I won’t go into details about the cutting process. They spent a whole morning cutting out more than double the size.

This will also prevent accidents and have to be prepared.

And when they go on the road, they naturally have to carry some with them, so as to prevent any accidents.

After preparing the tarpaulin, everyone began to consider the second question.

That's how to make these tarpaulins stick firmly to the beams so that they won't be blown away by the wind.

At the same time, it is necessary to prevent being hit by the green bugs below.

In fact, this problem can be pressed down with a stone.

But the key is that there are no stones that can be used directly in this place.

Unlike the hillside, there are gravel everywhere.

It takes a lot of effort to dig out the stone here.

But there are a lot of wood in the wooden city.

But those logs are all in the ruins, if you can get them, you don't have to work hard to figure out how to get over the beam.

Moreover, those logs were frozen by the ice layer, and it would be a problem to dig them out.

After analyzing this point, everyone suddenly seemed to think of something.

Xiao Xidao.

"By the way, the ice layer!"

"We can use water! The temperature in this place is so low, it can be said that dripping water turns into ice!"

"Water to cover absolutely works!"

Everyone heard the words and thought it made sense.

The temperature here is very low, and the wooden city is covered with a layer of frost.

This is indeed a very good way.

Thinking of them, they took some of these tarps and came near the wooden beam.

Ready to try first.

First plug the gap near the edge of the wooden beam, and then try to see if the water works well!

They carefully fastened the first tarp to the hole between the beams.

The arrangement of beams in this place, as well as the gaps in the middle, are the same.

So as long as one piece is just the right size, the others will naturally work as well.

They move carefully.

Although it is close to the edge, it can easily leave the range of Mucheng.

But it is best not to wake up the bugs below.

The tarp is the right size.

It's easy to put on top.

Then Zhang Weishan took out the kettle and poured some water on the place where the tarp and the crossbeam were in contact.

Then use a wooden stick against the tarp, sure enough.

In the past 5 minutes, the tarpaulin was frozen together with the ice layer on the beam.

Zhang Weishan tried to pull it, but found that it was quite solid from the cold.

At least with the help of those bugs, it is almost impossible to knock these tarps open.

With the first success, everyone's speed naturally increased.

Second, third, fourth.

Soon they basically filled the holes between the beams.

At first glance, it seems that many windows have been built on the ground.

Fortunately, these holes have been filled.

Xiaoxi looked at other places and said.

"Actually, if we fill up all the holes here, it will be the safest!"

"Unfortunately, this not only takes a lot of time, but also requires a lot of materials!"


Zhang Weishan also nodded.

Such a large project can be completed in two or three days if there are more than a dozen people and inexhaustible supplies.

But there are only three of them here, and with very limited supplies, so they will never be able to do that.

And the current situation is already very good.

It is impossible for them to take away the remaining tarpaulins.

Bring three or five cards, and it's pretty good to get through here safely.

It was almost evening, but there was no such thing as morning or evening in this place, it was like this all day long.

So everyone ate something casually, and then began to rest.

After waking up, I started to pack up and get ready to go.

Zhang Weishan was carrying a tarp on his back, while the little brother kept a lot of water bottles, except for their own use.

Others are always ready to patch cracks.

After packing up, everyone started to set off.

Although the previous holes have been plugged.

But they walked cautiously.

After all, who can guarantee that other places will not collapse?
At a distance of 20 meters, they walked for an hour in a daze before they could barely see each other's platform.

This way, although slow, but fortunately thrilling.

Those beams were fairly strong, although the sound of ice cracking was heard several times.

But most of them are on the beam, and the hole in the middle of the beam has not collapsed, which is not bad.

Seeing that the platform on the opposite side is getting closer and closer.

Everyone couldn't help being overjoyed, they didn't expect that the first attempt would be successful when they came back this time.

However, just as they continued to walk forward, suddenly everyone heard a sound of "bang bang bang" coming from one side.

The voice was very small, and extremely weak.

It was as if some flying insect was hitting the glass.

They hurriedly held their breath, but they found the source of the sound.

It was soon seen that, in the middle of the beam on one side of them, there was a layer of ice that resembled glass.

There was a blue dot.

It seemed to be a bug, constantly hitting the glass above.

It seems to want to fly out of it.

Seeing this situation, the three couldn't help but looked at each other.

My heart is very strange.

How could there be a single bug here?

Don't these bugs all act in groups?
Is this bug insomnia?
The other bugs are sleeping, but it can't sleep?

But this is too ridiculous, obviously impossible.

"Leave it alone! Keep going!"

Zhang Weishan greeted him.

They are already very close to the opposite side, there is really no need to do bad things because of this bug.

However, they wanted to leave, but the bug didn't want to.

The sound of the insect hitting was getting louder and louder, as if it was dying.

In the end, there was only a sound of "flutter", and the insect was completely split open.

Directly on the ice layer, a blue spot was knocked out.

Zhang Weishan is also speechless, this bug is too upright.

However, just when he was about to greet the two of them to go first.

Suddenly they saw several blue spots of light appeared under the ice layer.

And those light spots are increasing rapidly.

The originally pitch-black ice layer was quickly lit up by blue light.

"not good!"

Zhang Weishan just spit out the words.

Those blue spots of light began to hit the ice.

This time the ice layer began to be a little unbearable.

A series of cracks appeared on it.

Without further ado, Zhang Weishan tore off a tarp, and the three hurriedly covered it on the ice.

The little brother poured water around and froze the tarp.

The three of them waited for a while until the tarpaulin was frozen firmly, and then set off to continue their journey.

They quickly jumped on top of each other's platforms.

When their feet touched the solid ground, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xindao finally came.

However, this relaxed mood did not last for two seconds.

Suddenly they heard a series of cracking crackling sounds from behind them.

Turning their heads to look, they were suddenly stunned.

I saw a lot of big bags protruding between the beams.

Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be tarps that they froze with water.

There were probably bugs under the tarps, and they actually bulged those tarps.

Where there was no tarpaulin, cracks had already begun to appear in the ice layer.

The bugs seemed to sense their presence.

Although they passed the crossbeam, those bugs seemed to have gone crazy, and they had to come out of it!

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