Knowing that there was still one person alive underneath, everyone became excited, and the netizens in the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the cry just now was not from Ye Dao!"

"Nonsense, of course it's not Ye Dao, Ye Dao is so powerful, how could he scream, it must be those unknown things!"

"It's also fate that this person is alive, but you have to ask carefully what's going on, otherwise, things like this may happen from time to time in the future."

"Could it be possible to make Ye fall down every time? Impossible."

Netizens had different opinions and were talking about it, and the rescue team was also happy when they learned that there were still people alive. This is not a pity, and it is a good ending if only one of the three survives.

Above, in the temporary office of the police station, several villagers sat there facing the police with indifferent faces.

The policeman said in a low voice to them: "If you don't want to say something, I don't force it, but one thing, if these people are rescued and they identify you, do you know the consequences?"

"This is called the theft of state secrets and embezzlement of state property. What's underneath! You know better than me!"

"Over the years, how many people have you killed!"

"It wasn't us who killed them, it was the village chief who said that these are all from our village, and we have to keep them when they come."

Hearing this, the policeman couldn't help laughing, "Can you tell me what these are?"

Several people glanced at each other, but no one spoke. The police slapped the table violently. At this time, a bright voice from outside said, "There are still alive, they are still alive!"

Hearing these words, everyone became a little nervous, is there still alive?How can it be!

If the people below come up alive, they will never have another chance!
The police stared at them, "Speak up, confess and be lenient!"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and had no choice but to speak out.

"There is a treasure under here, but after so many years, no one has been able to take it out, so we tricked those adventure bloggers and let them go down to find out. We don't know what the stuff is inside... "

At this moment, Ye Xiao guarded the third person with a look of vigilance.

The rescue team arrived an hour later, they all laughed when they saw this living person, and hurriedly took him out, while the rescue team leader Huang Longfei looked at Ye Xiao, "Now that we're here, let's act together, what's the matter?" The big guys can also take care of each other."

Now that they have said so, it is not easy for Ye Xiao to refuse, besides, they also have good intentions.

Ye Xiao nodded, "You have seen the thing just now, let's take it together and study it!"

"What?" Huang Longfei looked astonished, and Ye Xiao couldn't help being shocked, "Didn't you see it? I tied up one of them when I got down."


The rescue captain was stunned.

"Not good!" Ye Xiao suddenly realized something, if he broke the rope and waited at the same place, that person would definitely be in danger in the past!
Realizing this, Ye Xiao hurried back the same way.

And Huang Longfei also realized something, and hurriedly followed. Just after passing through the tunnel, he smelled a strong smell of blood. Everyone's hearts sank to the bottom of the valley, and the person who had just been rescued was being pinned down by a huge figure. on the ground.

Seeing the blue-faced fangs in front of him, Lin Wei's pupils tightened in fright. It's over, it's over, he's about to die after escaping, don't die too painfully, he's the only one, give yourself a good time!
Lin Wei's scalp was numb, he closed his eyes and waited to die, a stench hit him, the pain he imagined was gone, but he was pulled out by a strong force!

Then there was a brushing sound, and there was a sound next to his ear, followed by a stream of hot blood splashing on his body, causing him to cover his face and tremble in shock.

After opening his eyes, a figure stood in front of him, and he chopped off the monster's head with a black gold ancient knife. The rest of the rescue team were stunned when they saw this scene.

In the past, when I saw Ye Xiao fighting, it was in the live broadcast room, and I had never been in close contact.

But now it's completely different. Seeing Ye Xiao like this, they couldn't help giving their thumbs up, "Xiao Ye, you are really amazing!"

Lin Wei also relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

The netizens in the live broadcast room exploded even more.

"Fuck, Ye was so handsome just now!"

"Ye Dao, I want to marry you and give birth to monkeys for you!"

"You can pull it down, you look like a monkey! Don't spoil the genes of Ye Dao!"

"Is Ye Dao accepting the younger brother?"

"Ye Dao, I'm good at kung fu, take me with you next time you visit the tomb!"

"Ye Dao yyds, amazing!"

Everyone got excited, but Ye Xiao said in a deep voice: "Everyone, you have to be careful, this thing's IQ is higher than we imagined!"

Huang Longfei looked puzzled and asked suspiciously: "What the hell is this?"

"It should be a mutated person, and I don't know how it was bred. Be careful, everyone, and drag it up! If you want to follow the rescue team, you must be careful. I don't know how many people like this are hidden here."

At this moment Huang Longfei's radio rang, it was the police.

"Captain Huang, it is preliminarily determined that there are probably six or more such humanoid monsters below, everyone should be careful."

"It has been kept in captivity by the villagers for a long time to protect the treasures underneath. There is a thousand-year-old tomb underneath."

Hearing this, Huang Longfei couldn't help scolding, "What the hell, these people are really killing people!"

Lin Wei narrowly escaped death, and couldn't help trembling when he heard this, "I knew it, I knew they didn't have the good intentions to trick us here!"

"When I go out, I will never be fooled again!"

When Ye Xiao heard him say this, he couldn't help but sneered, "It's not caused by your own greed, otherwise, how could such a tragic situation be caused, and you will be held accountable after you leave!"

Huang Longfei nodded, grabbed him with his backhand, then tied him up firmly and took him up.

Although it is a bit more difficult, it has to be said that this is the only way to go.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief seeing this scene, and the netizens in the live broadcast room immediately sighed when they saw it.

"I didn't expect the people in this village to be so disgusting!"

"Joking with human life, grab them all and eat peanuts!"

"I don't blame them. People are not good enough. If these people are not greedy, how could they be fooled?"

"I've been doing it for a long time. It's man-made, but the villagers are right, there really is a tomb under here, and they went there to rob the tomb!"

"On the one hand, this tomb is within the scope of their village, and they don't want to be humane, so they raise these monsters to guard?"

"These things are bloodthirsty, and they grow up like this. It seems that they can't be cultivated overnight. There are big people in this village!"

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