But since Whitebeard Newgate has already said so.

Then he must also take the factor of Beast Kaido into consideration, otherwise, if Charlotte Lingling and Kaido form an alliance in advance.

How much impact will it have on his plan.

Lotte thought.

He looked at Newgate with the white beard and continued to speak calmly.

"Well, Kaido, right? Don't worry, I have my own way to deal with it."

"By the way, how is that girl's strength?"

"He is the leader of the shadow organization now."

Newgate also showed helplessness after hearing Lott's inquiry.

"To be honest, I don't know the current strength of the leader of the shadow organization. After all, she is definitely the top when it comes to pure disguise."

"But judging from the assassination list a while ago."

"Her current strength has reached above that of the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters."

You must know that although the Whitebeard Pirates are the top pirates in the sea, the shadow organization is second only to the top in terms of scale.

It's just because the masters inside are not strong enough,

Otherwise, it will also be listed as one of the top threats by the world government.

"Assassination list?"

Lott was a little puzzled when he heard this.

You must know that according to his thinking, the shadow organization should be based on spying on intelligence,

Assassination is just one of the means to achieve intelligence goals.

Not being Assassin's Creed.

Newgate with the white beard nodded slightly and explained to Lott.

"Since you disappeared, officials of the World Government and the Navy headquarters have often been assassinated, and many of them are capable and high-ranking officials."

"But no one has ever caught the assassin."

"Later, I also discussed this matter with Roger, and guessed that the person you entrusted did it in all likelihood. Otherwise, there is no need to provoke the world government."

During these ten years,
Nearly hundreds of officials and cadres were assassinated in the World Government and Navy Headquarters.

Not long ago, even an old Navy lieutenant general,

They were all buried in the hands of assassins.

What is even more surprising is that many people were assassinated inside the Navy headquarters and the fortress.

This is enough to prove that the assassin's hidden skills are extraordinary.

Later, the Navy Headquarters and the world government naturally investigated this matter thoroughly, but the final result was still nothing.

Hearing what Whitebeard Newgate said.

Lot was taken aback for a moment, and then a warm current surged in his heart.

These ten years,
The girl was still waiting for him.

And the strength has also changed drastically from before. It may not be as good as a monster like Beast Kaido, but it can be considered quite good.

In this case, it is even more difficult to die easily.

Lotter wanted to understand this in his heart.

He looked at Newgate with the white beard and took a deep breath before continuing.

"oh, I understand now."

"When the time comes, I will go back after I finish dealing with things here."

"Speaking of which, Whitebeard, are you interested in taking that Kozuki Oden on board? He's pretty good in terms of strength alone."

Lott smiled playfully.

Let the white beard Newgate pat him on the shoulder angrily.

"Didn't you already take a fancy to that kid, and you didn't realize that although that guy is powerful, he's actually a thorn."

"I've got enough troublemakers on board."

to be frank.

Kozuki Oden's talent and strength are indeed enough to make people's hearts beat.

After all, no matter from which point of view, Kozuki Oden's strength is outstanding even among the top pirate groups.

Not to mention looking so young.

Even if the personality is a little cheerful, it can be regarded as a flaw.

However, Newgate the White Beard recalled the troublemakers on his ship, if another Kozuki Oden was let in.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

What's more, that Kozuki Oden is still the daimyo of Wano country.

Wanting to abduct people from Wano country, I have to say it is really daring.

Lott curled his lips.

"For you, Kozuki Oden won't be able to cause much trouble."

"Even if you want to destroy the entire Wano country, it is not impossible for you now. When it comes to monsters, we are all in the same boat."

After the original battle with Whitebeard Newgate.

Lott has confirmed that the scope of the shock wave and tsunami caused by Whitebeard at his peak at this stage may destroy the entire Wano country.

When I was fighting with myself.

It can be regarded as a special narrowing down, otherwise the coast would have been destroyed by now.

The corner of Newgate's mouth twitched.

Half a catty?

Although he is quite confident in his own strength, he will not believe this kind of rhetoric.

It only took Lott two short years to catch up with the decades of hard work he and the Golden Lion Shiji have put in.

It is simply more popular than dead people!

But although Kozuki Oden in the original Wano country chapter is really out of tune.

But you have to know that Lott has the Sangouyu Sharingan, as long as he plants a hint, the opponent can become enough combat power for him.

Now is not the time to pick and choose.

Lott pondered slightly,
At the same time, the interior of Wano Country is still brightly lit.

After the Red Sheath Nine Heroes tied up Kozuki Oden to let him recover from his injuries, they gathered together to discuss what happened during the day.

Yizang told everyone what happened during the day.

The faces of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes began to become extremely dignified.

"That masked man was able to defeat the lord lord head-on by himself. I'm afraid this is the first time there has been such a strong outsider in terms of threats."

"And that Whitebeard Pirates."

"The aura emanating from them is also quite powerful. We alone can't stop them from taking your lord to sea."

Yizang took a deep breath and said with an ugly face.

For the Red Sheath Nine Heroes, Kozuki Oden will undoubtedly be the general of the entire Wano Kingdom in the future, and it is only now that the relationship between father and son has been repaired with great difficulty.

And also secured the position of Kuri Daimyo.

It will only take some time, and it is only a matter of time before Sukiyaki-sama succeeds.

The rest of them looked at each other and sighed.

Kin'emon held the handle of the knife tightly at his waist, and said with some hesitation.

"Do you want to inform the general about this matter?"

The voice fell.

Then I saw the rest of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes hastily objected.

"Now the general and the lord have managed to restore the relationship between father and son. If there is another rift because of this incident, then it will be bad."

"We just need to keep an eye on my lord."

"At that time anyway, after those outsiders repair the ship, they will leave obediently."

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