Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 108 1 Must save the captain of the bodyguard team

The arm of the captain of the bodyguard team, like Xiao Tang's face, was covered with black burst blood vessels.

It radiates from the wound in a spider web shape.

And the wound of the captain of the bodyguard team was secreting traces of black mucus.

It was exactly the same as the mucus on the faces of the two corpses in the side room.

When Professor Yang saw this scene, he couldn't help breathing slightly, but then he reacted quickly.

"It's okay, it's okay! Take it easy! After disinfection, you should be fine!"

As he spoke, Professor Yang began to use disinfectant to slowly clean the bodyguard captain's wound.

All of a sudden, everyone's hearts couldn't help but tugged.

They all looked at this scene with worried faces, and their eyes were full of worry.

Obviously, they didn't want anything to happen to the captain of the bodyguard team.

All of a sudden, the barrage in the entire live broadcast room exploded.

"I didn't expect that it would turn into this after being bitten!"

"It's scary! Is this blood turning black?"

"Hiss! These black blood vessels give me goosebumps all over my body!"

"We must save the captain of the bodyguard team!"

"Disinfectant must be useful! Come on!"


But... things backfired.

Although it was cleaned with disinfectant water, the symptoms of the captain of the bodyguard team did not improve at all.

Black mucus still gushed out from the wound.

At this time, the captain of the bodyguard team had completely started to twitch non-stop.

Just like Xiao Tang turned into a wild beast before, twitching crazily.

Seeing this, everyone was completely panicked.

Obviously, disinfectant water is of no use.

The captain of the bodyguard team was about to turn into a beast like Xiao Tang.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all a little desperate, and the whole live broadcast room was gloomy!
"It's over! Disinfectant is useless at all!"

"What should I do? Disinfectant is useless, and the captain of the bodyguard team will become like Xiao Tang!"

"At that time, no one will be able to subdue the captain! It's over now!"

"What should I do! Think of a way!"

"It's over, it's over, this time it's really over!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were completely desperate at this time.

command headquarters
seminar hall

Old Professor Zhou looked at this scene, his eyes were full of worry.

But for the safety of everyone in the archaeological team, he had to order:
"Stay away from the captain of the bodyguard team! No more infected people!"

The most important thing right now is not how to cure the captain of the bodyguard team and find Xiao Tang.

The captain of the bodyguard team became like this within a few minutes after being bitten.

Obviously, this black mucus is highly contagious and can quickly lose consciousness.

If you want to save the captain of the bodyguard team and Xiao Tang, you must first ensure your own safety.

It is not infected by itself, and no more infected people appear.

In order to ensure the safety of more people, and thus find a way to rescue the captain of the bodyguard team and Xiao Tang.

Otherwise, wait until more and more people are infected,
The consequences will be unimaginable!
When everyone in the archaeological team heard Professor Zhou's voice, they all backed away again and again.

On the contrary, the members of the bodyguard team were always surrounded by the captain of the bodyguard team, with worried expressions on their faces.

When Professor Zhou saw this, his expression darkened immediately, and he said in a deep voice:

"Now is not the time to be sad and do useless work! How can you treat the captain if you are also infected???"

Old Professor Zhou frowned, his eyes searching the seminar hall.

At this time,
When everyone in the bodyguard team heard Professor Zhou's words, although they were extremely worried, they also slowly backed away.

But the captain of the bodyguard team in front of him still kept his head down, his whole body twitching non-stop.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone was filled with worry.

But there is no way, now they can only watch the captain of the bodyguard team lose his mind a little bit.

Become like Xiao Tang, only a beast with the instinct to kill.

And suddenly,
Old Professor Zhou's eyes fixed on Ye Xiao's face.

At this time, Ye Xiao also frowned slightly, and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

When he saw Xiao Tang's sudden change, he always kept this expression.

The black slime was a bit weird, but Ye Xiao couldn't see the truth in a short time.

But now, the situation of the captain of the bodyguard team is somewhat similar to that of Xiao Tang just now.

Immediately, the captain of the bodyguard team will become like Xiao Tang, a wild animal with no consciousness but only instinct.

According to Ye Xiao's guess, the black slime should be some kind of strange poison.

That's why Xiao Tang and the captain of the bodyguard team were hit one after another.

But this kind of poison, if there is generally no antidote...

Thinking of this, a light flashed in Ye Xiao's mind, and he suddenly remembered something.

In the side room just now, all the archaeologists smelled an extremely strong medicinal fragrance!
Ye Xiao couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

He especially remembered—there are three great medicines in the world.

One is the unicorn, the other is the blue snake gall, and the third is the deer grass!

One of these three magic medicines can drive away all kinds of poisons, and the longer the age, the more bewitching the medicine will be!Eating it is invulnerable to all poisons!
The two blue snake gallbladders have incomparable healing effects on stubborn diseases!
It is said that if you are deaf, if you take a blue snake gallbladder, you will be able to hear and see in a quarter of an hour!

The three deer living grasses have the effect of bringing back the dead and bones.

Legend has it that if you hollow out the internal organs of a deer and stuff them with deer grass, the deer will be alive and kicking again!

These three great medicines are treasures that countless people can only dream of.

Just imagine a body that is invulnerable to all poisons, get rid of years of stubborn diseases, and something that can live a second life. Who would not desire it?

These three magic medicines are too rare.

Some people are so poor that they may not be able to see it from afar.

No matter how rich you are, you may not be able to obtain this herbal medicine.

However, there is a strong medicinal fragrance in this side room, as well as strange corpses that have not rotted for hundreds of years.

A bold idea popped up in Ye Xiao's mind.

At the same time,
Old Professor Zhou also came to Ye Xiao's side and asked anxiously:

"Xiaoye, have you encountered this situation before? What should I do?"

Ye Xiao: "..."

Although Ye Xiao heard this, there was something wrong.

But now that the situation was urgent, Ye Xiao couldn't care less.

"Professor, hurry up and contact the archaeological team under the tomb and ask them to rummage through the two corpses!"

"Find the source of the medicinal fragrance, and you can save Xiao Tang and the captain of the bodyguard team!"

Old Professor Zhou didn't hesitate when he heard this.

It was as if he took Ye Xiao's words as an imperial decree, without the slightest doubt.

Immediately, he began to contact Professor Yang and others under the tomb.

"Quick! Send people to those two corpses to find the source of the medicinal fragrance! Whether they can be rescued depends on this thing!"

Under the tomb, everyone in the archaeological team heard the news and wanted to go back to the side room to find the source of the medicinal fragrance on the body.

The members of the bodyguard team were even more eager to try when they heard the words, and immediately prepared to rush towards the side room.

All of a sudden, the scene was in chaos!

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