This is a white jade coffin. Everyone has come to the seventh floor. There is only one coffin on the roof, and there are a row of cabinets on the surrounding walls. There are some white silkworm cocoons on it. This makes everyone a little curious, what is this thing? , Could it be that it is also a Gu insect?

Also, the coffin is surrounded by red thread, and bells and copper coins are hung on the red thread.

Seeing this weird scene, no one dared to go forward. When Ye Xiao came up, he was shocked when he saw this place, "This is the Yin-Yang Formation of Nine Rounds!"

"What do you mean?"

"The things in this coffin will change, that's why copper bells and copper coins are hung all over, and the head of the coffin is pasted with talisman paper. If this is the case, the coffin cannot be opened. Once the coffin is opened, it will definitely change!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Ye Xiao say this, "If you say it like this, wouldn't we have no hope at all?"

After finally finding hope and shattering it, Old Professor Zhou looked at Ye Xiao and asked, "Is there a way for Xiaoye to get rid of it? I know you must have a way!"

After all, this thing is a big trouble for them, but Ye Xiao knows the secrets of Feng Shui, so it can definitely be solved.

When everyone saw these weird things, they also started talking.

"If it's a suppression, could there be a big rice dumpling in it?"

"What kind of big rice dumpling can live for so long, it won't starve to death in a thousand years!"

"We don't have to be afraid if we have weapons, the big deal is that it will blow up!"

"That is, even if the corpse turns into a big rice dumpling, can it still be as powerful as our weapons?"

Ye Xiao heard them say this in silence, whether weapons are useful or not, you will know from the previous drought, sometimes it is not because of weapons, but at that time, you are so frightened that you can't raise your hands at all, let alone Said to hit, can't even run.

At this time, the netizens in the live broadcast room were all boiling.

"Don't try it lightly!"

"That's right, when something goes wrong, you'll know how to run and scream!"

"Ye Dao stop them, don't open the coffin, or it will be your business!"

"Ye Dao, you must learn your lesson, don't make trouble for yourself, you will regret it then!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room were very worried. After watching too much of the previous archaeological team's operations, the most important thing is that the bodyguard team also sacrificed a lot.

If something happens again, these people will not be able to fight at all.

This coffin is very weird, who knows what's inside!
Ye Xiao frowned tightly when he heard that, he didn't believe it but he didn't dare to wipe out other people's hope casually, after all the marks on their bodies were getting heavier and heavier, they had to be removed, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

He didn't want the entire archaeological team to be wiped out. People were brought down, but if he was the only one who survived, it wouldn't make sense.

So Ye Xiao decided to obey them. After all, he also wanted to know if Phoenix Gallbladder could get rid of their marks.

The big guy was very excited, and his methods were very rough. He ignored all the formations and cut off the red threads and copper coins. Before Ye Xiao could stop him, he saw the copper coins all over the place. Bending down to pick it up.

At this time, there was a thumping sound inside the white jade coffin, which made everyone dumbfounded. They did not expect such a sudden change.

"Impossible, so fast?"

"If that's the case, what are we going to do?"

"Don't worry, these things are not a joke. Everyone, don't rush to come one by one. Wait until the coffin is opened before pointing the gun inside. No matter what happens, the bullets won't catch up!"

Professor Zhou's words made them all nod their heads. At this time, several people formed a circle and pointed their guns at the jade coffin. Then Zhang Rulong and others opened the coffin. The coffin lid had just been opened, and everyone pointed their guns at the coffin. OK inside.

The first thing that catches the eye is a dry and blackened face, wearing a golden crown on the head, and wearing a luxurious dress. The clothes are embroidered with peony flowers with gold threads. The ancients regarded peony as the king of flowers and a symbol of grace and luxury. .This identity is consistent.

In addition, everyone found that this was exactly the same as the mural they saw under the coffin last time. It seemed that this was Empress Dowager Luo.

It's just that when the coffin was half opened, Ye Xiao suddenly pressed his hand on the lid of the coffin. The sudden scene shocked everyone.

"Little Ye, what are you doing?"

Ye Xiao said in a deep voice: "Don't move, there are traps inside, back up! Everyone back up!"

Ye Xiao's words surprised them all, "What's going on?"

"I don't believe it, don't scare people here!"

Professor Yan was about to push out the coffin lid, but when he pushed hard, Empress Dowager Luo in the coffin suddenly stretched out her hand!
Everyone was shocked!Professor Yan also jumped out in fright.

Someone in the crowd yelled, "It's a fraud!"

Professor Yan was so frightened that he stepped back and sat on the ground.

Ye Xiao hurriedly dragged the coffin lid to his side, "It's not a fake corpse, but there are traps inside."

"You mean this is a suspicious coffin?"

Ye Xiao nodded at Zhang Rulong's words, "That's true. This is a suspicious coffin, and there is a hook inside. If you open it, you will all be dragged in. I don't know what is inside, but it must not be underestimated." look."

Hearing him say this, everyone was also surprised, "If this is the case, then you have to give it a try."

At this time, no one dared to be careless. Looking at Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao frowned tightly, and after slowly pushing the coffin away, he took out the ancient black gold knife, inserted it flat into the coffin lid, and slammed it hard, making a loud bang. , a piece of iron fell down, with a trace of sticky mucus on it, seeing this scene, Ye Xiao couldn't help frowning, what is it?
Seeing that the iron sheet was still covered with mucus, everyone was a little surprised. Fortunately, it was not fully opened, otherwise it would be too disgusting! "

Chen Feng hesitated and said, "This can't be some insect's saliva, right?"

Ye Xiao nodded, "I guessed half right."

Everyone was frightened for a moment, and now they have been frightened by the Gu insect, if this is really the slime of some Gu insect, can the things in the coffin still be taken?
In addition, if they want to retrieve the phoenix gall, if this thing is produced, the phoenix gall will have been polluted long ago. Thinking of this, everyone backed up, scared.

Seeing this, Chen Feng couldn't help frowning, "Then why don't we check again?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, "Wait a minute, push the coffin away first, no matter what's inside, we have to see the original appearance before making any plans."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, the members of the archaeological team also thought about it.

Professor Zhou also agreed, after all, they have already found the pagoda on the roof of this building, if they just give up like this, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

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