Professor Zhou's words aroused discussion among the archaeological team.

"There are records in the historical materials, but it doesn't say that the burial objects are so rich. Let's not talk about these. The entire tomb is made of gold, which has never been seen in other tombs."

"Yeah, this tomb is not simple, and it's too easy to find, it's a bit unusual."

"Easy? Don't forget, we came in through the agency. There won't be any agency here, right? Will the garrison come in a while, will it be dangerous?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, it would not be surprising if there was a mechanism here, but things cannot be taken away, they are only buried here, even if people come to visit in the future, I am afraid it will not be easy to find.

Everyone looked at Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao had no choice but to take out a gold bar from the box, the surrounding was quiet and there was nothing, he walked a few more steps and found nothing wrong, everyone was relieved.

Ye Xiao suddenly had a feeling that he might not be a tool person.

At this moment, Miao Feng suddenly said from the side: "Just now I seemed to hear a voice again, saying that we should stay, did you hear that?"

Hearing that everyone became nervous, Professor Fu shook his head, "I didn't hear that, but I heard my mother tell me to go home early."

"I heard my wife's voice."

Ye Xiao frowned at the side. Professor Fu's mother died long ago at this age, so it must be an auditory hallucination.

If what Miao Feng and the others said is true, then there must be something strange in this tomb, otherwise, how could it be like this?
Everyone's hearts were raised again.

Old Professor Zhou came to his senses, "Are we going to have hallucinations? Xiaoye, it seems to be written in your book that a flower called Corpse Konjac can have hallucinations, right?"

Ye Xiao was a little taken aback, "This... old professor Zhou, my book is fabricated, and this is a real tomb!"

Old Professor Zhou had a look of disbelief, his eyes seemed to say: You make it up!

Ye Xiao was really speechless, and the netizens also stopped to tease him.

"Professor Zhou: I believe you are a ghost, you are a very bad old man!"

"When the head of the archaeological team met a black-bellied tomb robber, I suddenly wanted to smash CP. Am I insane?"

"Ye, don't hesitate, we'll take it seriously when you made it up. You can't explain it clearly since Suo Longjing, so admit it!"

"Ye Dao, seriously, what is this voice, why didn't you hear it?"

"I suspect that Ye is the creator of the sound, otherwise why would he be special!"

"Ye looked at the old professor Zhou, and there was no way to retreat, so he simply obeyed."

There was joy on the Internet, Ye Xiao set his eyes on the main hall, looked up, even the ceiling was covered with gems, and he could vaguely see himself.

This place is simply outrageously luxurious, even the general emperor's mausoleum may not be able to do this.

But he really didn't hear the sound or something, maybe it was because of too much pressure and a psychological shadow?

"Let's see if there is a mechanism. I think the voice should be a mechanism. Anything can happen in the tomb. Also, so far, we haven't seen the coffin!"

Ye Xiao hit the nail on the head, and Professor Zhou and the others finally knew what was wrong, it was the coffin!
As soon as they came in, they were attracted by the gold, not to mention the coffin, they didn't even see a bug.

For a while, everyone was looking for it, but Ye Xiao was guessing the identity of the owner of the tomb.

From his previous experience, he was sure that this was the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan, but this tomb may not be the main tomb.

Genghis Khan is a generation of heroes, there is nothing here that symbolizes his identity, and most of the funerary objects are women's jewelry.

Looking around, the decoration is also very luxurious. According to Genghis Khan's status and status, there is not even a throne, not even a crown that symbolizes imperial power.

This doesn't look like his style, but rather, a simple burial warehouse, or even a woman's tomb.


Ye Xiao suddenly remembered that if it was Genghis Khan's tomb, then it would be regarded as an imperial tomb, and maybe some concubine or princess was buried there.

Didn't they see the general's coffin when they first came in?

Ye Xiao looked around, everyone was looking for the main coffin, but his eyes were fixed on the ground.

There are walls all around here, made of gold, leaving no gaps, and the merman oil lamps on the pillars are not working. Since there is nothing strange on the walls, and there is no possibility on the ceiling, then there is only the ground.

Ye Xiao directly shined the flashlight on the ground, and the white marble ground is actually not difficult to find.

Everyone around was looking for the mechanism, even the pillars were searched, but nothing was found.

Ye Xiao walked up and down, looked around the ground, finally found the clue, and laughed immediately.

Everyone was a little discouraged, they couldn't find the agency, so they just went back home?
Or blast the golden wall?

For a while, everyone fell into a deadlock.

Old Professor Zhou just looked up, but saw Ye Xiao take out a compass, walking around in the tomb, muttering something, he was stunned.

The people in the live broadcast room were also shocked when they saw Ye Xiao's appearance.

"Ye Dao is possessed? Is this Shaman Dance God?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Ye can't put it upside down and open the plug-in, and he will find out soon."

"Yeah, the leaf inverted compass appears, this is probably some kind of special skill."

There are different opinions in the live broadcast room.

Old Professor Zhou couldn't help asking, "Xiaoye, what did you find?"

Ye Xiao didn't raise his head, "This place forms a gossip map with the surrounding boxes, walk according to the gossip, and look for the door of life."

Hearing this, everyone was a little surprised, gossip!

Everyone looked at it one after another, and after turning around, Professor Zhou suddenly realized that the boxes seemed to be in disarray, but they were actually placed in the order of the Eight Diagrams.

However, there are gossip in the tomb, could it be that there is something different here?

Thinking of this, everyone became tense, the atmosphere became strange for a while, and there was a dead silence in the air.

So nervous that even the people in the studio stopped talking and looked at Ye Xiao steadfastly.

Ye Xiao said to himself: "I've been thinking about where this coffin is hidden. If this is a tomb, if there are funeral objects but the coffin is missing, it means there must be a mechanism in this tomb."

"The Bagua map is not just used to suppress or control the soul, but also a mechanism, as long as you find the door of life."

Miao Feng interjected, "Then, Brother Ye, have you found it?"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Xiao stopped in his tracks and said seriously: "

The gossip is divided into Xiumen, Shengmen, Hurtmen, Dumen, Jingmen, Deathmen, Jingmen and Kaimen.Generally speaking, the three gates of opening, rest, and birth are auspicious gates, death, shock, and injury are evil gates, and the rest are middle gates. "

"The entire tomb is made of gold. The Shengmen belongs to the earth, and it is located in the northeast of the Gen Palace. The earth produces gold, so it is here!"

Ye Xiao took two steps forward and walked towards a box in the northeast.Everyone is a little unbelievable, that's it?
so easy?

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