Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 220 I'm afraid the black donkey's hooves can't hold Ye Dao down, and a boy&#0

At this moment, Ye Xiao glanced at it, and it turned out to be a turntable with raised gemstones. He stretched out his hand and twisted it, only to hear a creaking sound next to it.

The entire tomb trembled, and they all gathered around Ye Xiao in fright, watching the last mural open in horror.

Mu Li and Tu Kun hurried forward and pulled the bolts of the guns. After the stone door was fully opened, several flashlights were fired into it, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

There are no corpse insects, and there are no big zongzi. There is only a long corridor.

At this moment, Ye Xiao took a deep breath, "Okay, I'll go in first, and you guys will be behind."

Everyone nodded and followed Ye Xiao, no one dared to be the first.

This corridor is about 20 meters away. Ye Xiao stood at the entrance of the corridor, and when he hit the ground with a flashlight, he saw several squares carved on the bluestone board, lined up in two rows. With a distance of 20 meters, the two rows of squares looked very special. weird.

Generally speaking, if you walk directly through such a long corridor, there is no problem, but the square road stones made of these two bluestone slabs are a bit abrupt.

Ye Xiao knelt down and reached out to touch it. The walls on both sides were also very smooth, as if they were deliberately polished for some kind of existence.

When the rest of the people saw Ye Xiao squatting down, they were a little puzzled.

Miao Feng also followed his example and squatted down, "What happened to Brother Ye?"

Ye Xiao took a photo of the ground in front of him, and the walls of the corridor on both sides, but he didn't make a sound for a long time.

Netizens in front of the screen joked one after another:
"I'm so nervous, what is Ye Dao looking at?"

"Ye Dao is playing tricks on mysteries!"

"Nonsense, Ye is under control, right? Hurry up and give him a black donkey's hoof!"

"I'm afraid the black donkey's hooves won't be able to hold back Ye Dao, and the boy's urine will be added!"

The atmosphere became cheerful for a while, dispelling a lot of scary atmosphere.

At this moment, Ye Xiao said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid there is an agency here."


Everyone exploded!
It's normal to have a mechanism in the tomb, but now tell them that there is a mechanism in this corridor, how is it possible!

Old Professor Zhou became anxious, and so did Professor Fu and the others. They are all at this age, and if they encounter agencies, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Let me give it a try." Ye Xiao picked up a stone and threw it out. The small stone rolled down on the bluestone slab a few times, and suddenly the walls on both sides clicked, appearing about ten centimeters away from the bottom of the wall. Two rows of small holes.

"Sweep brush brush!!"

A dozen extremely sharp short crossbows shot out and were instantly nailed to the opposite wall.

Everyone was amazed to see this scene.

How can this be broken?
Everyone in front of the screen was also stunned, and there was a dead silence in the air.

If it wasn't for Ye Xiao, if they rushed over rashly, everyone's calf bones would have been shot through!
Being shot through the calf in the tomb, what kind of pain and crisis was that?

Once some snakes, insects, rats and ants rushed out smelling the smell of blood, what awaited them would be death.

Buried in the tomb along with the dust of history.

Old Professor Zhou and the others were dumbfounded. When they saw the short crossbow nailed to the wall, they were immediately stunned.

Ye Xiao took out an ancient black gold knife and chopped off a bow and crossbow. The arrow was deeply nailed into the wall, and it was still slightly glowing green.

"This crossbow is poisonous."

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of noise in the live broadcast room!
"I didn't expect it to be so exciting. If Ye Dao didn't show up, I'm afraid he would be shot through and turned into a hedgehog!"

"It's too difficult. If it's the Flying Immortal, you can almost pass it. Otherwise, how can you survive?"

"To survive a catastrophe, Ye Dao is mighty!"

"Ask me once a day, how does Ye Dao know that there is an agency?"

"Oh, I'll go, I didn't expect, Ye Dao, you exposed your identity again."

Old Professor Zhou frowned tightly, "It's really a mechanism. If you step out casually, the whole army will probably be wiped out!"

Ye Xiao nodded, "As long as the stone mechanism is triggered, it will open, so you can't touch it casually, and the mechanism that hides the crossbow has always been mainly made of wood. The ancients were very delicate in making mechanism, as long as we don't touch it It doesn't matter."

"The time span is so long, let's rule out that the wood will rot due to the bite of insects and snakes. Now it seems that it is quite intact. Let's take good protection and try it first to see how many end crossbows we can shoot at one time. I think they Repairing the tomb will not hide so many!"

Ye Xiao didn't think of a way to crack it, but if the things they carried were shot through by these crossbows, they would suffer heavy losses.

So try it out first.

Ye Xiao took the stone and threw it out, the farthest was 20 meters, the sound of breaking through the air made everyone silent, and more than a hundred crossbows at a distance of 20 meters set the wall as a sieve.

Seeing this scene, everyone was silent, how can this be broken?
At this time, Old Professor Zhou took a deep breath. The road ahead is here, and the distance of 20 meters is too short. Now, the only way is to wait for the garrison to come over, and their equipment is complete.

"Everyone, do you have any good solutions?" Old Professor Zhou looked back at them. They are all old bones. Except for Mu Li and other young people, how are they going to get over?

If you walk forward with your back on your back, there will be organs on the stone slab.

Ye Xiao stretched out his foot and stepped on the stone in front of him. Sure enough, a short crossbow flew out as soon as he exerted force. Ye Xiao quickly cut it off with a black gold ancient knife in his hand. With a bang, he suddenly thought of something!
Seeing the end crossbows on the opposite wall, Ye Xiao suddenly laughed, "Give me the rope!"

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, Old Professor Zhou was a little nervous, "Xiao Ye must not be brave, if you get shot through, it's not a joke!"

If this is shot through, there will be one less talent. Professor Zhou Xicai doesn't want Ye Xiao to take risks.

Ye Xiao smiled: "Professor Zhou, don't worry, I will definitely not let you watch me. Besides, I have already thought of a way."

"Really? What way?"

"Brother Ye, let me help you, what do you want?"

Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows, "Give me all the ropes. I'll throw stones right away, and all the crossbows will hit the opposite wall. This is a natural ladder. I can climb over these. I will climb over with the ropes." Just weave a web and everyone crawls over it."

"Professor Zhou, thank you for your hard work then."

After Ye Xiao finished speaking, everyone suddenly realized, yes, why didn't they think of it!
"Oh, as expected of me, Ye Dao, I'm really smart, it seems that talents are talents!"

"As soon as Ye Dao comes out, you will be invincible. Ye Dao will support you."

"Be careful, Ye!"

Ye Xiao took everyone's ropes and tied them tightly together. Then, with the ropes on his back, he began to climb along the short crossbow, and everyone's hearts were in their throats.

Miao Feng couldn't bear it anymore, and began to climb. Together with Ye Xiao, he fixed the rope tightly on the short crossbow. The distance was 20 meters. To ensure safety, the two tested repeatedly, and finally tied it after an hour.

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