After the mosaic was put on, Wei Wuxian blew the An Ling song again and guided Bu Yanqi to lie down in the coffin, closed the coffin lid casually, knocked on the coffin lid with petitions, bit his finger, and printed the blood talisman on it. Here to rest the dead.

As soon as the "rumble" was over, there was movement on the top of the head, and it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Seeing that the tomb seemed to be collapsing, they wanted to go out through the door, but found that the door collapsed first. Time couldn't keep up with the changes, the whole tomb collapsed, and Wei Wuxian had indeed reached his limit at this time, he could only watch the roof collapse above his head, with his eyes closed, he didn't know anything.

On the white snow-capped mountains, thousands of birds are flying away, and thousands of people are gone. This is the real scene. At a glance, it is all white, calm as usual, bah, calm ghost, what is that?Why is it still moving.

Gradually, the calm snow field became unsettled, and the moving thing finally revealed its true face, oh, it turned out to be a person, who is this, hey?Hey?Hey hey?How does this look more and more familiar?
Isn't this Wu Xie? ? ?

How could Wu Xie appear in the snow-capped mountains beyond sight?What's going on here?
As the movement became louder and louder, finally, Wu Xie finally crawled out from the snow, oh well, finally crawled out.


Where am I?who I am?Where is this?what happened?
These questions kept revolving around Wu Xie, oops, my head hurts, where is this, am I not in the tomb?Why did it suddenly appear here?

"Is anyone there? Is anyone there?" Wu Xie shouted standing in the snow, but it seemed to be useless, and there was no one. Wu Xie gave up and had to walk step by step. When he was tired from walking, he simply picked up a stick. The stick acts as a crutch.

Oh, I'm going, I'm so tired, Wu Xie touched the sweat on his head, good guy, this place is full of snow mountains, huh?Is that a village up ahead?
Why!Finally saved!
"Excuse me." Wu Xie stepped forward and grabbed a person, wanting to ask where this place is, but the arrested person threw him off and ran away immediately. Wu Xie went to ask other people, but they all ran away the same way. Why?How is this going?Why did they all run away?

Immediately, Wu Xie was left alone on the street, which was a bit embarrassing. It was just asking for directions. Is it so scary?Wu Xie's mind was full of question marks, but he was even more exhausted and now he didn't have enough energy to continue on his way, oh, there were stars on his head, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

He woke up again on a kang, with the ceiling above his head. Wu Xie woke up after being confused for a while. He wanted to make a phone call, he wanted to go home. Where is this place? Where is Zu now?

"You wake up, drink some hot soup first, and then eat something, you have been frozen for too long, warm up first." At this moment, a man in a cotton jacket came in, and greeted Wu Xie immediately when he saw Wu Xie woke up , Wu Xie got down from the kang and sat at the table, and began to eat and drink. He learned from it that outsiders cannot be allowed in this village, otherwise there will be a curse.

However, for a high-achieving student who graduated from Zhejiang, what is the curse?This kind of thing doesn't exist at all, right? Although the old ancestor existed, why does this curse sound so unbelievable?

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