Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 171 Killing the Sheep Sacrifice, Unique to the Desert

It was getting brighter,

However, the truck on which Professor Zhou and others were riding was still shrouded in darkness.

Without him, the yellow sand that swept across the sky had already completely buried the sounding red sun, and rushed towards Ye Xiao and the others like a raging yellow sand beast.

The truck they were riding in was like the difference between an elephant and an ant compared to this raging yellow sand beast.

The sound of "Woooooooooooo" is like the roar of a wild beast.

Every gust of wind engulfed in yellow sand blows through the glass window, and there will be a violent "crackling" sound.

People have been worrying whether the glass can withstand the beating of the yellow sand.

In the carriage, everyone fell into deep silence, and silent panic spread crazily among the crowd.

Everyone's heart is full of fear.

Just last night, they didn't pay much attention to the sandstorm Ye Xiao mentioned.

However, shortly after they left the spot, a strong wind suddenly swept in, even lifting the cloak on the roof of the car a lot.

Until then, everyone finally reacted.

It turns out that the sandstorm that Ye Xiao true!

This night, they were all fleeing against the strong wind, and Mu Li didn't dare to let go of the gas pedal under his feet.

The truck ran for an unknown amount of time in the desert, but it still didn't get rid of the crazy hurricane behind it.

"This is the signal for the arrival of the wind season in the Erdos desert! It is... God is demonstrating to us, telling us that the wind season must never enter the desert!"

Mu Li looked slightly panicked, and kept observing the hurricane behind him from the rearview mirror.

However, because of the wind and sand, even the road ahead could not be seen clearly, let alone the yellow sand all over the sky behind!

However, when Ye Xiao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, heard his words, his heart moved slightly.

"What did you just say? The wind season in the desert of Erdos has come?"

Mu Li glanced at Ye Xiao, nodded heavily, and then said loudly again:

"That's right! The desert in the windy season is like a beast waiting to be devoured by humans. Even our army dare not enter the desert at this time!"

"I thought it would be another month before the wind season in the Erdos Desert would come! I didn't expect the wind season to come so soon this year!"

As he spoke, Mu Li poked his head forward, almost pressing his entire face against the front windshield, as if he could only see the road ahead in this way.

However, suddenly, after a violent sway, the body completely lost power.

Mu Li slammed on the steering wheel and said angrily:

"It's over, the car is out of gas! We have to get out of the car and walk!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Li took out the scarf, covered his mouth and nose, and got out of the car slowly!
The moment he got off the car, the gust of wind almost blew Mu Li away. If Mu Li hadn't tightly held the handle next to the door, he would probably fly out.

The sky was dark, and the strong wind howled past the ears, making people feel as if they had come to Shura Hell.

Mu Li came to the carriage, roaring hoarsely, trying to make his voice clearer in the wind.

"The car... ran out of gas! We have to walk, wear a mask and go!"

When they heard the words "the car is out of gas", everyone's faces turned pale. Professor Zhou and Tu Kun forgot to glance at each other, and finally chose to put on masks and leave the car.

Several archaeological team members who seemed to want to stay in the carriage were pulled out abruptly by Mu Li.

"Stay in the carriage, and you will be buried alive!"

Hearing the words buried alive, no one dared to stay in the carriage, so they all covered their mouths and noses with their clothes and jumped out of the carriage.

Everyone bowed their waists slightly, walking forward with difficulty against the strong wind.

The strong wind was carrying gravel, hitting the face like a knife cut, burning and painful.

Just resisting the strong wind and trying their best to keep themselves from being blown away by the howling wind, everyone has already used up most of their physical strength.

Let alone walking in the desert.

So after nearly half an hour, everyone walked less than one kilometer.

But the sandstorm, which was surrounded by wind and sand in the sky, was getting closer and closer to everyone, as if it could drag people into it at any time.

And the people who were basically exhausted looked at the scene in front of them, and couldn't help feeling deep despair from the bottom of their hearts.

Ye Xiao stood at the front of the line, with his right hand between his eyebrows, looking out into the distance in the wind and sand.

Trying to find some places to take refuge in this vast desert.

Suddenly, some sporadic buildings appeared in Ye Xiao's line of sight.

Immediately, Ye Xiao hurriedly boarded the sand dune on a higher level, and looked far into the distance.

Sure enough, on the desert not far ahead, there are two or three strange buildings standing in forests.

Now that the sandstorm is approaching, if everyone can't find a place to escape, I'm afraid there will only be one end-buried alive!

Now no matter what those strange buildings are, they have to rush over.

After all, it is the last straw!

When Ye Xiao returned to the team, Professor Zhou and the others were already exhausted. They sat on the ground panting and rested, drinking water to restore their strength.

"Ahead... there are buildings! We must rush over there as soon as possible!"

Ye Xiao raised the decibels of his voice, trying to let everyone hear him.

Immediately, Professor Zhou stood up, and an old voice sounded:

"Everyone, work harder, we will rush over with all our strength, and we will definitely survive!"

After some encouragement, everyone packed up their equipment and walked towards the distant buildings again.

In the wind and sand all over the sky, people can only see the outline of the distant building at such a distance, and they can't see what it is at all.

It wasn't until they got close to these statues that the crowd finally seemed to have some clues.

"It's's the sheep sacrifice!"

After seeing the building in front of him clearly, Tu Kun's complexion changed for a while, and he knelt on the ground and began to cover his face and cry bitterly.

Everyone looked at Tu Kun's strange behavior, and they were all confused, not knowing what happened.

Professor Zhou came to Mu Li and asked doubtfully:

"What is a sheep sacrifice?"

Mu Li also had a serious expression on his face, sighed and said:

"The Goat Killing Sacrifice is a unique building in the desert. Generally, locals who enter the desert pray for God's blessing when encountering natural disasters that cannot be avoided!"

"When it comes to the sheep slaughter... we can only resign ourselves to fate!"

After speaking, Mu Li's face was full of despair.

In other words, the sheep sacrifice in front of them was of no help to their current situation.

The last bit of hope was shattered, and everyone's hearts were filled with ashes.

The shadow of death shrouded everyone, and panic spread silently among them, corroding their minds.

However, Ye Xiao's mood didn't change much.


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