At this time, everyone slowly went down the stairs to the first floor. There was more and more mucus on the floor, and there was no way out, let alone a tunnel.

If according to the bamboo slips, there is another way out, but now they are all covered with mucus, what should we do?
Zhang Rulong, Chen Feng and the others were behind, and the fire had already started to spread. If no plans were made, the consequences would be disastrous.

There is no way out, and there is a fire in the future. Even if they don't find a tunnel, they probably won't be able to get out now.

The members of the archaeological team looked at each other, Ye Xiao frowned, and looked around, Jin Tong's eyesight quickly made him discover the clue.

There was indeed a blank space on the entire first floor, which gave Ye Xiao hope. He walked over directly, and the rest of the people couldn't help being startled when they saw this.

Zhang Rulong and the others lit the clothes with the only kindling they had, and threw them on the ground, trying to burn a path, the mucus scattered, but a layer of sticky liquid was still left behind. I don't know if there is any. Worm eggs, it makes them overwhelmed.

Seeing Ye Xiao striding over now, he was very surprised at that time.

"Xiaoye really has a special physique, and she's not even afraid of these things!"

"It's incomparable. Xiaoye always said that her physique is different from ordinary people, and she is not afraid of poison. Now I don't even have to worry about these highly poisonous things."

"He's gone, can we go?"

The members of the archaeological team were a little worried, would they be able to leave after Ye Xiao left?

Although part of it can be burned away with fire, there is still the rest.

Old Professor Zhou made a prompt decision: "Take off your clothes and cover your exposed skin, especially your feet, just follow Xiaoye and walk there!"

Everyone wore military boots when they went to the tomb this time. They were thick, so they didn’t have to worry about seeping them in. But experience told me that the clothes were also damaged. The important thing now is to wrap them up so that the mucus does not enter the body. Hearing this, everyone nodded repeatedly. That's where the action starts.

But in a short time, they wrapped their lower body and legs well, so they wouldn't be afraid, even if there were more slime larvae outside, they didn't have to worry.

At this time, a group of people followed Ye Xiao's footsteps and moved forward.

Ye Xiao has already arrived at this place. This is a place where funeral objects are placed. At this time, Ye Xiao stood still, with a big box in front of him. There was nothing around here.

Everyone moved here, but when Ye Xiao opened the box, he found it was empty.

The members of the archaeological team couldn't help frowning tightly.

"Look, there is not a single worm here, those worms seem to be very afraid of this place!"

"I discovered it too. It's strange. I've never seen anything like this before. Could it be that there's something hidden here? How can these insects be so scared?"

At this time, everyone couldn't help being afraid when they saw this.

"There shouldn't be anything more terrifying hidden here!"

"It makes sense, if it's a higher level Gu worm, then it's over, it's better not to open it."

At this time, the members of the archaeological team retreated, seeing that they were all here, maybe they could go out?As long as it is not in the pagoda, it will be fine!
The netizens in the live broadcast room became a little restless.

"The experience of watching horror movies for many years tells me that it is better not to open it, it is very likely to be a dead person!"

"Barrage body protection, body protection!"

"Don't look, I'm going to close my eyes and wait for 5 minutes, remember to call me!"

"Scream! The people from the archaeological team will shout!"

"Tell me the truth! The archaeological team is not a scumbag, they won't call you casually!"

"Hahaha, this scene seems familiar. It's human nature to yell when you are in danger!"

When the cameraman saw the people in the live broadcast room saying this, he couldn't help but say, "Could it be that there's something more terrifying down there!"

Old Professor Zhou said in a deep voice: "What is more terrifying than Gu worms? Could it be the female worms? If there are female worms in the ground, then we have come to the right place."

Hearing what he said, the video camera brother didn't want to say much, he could only do what they said. At this moment, Ye Xiao frowned tightly when he saw the box, and stretched out his hand to open it. Everyone backed away suddenly, but the imaginary Gu There were no worms, because the box was empty, which made everyone dumbfounded.

"It's empty!"

"An empty box, why don't they dare to go forward?"

Seeing that the surrounding area was on fire, Chen Feng shouted: "Don't worry about it so much, if you talk about it, people will be burned to death! Hurry up and find the agency!"

He knew that this group of people would not turn back, and now he could only see how to find a way out.

Ye Xiao stretched out his hand and pressed it, there was nothing around the box, but there were some special patterns on the bottom of the box, and these patterns were uneven, forming a pattern, which surprised Ye Xiao!This is a picture, to be exact, a picture of the phoenix gall, with the shape of the eyeball in the middle.

Old Professor Zhou also followed his example, groping at the bottom of the box, but suddenly found something was wrong.

"Xiaoye, this is?"

Ye Xiao nodded, "This is probably our common mechanism."

Ye Xiao groped along the lines, understood immediately, and pressed down on the eyeballs.

"Huh? Crack!"

I saw that the box suddenly moved, and the bottom sank into it with a crackling sound, and then a hole appeared.

This made everyone dumbfounded. It turned out that this box was the entrance of a mechanism, and now it has been opened. Seeing here, Ye Xiao took a flashlight and shone in. "This should be the location of the mechanism on the first floor. I will go down first, and you will follow."

At this time, the mucus spread again. Hearing the movement in the box, it seemed that the bugs inside became excited and moved directly towards Ye Xiao and the others.

Ye Xiao frowned tightly and jumped down, and the rest of the people followed one by one. After Zhang Rulong and the others stopped, they saw the worms in the mucus coming towards them, and shot them directly.

There was a rattling sound outside, and Chen Feng shouted: "Get down quickly, I will blow up immediately after I break it!"

Hearing this, the members of the archaeological team jumped down one after another. Fortunately, there was a tunnel inside, and they just slid down to the bottom.

Seeing that they were all going down, Chen Feng took out the grenade without hesitation, covered the mouth of the box and threw the grenade.

boom!There was a loud noise, and the sound from above made everyone shudder, and the dust falling from the top of the tomb made them feel extremely heavy.

This time it should have been blown up, but unfortunately those ancient books, if they had known earlier, they should have brought more.

It's just that there is no way now, after all, it has reached the last moment.

After Ye Xiao and the others came down, it was dark all around. The only thing they could see was the light of their flashlights, but the visibility of the flashlights was only about ten meters, and the surrounding area was even more foggy. There seemed to be some light in the fog. passed away.

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