Seeing this, Ye Xiao said in a deep voice: "This is the Nine-Turn Snake Death Worm, everyone back away!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Feng stepped forward without saying a word, and shot the insect over, but more and more mucus followed, Ye Xiao felt bad, I am afraid this is the old nest of the Nine-Turn Snake dead insect!

They didn't find any clues at first, but after opening the coffin, they found that more and more worms followed, which meant that these worms had already been hidden in the pagoda, but they didn't find it.

Now moving the coffin will wake up the insects.

Now there is mucus in all directions, and when I step on the soles of my feet, it will be a sticky piece, which is extremely disgusting.

But the things in the coffin slowly stood up, and the corpse like a silkworm chrysalis gradually returned to its original shape.

Seeing this scene, Professor Zhou was very surprised, "The corpse has changed!"

That's right, as soon as everyone turned their heads, they saw that the skin of the bones began to be full of elasticity, and turned white, and a layer of silvery white appeared on the face.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Fuck, this is bringing the dead back to life! Could it be that this thousand-year-old corpse is going to turn into a human again?"

"I can't imagine that the doctor quickly collected the mucus. If they are used for medical research, all symptoms will disappear and the dead will be brought back to life. What kind of miracle is this?"

"Hurry up, hurry up and collect!"

"Are you kidding? It's poisonous. If this thing can really bring the dead back to life, many monsters in the ancient tomb will come back. Don't underestimate it!"

"Who knows how many corpses there are in this tomb, as long as one of these things turns into zongzi, it will be enough for everyone to eat a pot!"

"Isn't there a leaf falling? It's not a problem if the leaf falls."

"You can count on Ye Xiao to deal with thousands of troops by himself, but you are too overestimating him."

"Worries are unfounded, technology is no joke now!"

"But when you encounter these things, it's incomparable. The end of the universe is metaphysics. You can't say that these things left by our ancestors don't exist, but science can't explain them, and they can't be killed. What do you say?"

The netizens in front of the screen were more anxious than anyone else. The big cameraman was so trembling that he couldn't even see it. Bubbles appeared one after another in the mucus.

They crawled directly over the slime, and the speed of their actions was simply breathtaking.

Without saying a word, Ye Xiao took out the black gold ancient knife, and Chen Feng and his bodyguard team also started to shoot. For a while, the bullet hit the dead insect of the Nine-Turn Snake, and after a while, it was revived again, which made everyone dumbfounded.

Ye Xiao turned around and cut off all nine tails of the Nine Turns Snake Dead Worm with a knife, only then did he realize that the Worm hadn't been revived.

Ye Xiaolang said in a loud voice: "Hit its tail, the root of the tail will be broken, and there is no way to recover it!"

Hearing this, everyone stepped forward one after another, according to what Ye Xiao said, and hit the roots directly, which blocked a layer of insects from coming up for a while.

The worm gradually climbed up from the first floor, and the entire bottom of the pagoda was covered with traces of worms, and the Empress Dowager Luo, who was covered in mucus, had already stood up and moved forward slowly.

Seeing Professor Zhou and the others dumbfounded, Professor Zhou could no longer be calm, "Quick! Hit them!"

The bodyguard team was divided into two rows, and Zhang Rulong shot at the corpse with a gun. After the bullet penetrated the corpse, it was wrapped in mucus. The transparent cocoon-like thing was able to wrap the bullet, which did not stop her from moving forward at all.

Everyone panicked and terrified, is this Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death?
No matter how many bullets there were, it would not be enough to hit her, but at this moment, it was too much to control. The dense bullets were all shot at her, everyone was shocked, and no one knew how to stop it.

Everyone trembled because of fear and fear, and shot directly at the mummy with guns, but the bones of Queen Mother Luo continued to move towards them. This damn oppression and fear of death made everyone tremble.

Old Professor Zhou only felt a shadow in front of him, and that thing was actually coming towards him!

He yelled and stabbed in with the steel pipe, and the mucus on the cocoon flowed out along the steel pipe and climbed directly towards his hand.

At this time, Ye Xiao suddenly stretched out a long knife, cut off the steel pipe with a swipe, and then kicked Empress Dowager Luo's body to the side, hitting the coffin heavily, and the coffin was smashed There was a crisp crackling sound, and old Professor Zhou was terrified.

Ye Xiao took his hand, looked at it again and again to make sure it was correct, and then he was relieved.

"Professor Zhou, don't touch it. If this thing sticks to your skin, you will be wrapped up and can't be saved!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Although there was mucus under their feet, none of them dared to touch it. This was on the top of the seventh floor, and they saw that the dead bugs of the Nine-turned Snake had attacked overwhelmingly. There were dense rustling sounds from below, and no one dared to be careless.

If they were targeted by worms right now, the consequences would be disastrous. They didn't want to die, let alone be swallowed by Gu worms and become monsters like Queen Mother Luo.

At this moment, Old Professor Zhou pulled Ye Xiao, "Ye Xiao, is there a way, how do I get these things out?"

Ye Xiao also has no good solution at this time, "The only way to deal with it now is to burn it all down."

But I am afraid that the Buddhist scriptures here will also be removed. What should I do?
This got everyone in deep thought.

If this is the case, it is another loss for the archaeological community, and it is absolutely impossible for them to burn them just now.

Seeing old Professor Zhou's sad face, he knew that this matter could not be done, but there was no other way to do it. If he couldn't find what was in the coffin, what's the point of coming in this time?
At this time, Ye Xiao thought about it, and climbed to the top of the seventh floor in three steps and two steps, and everyone followed after seeing this.

I saw that the coffin at this time was crushed by the bones of the Empress Dowager Luo just now, and the contents of the coffin also leaked out. In addition to some funerary items, there was also a bamboo slip. Ye Xiao picked it up and looked at it. This picture, the one painted on it, is exactly where the treasure of the phoenix guts is hidden!

But it's underground!

This pagoda is already underground, so there is still space underground!

By the way, there is more than one tomb in the ancient city of Heishui. At the beginning, he guessed that it was a large tomb of several dynasties. Now this layer is the most obvious, and the Phoenix Gallbladder might not be here.

Empress Dowager Luo wanted to live forever because she was inspired by some kind of inspiration, and she was able to use Gu worms to live forever. This woman is indeed incredible, but I have to say that she has courage and methods.

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