Old Professor Zhou pulled Ye Xiao, "Xiao Ye, I know you want to protect us, but the bat this time is nothing like anything else!"

Knowing that Professor Zhou was worried about his safety, Ye Xiao's face was serious. "Professor Zhou, it is very common to encounter bats in ancient tombs. They are called night ghosts. Their upper incisors are particularly large and pocket-shaped, with extremely sharp blades. They will not let go after biting. "

"This kind of bat has a very strong thumb. It is good at judging and can jump short distances. It also has super flying power. The wings are about one meter long. Not to mention ugly, but they taste unusual. We have to be careful when we speak. They made a high-pitched sound that we couldn't hear, but they could hear us talking."

"Now that we don't have guns, it's even worse. Except for me, I'm afraid none of you can do it."

It's not that Ye Xiao is pushing the big ones, it's that they have no combat effectiveness.

Hearing this, everyone covered their mouths, not daring to make a sound, and netizens swiped their screens in the live broadcast room.

"This thing is the scariest thing, it looks ugly and has a strange shape!"

"Not only is it ugly, but it also spreads bacteria. It is simply the most disgusting creature in the world!"

"Night Phantom, you can tell by the name."

"This kind of vampire bat, regardless of whether it is human or animal, will not let go. They can suck more than half of their own blood, and they can also spread other diseases. It's disgusting!"

"I feel more and more that Li Yuanhao is not an emperor at all. Look at what kind of things he raises?"

"Can ordinary emperors keep these in their tombs? It's okay to raise Gu worms, and sacrifices are fine. Does he want to live forever or to practice some evil kung fu?"

"You're right, I think he must be perverted in his heart. Tell me, he is so cruel by nature. He killed his mother, his wife, and his children. How can such a person have good results. "

"It's not surprising to see these. Most psychopaths have some special hobbies. Li Yuanhao is like this." correct."

At this time, Ye Xiao surveyed the surrounding area, and here is a water area. These dark night ghosts discharged their feces on the water area, forming a unique soft land, which is highly poisonous.

But the more it was like this, the more Ye Xiao felt that the road ahead would be rewarding.Because if this is an organ set up by Li Yuanhao, then this is a block in the way.

After passing through, you can find his tomb, so this general direction is correct.

Ye Xiao stepped on one foot, and the entire shoe was submerged.

At this time, the night ghosts saw Ye Xiao walking forward alone, made a sharp sound, swooped down suddenly, and passed towards Ye Xiao.

"Little Leaf!"

Old Professor Zhou's heart was raised, and he couldn't help shouting, the sound shook the bats, and they turned towards Old Professor Zhou, which scared all the wives to get nervous.

Old Professor Zhou subconsciously lay down, the bat swooped down, and soon its sharp front teeth scratched Professor Zhou's back. Old Professor Zhou only felt a jerk, and his clothes were torn.

Ye Xiao turned his head, swiped the horizontal knife hard, and the bat was cut in half immediately, leaving only half a day still struggling on the ground.He hurried over to check the old Professor Zhou's wound. At this time, the bats also came over. Chen Feng and Zhang Rulong used bayonets to deal with them while covering the archaeological team.

Fortunately, everyone still had steel pipes in their hands, so they hurriedly resisted.

"Everyone wear protective gear and gloves, don't let your skin be exposed, wrap more!"

Why so much?

In order to burn those morning and evening cicadas before, everyone took off their clothes. The few people without jackets were quickly exposed to the air, and the rest quickly unzipped them to protect them.

But how can one piece of clothing protect two big men?

Everyone hurriedly waved the sticks in their hands. After someone knocked the bat unconscious with a steel pipe, the next bat rushed up quickly and sucked up the corpse of its companion.

Seeing this scene, there was a strong smell of blood in the air, which made people feel sick. They rarely rested and ate even less during the journey.

Originally, there was little food in the stomach, so it was easy to feel sick, and the air in the bottom was not circulated, so I felt stomach acid rising up at every turn. Now seeing this scene, I couldn't help but vomited out. When the vomit came out, it made the bats squirm again and again. It rushed up once, and it took a while to bite his throat.

In an instant, there was only a mummy left, and the living person disappeared in front of them. They were terrified to see it!

There are more and more bats, and the blackness is like a big dark cloud, which seems to swallow everyone.

This dense, death-like ugly creature roared towards them, as if to catch them all.

Seeing this scene, the people in the live broadcast room couldn't help but get scared, and the camera kept shaking.

Everyone knows that it is not easy for the camera brother, and he has not left the equipment until now. If Miao Feng was not there to protect him, the camera brother would have been gone long ago.

Seeing this scene at this time, everyone left messages one after another.

"Brother camera, don't protect the equipment anymore, run away!"

"Even if we don't watch the live broadcast, it's okay, brother, run, it's important to save your life!"

"Brother is also worried about the equipment. The so-called machine exists and people exist, and if the machine does not exist, people will disappear."

"Brother, don't do this again, run away!"

Ye Xiao looked at the swooping bats, and took out the scented jade. This jade can repel insects, and it seems to have some effect on bats.

Sure enough, as soon as Wen Xiangyu came out, the bat board slowed down, but still couldn't restrain the desire for blood.

Ye Xiao saw that Professor Zhou was in pain, and something seemed wrong. He hurried over and touched it with his backhand. Blood oozed from Professor Zhou's back, and the blood was still black.

not good!Professor Zhou is poisoned!

Ye Xiao got angry immediately, he put the ancient black gold knife back into its sheath without hesitation, everyone was stunned seeing this scene.

"Xiaoye, what are you doing?"

"Don't mess around!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. At this critical moment, Ye Xiao actually put away the ancient black gold sword. Everyone was ashamed. Could it be that this group of bats are so powerful?Even Xiaoye couldn't deal with it, so did he give up the last struggle?
It's over, they are about to face death!

The people in the live broadcast room were even more dumbfounded.

"My God, is this going to give up?"

"It was so difficult before, Ye Dao never gave up, now Ye Dao just let it go?"

"Did something happen to Ye? Barbie Q is over."

"The picture looks familiar, remember those jackals?"

"The jackal is different from the bat. This thing has a small mind and doesn't know what's going on."

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