Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 502 Who pushed the old professor, stand up

Everyone hid below, only hearing the constant crashing outside, it seemed that these two-colored bee gu were still unwilling to let them go, and rushed toward them.

Old Professor Zhou sighed and wiped the cold sweat off his brow, still in shock.

And those people hiding below only remembered it at this moment.

"Is Professor Zhou okay just now?"

Old Professor Zhou shook his head, and the netizens immediately exploded!
"Do you still have a conscience? If Professor Zhou dies one day, he must be buried with them!"

"How to talk? People can think of escaping in a critical moment. It's an instinctive reaction. How can you say that? If it were you, you and I would run faster than anyone else!"

"It's true that I run faster than anyone else, but I will never pretend to ask the old professor if there is nothing wrong afterwards. I was nervous just now, who pushed the old professor down, stand up say clearly!"

"Professor Zhou didn't even know how to help him when he fell down. Do you people still have a conscience?"

Ye Xiao saw the netizens in the camera constantly swiping the screen, and looked at the people in the archaeological team whose faces were flushed, and said in a deep voice: "No one thinks about the sudden incident. The most important thing in a critical moment is to stick to one principle, then It is to protect ourselves and save others only when we have the ability, this is the first element for us to survive in the wild!"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, the members of the archaeological team and the rescue team nodded, and Huang Longfei even gave a thumbs up, "Xiaoye is right, it should be like this, some people don't know what to do, so don't drag here." Hatred."

"We can understand that we want to help Professor Zhou, but everyone should stop talking about it suddenly!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent, and no one dared to say anything more.

Ye Xiao has already said that protecting oneself is the most important thing.

They're right, so there's no need for an apology or anything.

Old Professor Zhou didn't say anything, and these people were talking nonsense here.

Old Professor Zhou let out a sigh of relief, "Everyone didn't do it on purpose. Besides, what Xiaoye said is right, the most important thing is to protect yourself in times of crisis."

Old Professor Zhou has spoken, what else can everyone say, and the netizens have also died down.

At this moment, everyone stood up and looked around, and saw that there were walls all around.

"It seems that there is no coffin either!"

"This is a burial chamber, surrounded by bones, it looks a bit like a burial pit for thousands of people."

"If this is the case, then this Liu Dan is too disgusting. It's fine to protect the tomb with the symbiosis system of insects and plants, but he still conducts sacrifices for thousands of people!"

"Thousands of people sacrifice for longevity, and this is also the first step to longevity. This is not uncommon in tombs, so it's not a big deal."

Professor Zhou said on the side: "Let's see if there are any additional discoveries. If not, move on."

Ye Xiao noticed that the bone had been corroded and pitted, it would be bad if this was the case.

At this time, everyone also discovered this, and couldn't help feeling nervous.

If this is the case, it means that there are bugs here, and these bugs are rotting corpses, even the bones are not spared. If they encounter them, the consequences will be disastrous.

Ye Xiao made a decisive decision and asked everyone to check all the equipment and replenish all the ammunition. Then they set off. Just in case, they rearranged the team. He was in the front, the rescue team and the garrison were in the back, and the middle Two rows of personnel protected the scientists of the archaeological team.

This arrangement will not be too much. In case of danger, everyone will be able to protect the most important people in the first place.

Seeing so many young people protecting him inside, Old Professor Zhou felt a little moved, but at the same time he began to regret why he came down to cause trouble for everyone.

Everyone has never thought of giving up on Professor Zhou, but now Professor Zhou and the others clearly feel that this should be the last moment.

Seeing this scene, Old Professor Zhou said in a deep voice: "Give us the weapons as well, and teach us how to use them. We have to protect ourselves at critical moments, and we can't rely on you to save us. If this is the case, we will be too passive."

Hearing what Old Professor Zhou said, people from the garrison and the rescue team distributed weapons one after another to ensure that everyone had a gun. Ye Xiao didn't need it. His ancient black gold sword was very powerful, and the short sword had been taken back by him.

At this time, Ye Xiao couldn't help frowning when he saw the scene here.

Seeing this scene at this moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room were a little scared.

"Don't you feel that? When the archaeological team came here, I felt that the whole tomb was empty!"

"I think so too, and it's too quiet, there's no sound at all, which is ridiculous!"

"What's so absurd about this? It's just like this in the ancient tomb!"

"But apart from the sound of everyone walking, there is no sound at all. This is too scary. There should be insects or something in the tomb."

"Keep shutting up. I'm worried that there are still few bugs here. If I keep talking, I'm going to beat someone up!"

Just started, netizens were sprayed into a sieve, and everyone didn't know what to do.

And Ye Xiao looked around, the sacrificial pit was very big, it looked almost as big as a basketball court, there were countless bones inside, and it looked like they were all hacked to death, and there was a knife standing beside it.

Ye Xiao looked at it, and found that it was about the same length as his old black gold knife, but the blade was still very sharp, it had been so long, and it still had a cold gleam.

Everyone also found out that the long knife stood in the middle of the bones and inserted it.

Seeing this scene at this moment, everyone was convinced, "This should be killed by someone, it looks too scary!"

"These sacrificial people have to go through this scene before they die, how scary it must be!!"

As soon as the words fell, a gust of wind blew by, and everyone couldn't help shivering.

"What's going on? Why do I feel so cold?"

"And how can there be wind here!"

Yes, the wind!

This news reminded Ye Xiao. He hurried over and took out his clothes. There was indeed wind. Everyone was a little surprised to see the corners of the clothes fluttering slightly. It is reasonable to say that there is no wind in ancient tombs, but some tombs do. If it is good, there will be a ventilation effect.

If ventilation means there must be a way out!

Everyone became excited, and seeing Ye Xiao in front of them, they nodded. It seems that they are on the right path, and if they continue walking like this, they will definitely find something.

At this moment, Professor Zhou held Ye Xiao back, "Xiao Ye, what is that?"

Ye Xiao followed the direction of Professor Zhou's finger, and was a little surprised when he saw something in the corner.

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