Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 278 Really Think I'm Nobody in Daxia?

It feels like the broken ruins outside can be felt through the wall, and there are even countless dust seeping in.

In the empty ancient tomb, the sound of the explosion was particularly deafening. Everyone covered their ears and squatted on the ground, unable to raise their heads at all.

I don't know how long it took before everything calmed down. It seemed that the gang of mercenaries had already escaped, otherwise they wouldn't let it go.

"These bastards really think that I have no one in Daxia, and dare to destroy the tomb wantonly. I really hope that they will be eaten up by corpse turtles!"

"They are really crazy! Could it be that they really want to blow up the tomb, how many cultural relics have been destroyed!"

The experts were heartbroken, and Chen Feng and the others breathed a sigh of relief, feeling terrified. Fortunately, they hid in the passage, otherwise they would have died in these explosions.

Ye Xiao frowned, feeling something was wrong.

Several explosions are more powerful each time. These explosives are comparable to C4 bombs.

And easy to carry.

In Daxia, guns and ammunition are banned. Except for the army, most people can't buy them at all, but these mercenaries are different.

C4 bombs are easy to carry, also known as rubber bombs, and can even be disguised as chewing gum, sometimes even security checks may not be able to detect them.

These people used so much explosives that even a three-story building could be razed to the ground. Why didn't the tomb collapse?

Is it really just luck?
Can't you?
Ye Xiao frowned, feeling that this was not an easy matter. It stands to reason that with such frequent bombings, it would have been impossible to replace it with an ordinary tomb. Although stones have fallen here, it is generally quite strong.

Ye Xiao patted the stone bricks on his body, there was nothing special about the stone bricks, they were also normal wooden structures, why didn't they collapse?
Seeing Ye Xiao's action, everyone was a little confused, but then they became confused, and the live broadcast room was full of bullet screens.

"Has Ye ever been here? Why does it feel like my own home?"

"Yes, you can find a safe passage by exploring the road, and you can pass through it safely with just one touch."

"Ye said it was the third uncle who told him!"

"I beg Ye to call third uncle, why do you feel that third uncle is the big boss?"

"Could it be that Ye Dao is really Guru Habu's master? It's amazing if you can pinch and count!"

"Yeah, it's hard to explain! Even grave robbers are not so familiar with it."

"Ye Dao said that there are not many excuses, and it is becoming clearer."

"The pig teammates can't take it, but Ye Dao can only do it himself."

"Upstairs, you can shut up! The archaeological team is a pig teammate, what are you?"

"If Ye Dao is really Guru Habu, then the archaeological team is not a pig teammate, but also a professional!"

There was a lot of noise in the live broadcast room, and Ye Xiao couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and quickly explained: "I'm not some master Habu, the reason why I found this passage is entirely because I saw the color of that brick and other things. The place is clearly different."

"And the gaps around it are also a little unusual, so I didn't press it casually, it was deliberate."

"The potential of people bursting out before danger is infinite. If you encounter this situation, you will also realize your potential."

It can't be said that I have golden pupils, and I can see places that you can't see, right?

If that's the case, it's not admiration for me and suspicion of me. Once I go out, I might be dragged into the laboratory for autopsy.

But netizens didn't buy it at all.

"Ye Dao, don't explain, explaining is covering up, and covering up is the truth."

"Ye Dao, it's useless no matter how much you say, I believe my eyes, I saw clearly!"

"Ye Dao: Believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think, just listen to what I say."

Even Professor Zhou and the others looked at Ye Xiao suspiciously, Ye Xiao shrugged, "Let's continue, it won't be good if they get ahead of us."

Old Professor Zhou was still worried, and patted Ye Xiao, "Xiaoye, have you really never been here?"

Ye Xiao was speechless, "Professor Zhou, even you don't believe me anymore? You informed me that this is Li Yuanhao's tomb!"

Hearing this, Old Professor Zhou sneered, "Yes, why did I forget this? Let's go, let's go!"

Ye Xiao sighed silently, but there was a strange feeling in his heart.

If Master Habu's soul is really immortal, then these ancient tombs may not escape his thieves.

Ye Xiao's heart suddenly became panicked, and he walked in the front with his knife in hand, but he felt that the eyes from behind seemed to pierce him.

Experts are wondering whether Ye Xiao has been here before, or how he is so familiar with it.

Corpse turtle female insects can also be found, and secret passages of organs are not a problem.

Every time you encounter danger, you can save yourself from danger.

It doesn't make sense to say that he hasn't been here.

Ye Xiao shook his head, this corridor was very long, and his eyes were on his back, but soon everyone's eyes were attracted to the next tomb.

Here is a brand new tomb.

It looks very tidy, not as messy as the main hall. It seems that their progress is faster than those mercenaries, which is good news.

Old Professor Zhou and the others breathed a sigh of relief, "We've finally got rid of them. Let's make an inventory and see if there is any special burial."

It looks like a burial chamber here, the surroundings are intact, and there are countless burials in the side room.

However, depending on the situation, it is a bit unusual, most of them are women's products.

"Oh! This is probably Li Yuanhao's wife?"

"How is it possible? Li Yuanhao is the lord of the Western Xia Dynasty. If it is his wife, then she will be the queen. The burial will be more than that, and it must be more luxurious."

"That's right, how can the mother of the country be buried with these things, it's not like."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and all they found were beautifully carved makeup niches, made of mahogany, with exquisite shapes, and when they were opened, there was a puddle of black things inside, which had already dried.

It turns gray when touched lightly, but the color left on their hands tells them that this is the lip balm used by ancient women, that is, lipstick.

Netizens in the live broadcast room swiped their screens when they saw it.

"This should be the dressing table of ancient women. There are a lot of cosmetics!"

"Yeah, it looks like the owner of this tomb should be a beauty-loving young lady! I don't know if it's Li Yuanhao's favorite, concubine or something."

"Oh, poor, what a beautiful woman is a cup of soil, and the king has to be buried when he dies!"

"Generally, those who have no heirs have to be buried? You are so young. If you die in modern times, your husband will still be able to remarry!"

At this time, whoever discovered the new land, "Huh? Why are there men's clothes here!"

As soon as this was said, the camera turned to another box, and Chen Feng and the others gathered around here, looking at the clothes in a box, and no one dared to move.

I'm afraid that if I move it, it will be weathered.

"This color is quite gorgeous, it doesn't look like a man's!"

Chen Feng didn't understand either, so he had to ask if he didn't understand.

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