Regardless of the matter, now that they have come here, the only thing to do is to find out where the phoenix gall is hidden. It seems that there should be some clues in the sarcophagus.

Everyone gathered around, and the netizens in front of the screen were all talking about it.

"Finally here, I feel an inexplicable excitement when I see this coffin!"

"There are so many Gu worms and bones in front, the coffin is more pleasing to the eye."

"That's not necessarily the case. Compared with zongzi, where do you think it is safe?"

"Compared with zongzi, I think zongzi is more pleasing to the eye than Gu worms. At least it can be done with one shot. You don't need so many people to twist and turn. Besides, zongzi won't make you lose your flesh and blood. Anyway, you have to Leave a whole body."

As soon as the words came out, everyone thought about it, but what they didn't expect was that the coffin was very heavy, and they couldn't push it away.

Zhang Rulong and the others tried left and right, but there was no way.

"come together!"

All the members of the archaeological team came up, and almost a dozen people worked together to push the sarcophagus away.

The camera was aimed at the corpse in the coffin. Surprisingly, there were actually two bones here!

This made everyone a little dumbfounded.

"What's going on here? I thought it was a double bed, but it turned out to be a double coffin!"

"Did these two die together?"

"This is such an explosive thing in Western Han Dynasty, and it's too scary."

"There is no beauty at all. By the way, why are the clothes of the two of them so similar?"

"Let me guess the identity, Zhuo Wenjun?"

"What the hell are you talking about? The dynasty is wrong, and it won't be buried here."

At this time, Ye Xiao said in a deep voice: "Looking at their clothes, they are probably relatives of the emperor, with high status and authority, but for some reason they are all men's clothes."

Everyone was shocked when he said this, and Ye Xiao pointed to the clothes on the two of them: "The color of Western Han costumes symbolizes the status of people and their identities. They are wearing silk and satin. You can see that the material of the clothes is obviously different, and the style is also different. It should be crown clothes. This kind of clothes are only worn by high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Generally speaking, they are mainly dark colors. Take a look It is strange that one of them has a crown and the other does not."

Ye Xiao stroked his chin. Could it be that he would be so masculine that he would be buried together even after death?Love is stronger than gold!
However, whether these two men are good men is not too important. For the archaeological team, what they pay more attention to is the identity of these two men!
Everyone gathered around the coffin and looked at the two people inside. In addition to the two bones, there were some other funerary objects in the sarcophagus.When Jin saw this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and finally saw some normal funerals, at least not Gu worms, and everyone immediately started counting them.

The identities of these two people are unknown, and their clothes are almost all purple. According to the regulations of the Western Han Dynasty, they should be officials.

But why are two people buried in the same coffin?
The two men are too disgusting!

Ye Xiao watched as they counted the bones, and the clothes shattered as soon as they touched them. The archaeological team didn't dare to be careless, and directly counted all the fragments of the clothes and put them aside.

At this time, Ye Xiao came over and examined the corpse carefully. It would not be appropriate to say that it was two men, after all, there seemed to be something wrong with the corpse. Ye Xiao looked at it again and again, feeling a little stunned.

"It turned out to be a woman." At this moment, he muttered to himself, and everyone around him could hear him.

The members of the archaeological team looked back at Ye Xiao and asked, "What did you say?!"

"I mean this bone is a woman, and this one is a man, but why was she buried in a man's clothes? That's a little strange!"

Ye Xiao was thoughtful, "If two people are husband and wife, then it should be no problem for them to be buried together in the same coffin. I'm afraid that the relationship between these two people is not normal, so that's why it happened. But why are you wearing men's clothes?"

"Probably just for interest!" Someone beside him interjected, this explanation made Ye Xiao frowned tightly, he thought it shouldn't be like this.

If it is really out of interest, and they will be buried in the same place after death, then there is no need to change clothes.

At this time, Professor Zhou laughed: "Regardless of his status, he is still a high-ranking person, otherwise he would not be placed here."

Old Professor Zhou didn't care much about who the owner of the tomb was. After all, it had been such a long time. What he was most concerned about now was whether he could find the phoenix guts and remove the marks on their bodies.

Everyone shipped out all the things in the coffin.

Ye Xiao was thinking, if the two were husband and wife, then
There will certainly be other coffins in the burial chamber.

Thinking of Ye Xiao and then groping around, everyone was a little surprised when they saw this, "Xiao Ye, what are you doing?"

"It must be buried here. There are other coffins in the tomb. Do you have any tokens next to the bones?"

Old Professor Zhou took a glance and found a wise dragon head with a silver belt hook.

"Here, there is a silver belt hook."

Ye Xiao looked back, and immediately understood, "This should be a pair, one side should be engraved with positive inscriptions, and the other side should be engraved with inscribed inscriptions. But there is no such thing on this bone, which only means that the one was placed on someone else's body." body."

"Is there a possibility that which one was stolen?"

Hearing the voice beside him, Ye Xiao laughed:

"If someone really came in, they should take all one pair away. Why leave one? Moreover, the clothes on the corpse are obviously not in compliance, which means that they didn't die at the same time, or After the man died, the woman was forced to lie here, so she put on a random dress."

Ye Xiao's explanation made everyone dumbfounded, and soon Zhang Rulong and the others discovered the clue, "Look at the broken bones!"

Both the leg bones and the skull were damaged to varying degrees, and as Ye Xiao said, something was not quite right.

Ye Xiao took a deep breath, "Poor, she must have been buried intentionally, pretending to be a loving husband and wife, but it was too hasty. After she was killed, she put on a random dress, and it became the scene we saw today."

Ye Xiao's words shocked everyone in front of the screen.

"If you say it like this, doesn't it mean that the owner of the coffin has a lot of background, otherwise how could it be like this?"

"And this silver belt hook is engraved with dragon patterns, it's not an ordinary nobleman!"

"It seems that he is also a relative of the emperor!"

"It's not a joke for a man to be heartless!"

"I want to be with you even if my legs are broken, this kind of person is too paranoid!"

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