After returning to the campus, Li Cu always felt that something was missing. The campus life was no longer suitable for him, and he seemed very restless. He always wanted to go back to the exciting trip to the desert, and that kind of life was suitable for him. Now Wu Xie disappeared again, and I don't know where he went.

The days like this didn’t last long, and someone sent him something. The first time the items were relatively small, Li Cu didn’t notice it. He only felt that the items sent to him by the other party were very familiar. Are you dressed?

So, is it time to start again?Li Cu is not ready to start yet, Wu Xie's side has already started, Li Cu just packed all the things, good brother Su Wan sent something again, Su Wan said on the phone that a truck has already been sent , there are more behind, and he dare not touch these things, which makes Li Cu a little uneasy, what kind of things Su Wan dare not touch.

"Yali~ Look, these are all the things they sent me. This is only a truckload. They said there are more in the back. My room is full and there is no place to put it. My parents will definitely scold me when they come back. "Su Wan pointed to the express boxes piled up at the door, one after another, almost covering the road.

"Move away first, and I don't know what it is." Li Cu didn't know what was in it, but he could feel the cold air coming out of the box. He always felt that there was nothing good in it. It's still cold.

"Oh! What is this?" The courier who was carrying the box accidentally opened the box a little, revealing a hand, and took a big step back in fright. Flickering over, joking, it seems that what Wu Xie gave him was not a good thing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! This is the phantom we are going to act as." Li Cu immediately pulled the courier aside to fool around with him, while Su Wan took out a stack of tickets from his wallet and handed them to the courier, asking Li Cu He grabbed it and counted a few for the courier to seal his mouth.

"Okay, then you guys move it yourself, I won't do it." After collecting the money, let's pretend you didn't see anything, and then Li Cuo and Su Wan started the journey of moving, moving boxes one by one into the house , but according to what Su Wan said, there are still these things in the back. I am afraid that Su Wan's place is not a long-term place, and he should find a wide place to store these things, and this box should not be placed in a place with high temperature. If it melts, it will smell bad.

After finally moving all the boxes, both of them were exhausted, Li Cu thought that this would not work, there would be a lot more in the future, and he didn't know what that crazy Wu Xie had pretended.

"Su Wan, please contact Yang Hao for me, and ask him to find a warehouse, a bigger one." Li Cuo was paralyzed on the ground, and said to Su Wan, who was also paralyzed on the ground. If you go down, I'm afraid Su Wan will be found here sooner or later.

"Okay ~ Yali, what the hell is this? Why do you still have hands? Who on earth sent you such a courier?" Su Wan was a little trembling when he spoke. Just now he saw what was in the box. What is it, it's hands, hands, who did Yali offend, and sent such things over.

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