"No... no, it's impossible, why can't my attack touch you!"

The tea dolphin roared wildly.

"Six Types of Mysteries, Heavy Iron Slash!"

The sound of the sword blare sounded like thunder.

The moment the tea dolphin's right hand muscle swelled like a rock, it exploded with even stronger strength.

The next moment, without any trace of bells and whistles, he slashed at Qin Yu's waist with a gesture of great power.

The sound of a thunderous explosion reverberated.

Under the collision without giving way at all, a huge wind wave and sand dust were rolled away.

The rocky ground beneath his feet crumbled as if overwhelmed.

"Did it hit?"

The violent scene shocked everyone, and before they had time to think about it, they hurriedly looked into the battlefield.

The sight of the entrance caused the pupils of everyone in the field to shrink again.

Qin Yu had opened his eyes, which were tightly closed.

That fierce and unparalleled slash did not hit the target, but the two fingers covered with black scales clamped the blade without any deviation.

Looking at this extremely precise counterattack, and the figure that was blowing like catkins in the wind just now.

The scene fell into a brief dead silence.

The ghost spider couldn't help but gulped down a mouthful of saliva and said, "Mr. Zefa... this... this can't be Mr. Garp, who once showed the ability to predict the future, right?"

"Just combined with the simple six-style paper painting, it actually uses a method similar to the devil fruit of the natural system, which is ineffective against physical attacks..."

"Yes!" Zefa woke up suddenly, and said: "I never thought that this kid not only practiced the six forms to the extreme, but also practiced domineering, and also reached an extraordinary level. The means of predicting the future, looking at the Navy headquarters, there are very few people who can do this kind of thing."

"Next, I'm afraid the tea dolphin will lose!"

After saying this, everyone's nerves tensed up.

The tea dolphin also woke up suddenly in a daze.

The Taidao tightly clenched in his hand shook suddenly, intending to break free from Qin Yu's tightly clenched left hand.

However, before he succeeded, he saw a playful smile quickly spread across Qin Yu's face.

"Sorry, I caught you. Originally, this move was just a conjecture, but with Lieutenant General Tea Pork as my opponent, then I can use it without any scruples." Qin Yu smiled warmly.

The moment the five fingers of the right hand were clenched tightly, the scale armor quickly turned black, and the next moment, blood-red mysterious patterns spread rapidly.

With the help of the powerful body load endowed by half-dragon transformation, coupled with the combination of armed domineering and domineering domineering, the limit of the lightning power that can be accumulated can be quickly increased to the extreme...

It can be said that at this moment, Qin Yu's move was completely copying Luffy's fourth gear method.

Use domineering energy to enhance the body's ability to withstand, and crazily accumulate thunder and lightning to form a more powerful move.

In an instant, it detonated in one breath.

"Red Thunder!"

I don't know who exclaimed.

Crackling red lightning burst out from Qin Yu's right fist.

The air circulating around seemed to be stirred by invisible big hands.

An indescribable aura spread quickly.

"Tea dolphin, run away!" Zefa's expression changed drastically, and he roared anxiously.

The violent scene made the tea dolphin's nerves already tense.

Feeling this frightening aura, the tea dolphin had no time to think, directly discarded the sword in his hand, turned around and fled quickly.

At this moment, he pushed his body skills and the power of the devil fruit to the extreme.

Facing, just now, under the terrifying breath and the scarlet thunder.

The breath of death swept across the whole body of the tea dolphin.

It can be said that at this moment, for the tea dolphin, running away is not a shame, but a desire to survive.

"I said, can you be faster than Thunderbolt?"

The indifferent voice sounded behind the tea dolphin.

Facing these words like maggots on the toe bone, the nerves of the tea dolphin suddenly tensed up to the extreme.

An absurd thought flashed through his mind.

Can the speed he is proud of be faster than Lei?

The air was vibrating, and the tea dolphin subconsciously raised its armed domineering and devil fruit abilities to the extreme.

Feeling the feeling of death wrapped around him like an invisible magic hand behind him, before he had time to think about it, he suddenly looked back.

The red thunder is like a tide!
The air passing along the way, together with the space, seems to be penetrated.

Facing this lightning-fast blow, there was no way to hide.

"Six Forms Mysteries · Flowing Cherry · Ming Yulei!"


One punch!

The whole world was like a huge earthquake.

The scarlet thunder light that was crazily compressed exploded in an instant.

Sifang Tianyu, everything in sight, is occupied by blood.

The violent airflow is like a hurricane rewinding.

Endless arcs of lightning raged across the entire world.

In an instant, the people present just felt that the vision in front of them was captured in an instant.

When he reacted, the airflow circulating in the world gradually calmed down.

On the battlefield, the two figures still stood in place.

Qin Yu's fist, which was covered with black scales and scarlet patterns, still maintained the posture of punching.

It's just that this punch passed the tea dolphin's head.

At the pier behind him, there were five naval warships moored on the coast, two of which disappeared without a trace.

The reefs in the distance, as well as the sea surface, were directly blasted into a vacuum with one punch.

The sea surface with a radius of one kilometer has completely turned into a deep funnel.

The power of a punch is so terrifying!
Looking at this scene, not to mention the navy soldiers, together with Zefa and other veterans, they couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"I'm sorry, it's the first time I meet someone who can fight, I don't know the weight of this punch!" Qin Yu smiled warmly and retracted his fist.

"However, two warships were still destroyed. I hope Mr. Zefa will not be offended."

The domineering aura of the three colors quickly subsided like a tide, and the scales on the right hand also disappeared immediately.

It can be said that Qin Yu is still very satisfied with this punch.

According to his deduction, it should be able to reach 50.00% of the power of that King's Fist.

Of course, this is Qin Yu's deliberate control, if the entire pier is covered.

Five more warships were destroyed, which was not easy for Zefa.

"Ahem, Laxus, you are out. As long as there are no casualties and two warships are merely destroyed, the authority of the old man can still be offset." Zefa suddenly came back to his senses.

After taking a look, the tea dolphin, who was completely in a daze, stood in place like a statue, and secretly sighed in his heart.

As a former general of the navy, and as the chief instructor for decades, as long as he is not blind, he can clearly know.

In this battle, Qin Yu completely defeated the tea dolphin with a punch of unknown severity.

However, for Zefa, what concerned him the most was Qin Yu's way of using domineering.

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