Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 9 The Unbreakable Defense

The awe-inspiring voice echoed on the ruins.

Looking at Qin Yu, who killed hundreds of people with one move, Maoyue Cangwu and others really felt hopeful.

However, the thought of the AB group that has already become famous in the ninja world among Yunin is still staring at the sidelines, and the nerves are tensed again.

"Senior Uzuki, do we want to help?" Jing Yin was anxious.

Maoyue Cangwu looked at Qin Yu and said, "Qin Yu, we are here to help you!"

"No need." Qin Yu smiled warmly and said, "You guys go together, I also want to know how strong I am."

"Haha, you brat, you are really arrogant. I think you are also a strong outsider, and dare to say such brazen words." Ai laughed unscrupulously, and soon his face was covered with haze.

"I want to make your life worse than death."

Ai stepped hard, and the Thunder Dunk Chakra dormant in his body surged out like a frenzy.

As soon as he makes a move, it is ninjutsu!

Lei Dun Chakra Mode!
If Namikaze Minato is the golden lightning, then Ai is the blue lightning.

The moment the footsteps fell and the ground cracked, Ai had already crossed a hundred meters and appeared in front of Qin Yu.

The speed was so fast that the pupils of Uzuki Cangwu and the others shrank suddenly.

In their eyes, Qin Yu didn't move at all, he still stood there, watching all this quietly.

He seemed to be petrified by the scene in front of him.

"Boy, you can't even keep up with my speed, and you dare to be presumptuous, so go to hell with me."

Ai grinned ferociously, clenched his five fingers tightly, and thunder burst out.

There is no trace of bells and whistles, and it is a heavy blow head-on.

Thunder Fist!

The air was pierced instantly, and the huge fist chased Qin Yu's cheek.

Seeing Qin Yu who still didn't respond at all, the rest of Yun Ren couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, they seemed to have seen the scene of Qin Yu being killed.


A dull thunderous crash sounded suddenly.

The fierce and unparalleled Thunder Fist fell beyond Qin Yu Mi Xu with a posture as heavy as a thousand jun.

As if hitting an invisible iron wall, it was instantly blocked.

Thunder and scarlet air waves swept down, forming a huge impact.

Ai's expression suddenly changed, as if he had hit an iron plate.

Seeing Qin Yu's eyes instantly swallowed by blood, and the moment the nine gouyu spun wildly, Ai almost burst his eye sockets.

Ribs made of scarlet chakra stood in front of Qin Yu.

"This, what is this?"

"Isn't this the monster that appeared in the illusion?"

"It's Sharingan, no, this pattern is completely different from that of the Uchiha clan, single-godama, double-godama, and triple-godama."

"what on earth is it."

Seeing the change in Qin Yu's aura, the aura full of disaster permeated, and an inexplicable depression appeared in his heart.

Jiugouyu Kaleidoscope Sharingan!
Qin Yu's chakra is not much, but his pupil power is basically zero loss.

Facing the Thunder-Tuning Chakra mode known for its speed and power, Susanoo is almost the best way to deal with it.

"It's my turn!" Qin Yu said suddenly.

The moment Jiugouyu's sharing sharing eyes turned wildly, the scarlet pupil power filled with the smell of disaster swept away like a frenzy.

A huge wave of air burst out with Qin Yu as the center.


A scarlet skeletal arm protruded from the ribs, making it look very intrusive.

There was no trace of bells and whistles, and he slapped Ai like lightning.

"Be careful!" Kirabi shouted anxiously.

Ai sensed the danger, and the thunder light on his body soared to the extreme in an instant.

Without any flamboyance, he stomped heavily towards the ground, and retreated straight back.


The ground was shattered in an instant, and under the splash of rocks, the other arm chased after Ai.

The violent scene caught everyone off guard.

Looking at Qin Yu's back, Susano quickly condensed into a height of twelve or thirteen meters, and his whole body danced like a flame.

Even more horrified.

Bang bang bang!
The two arms smashed down in turn, creating a fierce wind.

Ai, who was surrounded by lightning, quickly dodged under the attack, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Hehe, do you only know how to hide?" Qin Yu asked with a faint smile.

It has to be said that in the world of Hokage, there are very few people who can use Chakra to this level.

In addition to possessing the precise ability to manipulate chakra attribute changes, one also needs a physique as strong as a wild beast to be able to withstand the thunder escape chakra mode.

Even in the huge Yunnin Village, there are only a few strong people who have learned it.

This really moved Qin Yu's mind.

For outsiders, the Lightning Escape Chakra Mode may be difficult to learn.

But for Qin Yu, who has a one-click full-level system, it is not a big challenge.

The difficulty lies in how to get the Lightning Dungeon chakra mode in Ai's hands.

"Arrogant boy, don't think that you can be invincible by hiding in the turtle shell." Ai's voice came suddenly.

A figure entwined with blue lightning appeared in the sky above Susano in an instant.

Heavy flow!
Ai roared furiously, and the thunder light in his right hand shot up instantly, like a battle axe, and smashed towards Susano's head.

I saw!

Qin Yu's eyes rolled suddenly, he had fully leveled up the Kaleidoscope Sharingan with one click.

But it is the first time to use it right now, and it will take some time to really use it freely.

However, Ai's speed is astonishingly fast, but Qin Yu can still see through it.

If he used his body to fight back, he might not be able to keep up with Ai in Thunder Dungeon Chakra mode, but Susano made a move instantly when he thought about it.

The huge palm suddenly moved forward, and the roar was endless, and it directly collided with Ai's hand ribs.


A thunderous explosion suddenly came out, and the thunder light splashed, as bright as fireworks in the sky.

A figure flew upside down and landed more than ten meters away.

"It's Lord Ai!"

"He used the heavy flow storm, and he was still at a disadvantage!"

"My God, that monster doesn't even have half a crack."

Ai turned over and landed on the ground, directly cracking the ground, and there was still a tingling pain in his right hand.

Seeing Susano, who at most had lost a little strength, Ai's face turned livid.

This gave him an illusion that he could not break through!

"I have already said, let you AB team play together, otherwise you have no chance of winning." Qin Yu said with a light smile.

In the original book, Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, but it is difficult to break even the five shadows.

The current Qin Yu may not be as energetic as Uchiha Madara, but the Susanoo displayed by the full-level Kaleidoscope Sharingan is also not small in defense.

"Huh, arrogant boy, your turtle shell is indeed very strong, but you can't keep up with me in terms of speed, so you are destined to lose." Ai coldly shouted: "I'll see how long you can last."

The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and Ai's figure flickered, like a ghost, appearing in front of Susano again.

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