When Sister Li heard this, she suddenly laughed.

"My brother is really good at joking. Even if I didn't fire that shot at that time, I'm afraid you will be fine."

"I didn't save you, but this younger brother saved me!"

"My sister has nothing to repay, I can only... promise it with my body!"

After speaking, Sister Li wanted to get close to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao stepped back calmly, ignored Sister Li's teasing, and turned to look somewhere in the oasis.

"Let's head out, there should be a cave in the rocks over there, let's spend the night there tonight!"

As he spoke, he led the crowd towards the depths of the oasis.

At this time, everyone could already feel the huge tearing force from the storm.

So no one dared to hesitate any longer, and followed Ye Xiao to the deepest part of the oasis.


After a while,

Everyone was sitting around the fire in the cave.

The entrance of the cave was blocked by some moved boulders, and basically no light from the outside world could be seen.

You can only hear the occasional whining sound of wind entering the cave, which makes people feel creepy.

And the wormwood powder that Sister Li used to block those blood worms finally showed its effect at this moment.

Sprinkled in the fire, and in the corners of the cave, groups of scorpions immediately crawled out of the cave.

There was even a rattlesnake or two attached.

After being cleaned up by Mu Li and Tu Kun, the two rattlesnakes, which were as thick as the arms of an adult, immediately became a delicacy on the campfire.

Sister Li sat alone in the corner of the cave, completely isolated by everyone.

After a while, the snake meat was roasted.

Ye Xiao tied a piece with a sharpened wooden stick, handed it to Sister Li in the corner, and said:


Sister Li glanced at it, took the snake meat in Ye Xiao's hand, and said to tease Ye Xiao before eating:
"My brother is so kind to my sister!"

Seeing Ye Xiao running away as if fleeing, Sister Li covered her lips and laughed.

Come to the entrance of the cave again and look out through the stone peak.

It was completely dark outside, and there was no light at all.

It's not because of time...but the sandstorm has arrived!

The Populus euphratica tree outside, all the plants are being ravaged by the sandstorm, tearing, until they are completely smashed.

The sandstorm is like a huge meat grinder, it only knows how to completely tear everything it touches into a pile of powder.

But inside and outside the cave, it seems like two worlds.

Everyone has gone through a long period of running around and the front line of life and death.

Now, in the warmth of the campfire, I gradually began to feel a little tired.

Soon, everyone was a little tired and slowly closed their heavy eyelids.

Even though the hurricane was raging outside, everyone in the cave still slept soundly and could not be shaken.

Ye Xiao didn't feel sleepy at all.

He quietly waited for the sandstorm to leave.

Because he has a feeling, the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan is not far from here.


I don't know how long it took.

The people in the cave finally woke up faintly.

And the storm that was raging outside the cave finally subsided, and the sound of "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo up" like a howling wind did not appear again.

Everyone looked out of the cave, the moon and stars were sparse.

Ye Xiao was sitting on a boulder outside the cave, looking at the oasis after being baptized by the strong wind.

Everything was destroyed.

Whether it was flowers, trees, or some gravel on the top of the oasis, they were all completely torn apart by the sweeping wind.

The entire oasis is like ruins.

When everyone came to the entrance of the cave, they looked at the oasis that had turned into a pile of ruins, which was completely opposite to the oasis they had imagined before.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

"The sandstorm...has it passed?"

Professor Zhou asked in a daze.

Ye Xiao nodded.

Everyone walked out of the cave immediately, feeling the temperature in the desert at night, and everyone couldn't help shivering.

Immediately after changing into thicker clothes, everyone finally felt that the cold was a little farther away.

Looking at the oasis like ruins in front of them, everyone couldn't help sighing.

"Natural disasters... really scary!"

But Mu Li glanced at Sister Li coldly, and said in a deep voice:
"No matter how scary it is, how can it be scarier than the human heart?"

This sentence, of course, was alluding to Sister Li.

Sister Li also recognized it, and Dang even smiled softly:

"Little brother, if you hate me, you don't have to be so yin and yang, just kill me!"

"Sister, I won't blame you~"

Hearing this, Mu Li narrowed his eyes immediately, and was about to pull out the saber from his waist on the spot.

But Ye Xiao calmly stopped him from the side.

"Let's pack up now and prepare to find Genghis Khan's tomb. The entrance should be not far from this oasis!"

After speaking, Ye Xiao jumped off the boulder.

After a while, everyone came to the top of the hill.

This is the only high place in the entire oasis.

But because of the sandstorm, all the trees have been broken down the middle.

Standing on this high place, you can see the entire oasis without any shelter.

After looking around, Ye Xiao immediately determined a direction.

Pointing to a low mound in the distance, he said:
"where to!"

After speaking, everyone set off.

On the way, Professor Zhou looked at Ye Xiao several times, hesitant to speak.

"Professor, just say what you want to say."

In the end, it was Ye Xiao who couldn't stand it any longer, so he said it.

Upon hearing this, Professor Zhou couldn't help but say:

"Xiaoye, why don't these blood worms attack us? Instead, they attack those grave robbers?"

"When we were in the Esai Grottoes, these blood worms were chasing after us!"

Hearing this, everyone present also looked at Ye Xiao.

Sister Li has been hiding in the pickup truck since the blood worm appeared.

Later, he fled in a pickup truck, so I don't know what the archaeological team did.

Hearing this at this time, he immediately cast his eyes on Ye Xiao.

Everyone has puzzled looks on their faces, and they don't understand what happened at all.

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, smiled slightly, and asked instead:

"Do you know how these blood worms determine the location of people and carry out attacks?"

Hearing this question, everyone fell into deep thought.

Before everyone could get an answer, Ye Xiao continued:

"These blood worms have lived in the ground all year round, and their eyesight has deteriorated significantly. They simply cannot use their strength to lock on to the enemy and attack!"

"And their sense of smell is not sensitive, and it is not the source of their target!"

"What makes them really lock on the target is actually a kind of induction!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being stunned.


"That's right, it's the induction."

"These blood worms should rely on the vibration of the sand layer to determine the location of the target."

"They can also sense each other among the same kind to distinguish whether it is an enemy, a prey or a target!"

"And when the sandstorm comes, the sand layer vibrates because of the sandstorm, which confuses the blood worm's induction!"

"We walk on the ground, we only need to keep in line with the vibration of the sand layer, so we won't be discovered by these blood worms."


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