"Heijue, what are you thinking, quickly give me the power, as long as I kill him, the plan can continue." Uchiha Madara roared again and again.

As an existence that even Senshou Zhujian dare not underestimate.

In this twilight age, to be despised by a junior, for Uchiha Madara, this is simply a great shame.

"Hei Jue, if this old man kills me, then I will kill you too. You should think carefully." Qin Yu smiled playfully.

"No, it should be said that if he kills me, you will definitely die."

The first half of the speech made Hei Jue seem to grasp a life-saving straw.

The second half of his speech made his expression twisted all of a sudden.

Just like Uchiha Madara, who has lived for a long time, when has he been so underestimated.

Most importantly, the secret that he has lived for thousands of years is not even clear to Uchiha Madara, but it was revealed by the boy in front of him.

This caused Hei Jue to have a killing intent.

Looking at Qin Yu's playful face, Hei Jue's face turned ferocious.

"Okay, okay, since you want to seek death, Madara-sama will show you what despair is."

Tree roots shot out from Hei Ze's body, and immediately pierced Uchiha Madara's body.

Along with the wriggling of the rhizome, a large amount of power, like a frenzy, was crazily poured into Uchiha Madara's body.

Uchiha Madara roared sharply, and his old body gradually returned to youth.

The wrinkled skin also became tighter.

A huge aura swept away with him as the center.

The current Uchiha Madara, in the case of burning the last life, is obviously ten times stronger than before.

Although it can't reach its heyday, compared to the artifact level of Kara, it can kill ten with one hand.

"Power, this is the feeling of power." Uchiha Madara felt the surging power in his body, and the murderous intent on his face became even worse.

He clearly knew that this was a life-burning battle.

The result must be decided as soon as possible!
"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Fiery Chakra gathered in Uchiha Madara's mouth.

The next moment, it was swallowed up in an instant.

Fiery fireballs with a diameter of tens of meters converged and crushed towards Qin Yu head-on.

"Good momentum!" Qin Yu smiled playfully.

"Your current strength is one-tenth or one-twentieth of what it was in its heyday."

"Can I say that this kind of strength can't beat me?"

The small sound made Uchiha Madara almost explode in anger. While his expression was ferocious, the target was the chakra ball that was spinning wildly in Qin Yu's hand.

The sharp and ear-piercing roar made people's eardrums hurt.

"Is this a lunatic who honed the shape change to the extreme, and then injected the Wind Escape Chakra to combine the attribute change and the shape change crazily together. The speed of the rotating cutting may be able to tear up rocks and mountains in an instant!" Hei Jue's face changed dramatically.

However, as the energy carrier of Uchiha Madara, he can't escape at all. The only thing he can do is to watch the battle obediently.


The Fengdun Spiral Pill in Qin Yu's hand was thrown out suddenly, and instantly collided with the oncoming Hao Fireball.

Wind can fuel a fire!
But if the wind is strong and the fire is weak, the dominant position has obviously changed.

The moment the two touched slightly, the fiery fireball was instantly cut in two.

The flames that collapsed suddenly were pulled up instantly by the Fengdun Helix Pill.

Fire grows with the wind, and the wind fuels the fire!
With the two complementing each other, blazing flames burst into the sky in an instant.

Like a flaming comet descending from the sky, Susano hit Uchiha Madara head-on.


The flame storm soared into the sky, and the violent air waves, mixed with flames and wind blades, smashed everything around.

Under the impact of this wave, the cave collapsed and was directly razed to the ground.

The surrounding valleys and cliffs seem to be shocked by thousands of claw marks left by a pair of sharp claws.

The trees in the entire valley were not spared, and they were directly broken in the middle.

The soaring air wave directly pierced through the accumulated clouds in the sky.

The violent scene shook the entire Cao Ninja Village.

There are only a few jonin left in the village, and they rushed there in a hurry under the leadership of an elderly man.

Looking at the sea of ​​flames, the only one-headed Susanoo rushed out.

The figure shrouded in it caused their expressions to change drastically.

"Elder, it's Madara-sama!" A senior couldn't help but change his expression drastically, and said, "Who is fighting with Madara-sama?"

They have already been manipulated by Uchiha Madara using the kaleidoscope Sharingan.

According to Uchiha Madara's plan, as soon as he dies, the illusion of manipulation will automatically make these controlled Kusanagi commit suicide.

In this way, all the plans can be seamless, and Konoha or Iwanin Village will investigate afterwards, but there is no way to start.

However, Qin Yu's unexpected birth completely ruined his overall plan.

"It's a young man, and he used the same pupil technique as Madara-sama." A Kusanagi's expression changed.

Looking at Qin Yu, who was facing Uchiha Madara from a distance, he was surprised, but also frantic.

In their eyes, Uchiha Madara is an omnipotent god.

The fundamental existence that makes them stronger.

However, compared with their fanaticism, Uchiha Madara's pupils suddenly shrank.

Resisting the Wind Dun Helix Pill just now had cost him a lot of pupil power.

I thought it was Qin Yu's ultimate move, but seeing his left and right hands look completely different now, his cheeks twitched slightly.

As Qin Yu said, he temporarily regained one-tenth of his strength with the help of Hei Jue's power.

At the beginning, Uchiha Madara thought that with Susano, it was enough to be invincible against a mere junior.

Coupled with his superb combat experience and various methods, it is not a problem to kill this junior.

However, after seeing the power of the Wind Dun Helix Pill with his own eyes, and seeing the Water Dun Helix Pill and the Thunder Dun Helix Pill in Qin Yu's left and right hands now, his spine felt hairy.

"Why don't you move?" Qin Yu smiled playfully: "If one ball can't solve it, then use two. If it doesn't work, then use three."

"My good ancestor, tell me, is this statement correct?"

The low voice gave Uchiha Madara an inexplicable feeling of death urging him at this moment.

Looking at the warm smile on his face, Uchiha Madara had an inexplicable illusion.

Compared with him, Qin Yu looked more like an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years.

"Boy, maybe we can talk!" Uchiha Madara said suddenly.

Kuro couldn't help being startled, he never thought that the majestic Uchiha Madara would say such a thing.

However, the next moment, the words that fell on his ears shook his nerves like thunder.

"Let's talk about Mao now. It was wrong for me to treat you as a younger brother just now. Now let's go to Huangquan Road and be a good company."

As soon as the words fell, the Water Dungeon Pill and the Thunder Dungeon Pill in Qin Yu's hands were thrown out instantly.

If wind and fire complement each other, then water and thunder are no exception.

The two attacks with different attributes are based on the change in the nature of the spiral pill, and the attack is launched instantly.

Even Qin Yu couldn't imagine the power of the collision.

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