the garrison above.

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