"Old lady Huo, I know you are looking at us. You want the blueprint in my hand, so you have to tell us what you want this blueprint for. I also found out that this mechanism is controlled by someone." Wu Xie said to He held up the blueprint in the air and said, do you really think they are here to play the maze?
If he hadn't pressed a wrong rivet just now, he might not have noticed it, but the mechanism still opened the door for them after pressing the wrong rivet. This shows that this mechanism is controlled by humans, and the person behind this must be Mrs. Huo. Who else would have done this to them if not her?
Although Wu Xie said a lot of things to the old lady Huo in the surveillance, she still didn't get a response. Wu Xie believed that the old lady Huo must have seen it, but she just didn't want to admit defeat. After knowing the other party's purpose, Wu Xie They didn't feel nervous anymore, they slowly started to browse the mechanism, they also found a lot of clues here, but none of them could be connected with the timeline, they went to the fifth level after wandering around, who would know this The fifth level is all vases and porcelain, and there are all kinds of paintings, which makes the fat man's eyes light up. The Huo family is really rich, similar to the Xie family.

"Is this the fifth level? Why put so many porcelains here, aren't you afraid of being broken?" The fat man's footsteps are quite agile. When he sees the porcelains, he is full of energy, and he is unwilling to put down the bottle. This place is full of porcelain, how do they get out, there is no mechanism, this is a headache, Wei Wuxian poked the wall, is it still moving?It made Wei Wuxian even more curious, is there anything behind this wall?
"The Huo family has the strength to put it here, so they won't be afraid of being broken." Wu Xie looked around and saw Wei Wuxian poking around, and couldn't help but feel helpless. This Ah Xian, how could he think so much? Just for fun, but after thinking about it, this kind of Ah Xian is the real Ah Xian. When I think about it, this person was only 21 years old when he died. I'm afraid he didn't play much in childhood, right?
"This wall can move." Wei Wuxian pointed to the moving wall and said, there must be something behind it, otherwise how could the wall move?
Zhang Qiling understood it in a second, took out the black gold ancient knife, turned it around and scratched the wall, only to find that the "wall" was not a real wall, but a piece of paper guarding it here, which made people mistakenly think it was a wall. The wall, and the real wall is behind the paper. It has to be said that Ah Xian still knows how to play, and found out where the mechanism is after playing.

"Ah Xian is really smart. You can discover the tricks by yourself. You are indeed the ancestor of Yiling." Wu Xie gave Wei Wuxian a big praise. Of course, Wu Xie said it consciously. After all, It's so much fun to tease Ah Xian, and it's very interesting to tease, this is the little fun between them, no matter who is teasing and teasing Wei Wuxian, and this person will not get angry, make trouble, and will be with them Play.

"My patriarch's experience back then was not based on one or two points. You also know that there are evil spirits, ghosts and the like on our side. Those traps are life-threatening traps." Wei Wuxian waved his hand, expressing I already know, there is no need to say any more, I already know that I am good enough, don't worship me.

The few people who watched were happy, and it was indeed the most reassuring atmosphere. The arrogant Ah Xian was so cute, with his hands on his hips, his head raised slightly, cute and bubbling, Wu Xie was a little too cute.

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