Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 326 It is not surprising that Ye Dao can be refined into 1 point

"Each Gu insect has its own king, and the general blood corpse is formed after being bitten by the corpse turtle king."

Miao Feng became a little scared, "According to what you said, will there be a corpse turtle king here?"

Ye Xiao nodded, "Very likely."

"No wonder..." Old Professor Zhou murmured, "No wonder the top of the coffin is painted with cinnabar. After a long time, there are blood corpses here, which means that the blood corpses were formed on purpose, not acquired, otherwise the coffin How could it be a color?!"

Everyone suddenly realized this!

Professor Ou was even more excited, "That's right! If the color of the top of an ancient tomb is like blood, it means that the standard is very high, and there must be treasures inside, but there must be treasures inside, which also means that there must be these things inside to protect the ancient tomb." .”

"Li Yuanhao specially refined the blood corpse to protect his ancient tomb. It seems that this guy is really evil!"

Ye Xiao nodded, and the next moment Miao Feng lost his voice: "Will the corpse turtle king wait for us in this tomb?! Will the corpse turtle king feel something after the blood corpse dies?"

This sentence shocked everyone around, and they quickly approached Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao frowned, "If there really is a corpse turtle king, you should really be careful."

Corpse turtles come and go without a trace, and there may be sounds when they appear in groups, but they will never be heard when they appear alone. If they really want to appear next to them, it is really hard to guard against.At this time, everyone was a little surprised and a little terrified, and the people in the live broadcast room also became uneasy.

The camera brother was even more nervous, and quickly pointed the camera at the audience, scanning them one by one.

He can't see clearly by himself, but the eyes of netizens are discerning, and it takes everyone's efforts to get it done.

At this time, everyone's eyes were blind, and they didn't see the corpse, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, don't be alarmist here, there is nothing at all."

"Don't scare yourself, it's clean here!"

"That's right, the blood corpses are all gone, and the corpse turtle king is long gone. Wasn't it already burnt out before, and can it appear again?"

"Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death is not so ruthless."

Ye Xiao frowned tightly seeing everyone discussing so happily. At this moment, the corpse of the blood corpse suddenly stirred up, and everyone's peaceful hearts boiled again!
"I wipe! It's moving!"

"Run, it's changed!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone scattered in all directions. Wearing gas masks, they saw the bloody corpse lying on the ground suddenly move. This scene was so terrifying that everyone couldn't help but huddle together.

Chen Feng was thrown out by the blood corpse before, and it hurt for a while, but now he moved again, and subconsciously pulled the bolt of the gun and pointed it at the blood corpse.

I saw that the head of the blood corpse was bulging, and the place was surrounded by blood. I couldn't see what it was, but I could also feel that it was not a good thing.

The bulging bag is getting bigger and bigger, even more and more transparent.

Everyone's eyes widened, and the camera focused on the blood bubble.

Suddenly there was a bang!

The blood bubble exploded, and the blood splashed all over the ground. A black bug quickly crawled out, spread its golden wings, and flew towards everyone!

Everyone panicked and didn't have time to think, Chen Feng shot at it, the insect was smashed in mid-air, and the black liquid splashed all over the ground!Everyone was stunned and didn't understand what it was?
"What the hell is this? The corpse turtle king?"

"It's really alive, it's actually in the blood corpse's mind!"

Ye Xiao frowned tightly, "This is not the corpse turtle king, although the blood corpse was formed because of the corpse turtle, but this blood corpse is not an ordinary identity, and the ordinary corpse turtle king can't do anything about it."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, "Then, who is this blood corpse?"

"The blood corpse appears here, and there is the high priest's robe in this place, it seems that it has something to do with the high priest."

Ye Xiao walked directly in front of this robe, and old professor Zhou couldn't help being surprised, "Xiaoye, did you notice something?"

Ye Xiao nodded, "Actually, I thought it was the corpse turtle king at first, mainly because we were all attracted by blood corpses, and forgot that this is a burial chamber, and the person lying in the coffin cannot have this kind of robe for no reason."

"The owner of the clothes is the high priest, and the corpse is naturally him."

"This high priest made himself into a blood corpse!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, "What! Someone would be so cruel and practiced himself! Can't you?"

"Xiaoye, are you joking?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, "Absolutely not. This high priest was also arranged by Li Yuanhao. The blood flowing all over the body of the high priest was already full of poison. He is a Gu breeder himself, so he is naturally proficient in refining Gu."

"Soak the body with highly poisonous blood, and over time it will become a walking corpse. It smells the breath of the living and attacks. It is extremely powerful, but the refining process is also very tormenting. You have to endure all kinds of pain. If you are not careful, your previous efforts will be wasted."

"Generally, only Gu masters refine others into blood corpses. I have never seen one who refines himself, but you can tell by looking at the Gu worms in his body. In the end, he probably couldn't hold it, so he forced the natal Gu worms to enter, otherwise I can't hold it anymore."

"If it is not the high priest, there is no need to bury his clothes here. This is a symbol of his identity."

"Generally speaking, only people with such a status will settle in it. Otherwise, they will never place coffins to bury other people."

"As for the worm that detoxifies Gu, it seems that the high priest is useless."

Seeing this, everyone was still in disbelief, Ye Xiao directly turned over the coffin lid, pointed to the marks on it and said: "Look at the scratches on it, it means that he is in great pain, he has been scratching all the time, and he can't bear it." At that time, he wanted to get out of the coffin, but was suppressed in the end."

Seeing the scratches on the inside of the coffin lid, everyone was surprised.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned and reacted after being shocked.

"Ye Dao, how do you know this so well?"

"You can tell at a glance that this is the high priest. Your eyes are made of titanium alloy, right?"

"I only felt horrible just now, I didn't notice the clothes at all, Ye Dao's brain is too active!"

"Ye Dao knew at a glance that this was not the corpse turtle king. I was a little skeptical about life. Did you imprison this person?"

"It's not surprising that Ye can be refined!"

"I think so too, let Ye Dao reveal it!"

Netizens are talking about Ye Xiao one after another, and Ye Xiao can't laugh or cry, "I'm not that capable. You must know that refining a blood corpse cannot be done by one person. As a great priest in southern Xinjiang, this person has Li Yuanhao's support behind him." !

It's very easy to find highly poisonous things, and I'm a Gu master, I think the mother worm should have provided a lot of help, otherwise, he would never be able to refine it, and I can't handle this kind of thing! "

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