"Does the person who built the mausoleum have to thank the owner of the tomb in the end? Did the man in armor live in the burial pit?"

"Fart, the people who built the tomb must have died in the burial pit in the end. No matter which tomb, the owner of the tomb will not let the people who built the tomb know where his tomb is, so as not to spread the news and attract tomb robbers, so this Helping people will definitely die!"

"What is that? Is this a great shaman? The shaman in Huanzhugegeli seems to be dressed like this!"

"You've watched too many TV shows upstairs!"

"Could it be that some kind of ceremony is being held, why does it look like a person with a rash? And the style of the painting suddenly changed, it's completely different from before!"

"Nonsense, there must be an altar for sacrifices, and there must be sacrifices. In ancient times, their technology and productivity were very low. Otherwise, how could there be begging for rain? Didn't you see that there is not even a case table here, and so many people kneel around Come down, there must be something to ask for, but I don’t know what to ask for.”

"I think it's mourning. Isn't Genghis Khan dead? So the last scene must be mourning."

Netizens have their brains wide open, Professor Zhou and the others are also thinking hard, saying that it is a sacrifice, but what are they offering sacrifices to?

They didn't find anything similar at the scene. It has to be said that the first few paintings did record everything about Genghis Khan, but there was no basis for the last painting, which made everyone a little suspicious.

Ye Xiao glanced at it, and recalled the scene he saw in the sacrificial pit before. He originally thought that Genghis Khan hated the Xixia army, so he let them be buried with him.


Seeing that everyone didn't understand, Ye Xiao said at this time, "This is not a mourning, it is indeed a sacrifice."

Sacrifice?Old Professor Zhou looked back at him: "Xiaoye, tell me clearly, why did Genghis Khan have such strange sacrifices for so many years in power? It looks different from ordinary altars."

Ye Xiao nodded: "It's really unusual. Look at this shaman. Just now I saw a netizen talking about the great god of shaman. He guessed right. This is indeed a shaman. Shamanism is a primitive religion of the Mongolian people. It is generally used to pray for rain. To sacrifice to heaven, their clothes are brightly colored and they hold mallets, but you can see that the great shaman in this mural is wearing a black robe and has feathers on his head, which does not conform to the traditional symbol of shaman, so I guess it should be a shaman teaching, for special sacrifices."

"Genghis Khan is invincible. His achievements in his life are incomparable. There is no one before and no one to come. Combined with the blood worms above, we can see that maybe his invincibility is protected by the gods. After his death, it may be For the longevity of the Mongolian country, these sacrifices are used to ensure the immortality of the soul."

"The soul is immortal, what do you say?"

Old Professor Zhou was still at a loss.

"Ten thousand people sacrifice pit!" Ye Xiao reminded old professor Zhou: "Before I always thought that Genghis Khan let the Xixia army die because he hated them. The fight in the sacrifice pit was very fierce, but looking at these pictures, there are many people in this circle. The patterns, as well as the lumps in the bronze tripods of three generations, show that things are not that simple!"

The atmosphere was a little dull. I thought the sacrificial pit was cruel enough.

But I didn't expect such a weird sacrifice to exist now.

Miao Feng couldn't help it anymore, "Brother Ye, tell me, these were organized by Genghis Khan?"

"Probably not, the absence of Genghis Khan in the fifth painting suggests that it began after his death."

"Three generations of bronze, I didn't know the location at the beginning, why such a rare and precious three generations of bronze was in the burial pit. Now, this painting has solved my doubts."

"Three generations of bronze wares were originally part of the sacrificial offering. Only the use of these precious bronze wares can achieve the destiny and guarantee the immortality of the soul. Therefore, a lot of blood and souls are needed in exchange."

"Legends say that shamanism can bring the dead back to life and chase the soul from the shadows. They want Genghis Khan to come back to life, immortal!"

"Traditional shamans can heal diseases and are messengers of the gods. Their purpose here is to use magic to recall Genghis Khan."

Hearing this, everyone gasped. The death of Genghis Khan was a huge loss to Mongolia. They wanted to bring Genghis Khan back to life, which made sense.

Ye Xiao continued: "Look at the murals, those who kneeled in front of the three-generation bronze tripod should be Genghis Khan's subordinates, and the people behind are all close servants. They are loyal to Genghis Khan and willing to sacrifice."

"The shaman filled the three generations of bronze vessels with sacrificial supplies. This piece should be a piece of meat. The circles on the ground are the grooves that collect blood, and finally converge on the bronze tripod."

"If I'm not mistaken, the sacrifice pit was all because of this sacrifice! And the murals are not finished yet. Look, there are two black-robed wizards in the corner here, which means that there are many sacrifices like this. The dead slaves are not limited to this one burial pit, perhaps thousands of slaves died because of the sacrifice.”

"I believe they have been trying, so Genghis Khan's mausoleum is well protected and hidden, so that one day they can find a way to resurrect."

"Moreover, according to historical records, after Genghis Khan's death, the Mongolian army kept secret. When the Western Xia Palace wanted to surrender, the Mongolian army rushed in and killed all these people and sent them to serve in the underworld."

"It can be seen from this that they believe that Genghis Khan can still lead them after death. The immortality of the soul is the belief in the hearts of the Mongolian army!"

Hearing that, the screen was full of activity.

"I'm going, listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books. Ye Dao is indeed Ye Dao, who awakens the dreamer with a single word!"

"I understand. I guessed half right. I said it was a great shaman, but I didn't expect it to be an evil wizard."

"Who would have thought that this guy is actually a sacrificial pit, how many people will die!"

"If Ye Dao wasn't so young and so professional, I would have doubted whether you had crossed over from there. Isn't this knowledge reserve too rich?"

"A generation of proud Genghis Khan! It's a pity that the immortality of the soul is against the way of heaven."

At this time, Old Professor Zhou looked back at Ye Xiao with fixed eyes.

Ye Xiao couldn't help laughing, "Professor Zhou, what's the matter?"

"No, I think what you said is indeed reasonable. I can't find a reason to refute it. The netizens are right. You have a lot of professional knowledge reserves at a young age. It is really not easy."

Professor Fu even praised, "That's right, even us old guys may not be as good as you. By the way, do you have a similar collection of books?"

What Ye Xiao said was speechless, so he could only push it to his third uncle again, "No, this is what my third uncle told me when he was alive, and listened to it as a story."

Professor Zhou lamented, "This enlightenment has a high starting point, and we can't match it."

Ye Xiao: "..." I can't wash it away, but I'm enlightened.

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