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Chapter 918 The little brother opened his mouth and went on the road, a miserable person

Zhang Weishan and Xiaoxi lived in Mobei.

Hu Yiyi and the others left on the third day.

The old woman was still missing.

The old village head led people to bury the pile of bones.

Zhang Weishan didn't say anything, it might not be a human bone at all.

They will also be well-meaning, and if you tell them, they will be sad.

I thought that I would stay in Mobei for a while, and when the wind passed, the grandma would bring someone back.

However, they lived for a full year, but there was still no news.

The grandmother who suspected Shen Wan seemed to have really left in that fire.

Facing the child growing up day by day, Zhang Weishan also knew that there might not be much time left for him.

Sure enough, a year later.

A figure appeared at the entrance of Mobei Village.

When Zhang Weishan saw him, he knew he had to go.

The person who came was the little brother.

Apparently they were leaving for Wood City.

Xiaoxi also rushed over after hearing the news.

And then, they only spent an hour.

After packing everything up, the group left with the little brother.

During these years, they have discussed countless times what to do when this day comes!

But things are easy to deal with, but love is hard to decide.

Especially the love for children.

But when things come to an end, there is no escape after all.

It took them three days to entrust the child to Xiao Wu.

Zhang Weishan did save some money these years.

I bought a house in Xihu City, and then put all the remaining money on a card and gave it to Xiao Wu.

If they don't come back, the money is enough to let the children grow up safely.

This is their last hope.

That's right, Xiaoxi will also follow.

Over the years, he tried countless times to persuade Xiaoxi to stay with the child.

But Xiaoxi refused.

A person who should have been detached from life and death, in these years, gray hair has appeared on his hair.

After sculpting her body, Xiaoxi also cannot escape the cycle of birth, old age, sickness and death.

And Mucheng is extremely dangerous, so she still refuses to let Zhang Weishan go alone.

Even if there is a little brother with him in that place, one more person will eventually require more strength.

So in the end, Zhang Weishan not only failed to convince Xiaoxi, but was persuaded by Xiaoxi.

You can only choose to take him with you.

When the younger brothers left, Lao Wu and Lao Wang also seemed very reluctant.

But it didn't stop it.

Instead, he arranged everything for them.

The three set foot on the train to Banai.

Three days later, we arrived at Banai Village.

Zhang Weishan didn't know how the little brother contacted outsiders.

With his basically silent appearance, he was able to contact people in the village.

Serve them with food.

The man sent food to the mountains every five days.

The location is fixed in one place!
Brother will come out to pick it up.

If it doesn't come out, then there is no need to send it again.

The other party didn't know what they were going to do, but who would have a grudge against money?

So I didn't ask too much.

The little brother arranged everything, and everyone set off.

There are fewer and fewer people on the road leading to Banai Mountain.

This season, many people go hunting in the mountains.

But as they get closer to the mountain, there will be fewer and fewer people.

After they walked for four or ten minutes, there was basically no one in sight.

Only occasionally can see passing hunters.

Today's hunting is no longer the kind of food and clothing it used to be.

More of a casual approach.

But this place is strictly controlled, so not everyone can hunt.

Only the local villagers can do it.

They walked for another seven hours, and then rested overnight.

At noon the next day, they arrived near the magic lake.

That place has been developed into a conservation area.

People from tourist groups often come to play.

Unfortunately, when they came, they met a tourist group.

It's an old group.

They are all old people who like to climb mountains.

Zhang Weishan and others sat down nearby to rest, ate some food, and then prepared to enter the mountain.

When we got here, we were very close to the passage below the Zhang Family Ancient Building.

But when they were resting, suddenly an old man with a tour came towards them.

It was an old woman, about six or seventy years old.

There was a little girl beside her, about three or four years old.

Ask if they bring candy, my granddaughter wants to eat candy!
Zhang Weishan saw that the little girl was cute, with big watery eyes, so he took some beef jerky and told her.

"We are going into the mountains, no sugar!"

"Hold on, little guy, when we go down the mountain and return to the village, there will be sugar!"

"Why did you take her out to play yourself? What about his parents?"

Xiaoxi asked.

At such an old age, taking a little girl out to play, how worrying!

The old lady smiled wryly when she heard the words.


"It's just me and the two of us who depend on each other!"

"I don't know when this old bone of mine will go!"

"Fortunately, her parents left her a lot of money!"

"When I persist for a few more years, when she becomes sensible, I can almost leave with peace of mind!"

Zhang Weishan and the others felt their hearts tense when they heard this.

The situation reminded them of their own children.

If they don't come back this trip, isn't it.
People are most afraid of loneliness.

Even if Xiao Wu Wang Bangbang is with the children, they will get married after all.

The inner loneliness of a child cannot be replaced.

Thinking about Xiao Xidao.

"Grandma, if you don't mind, I'll give you an address!"

"You take your child, to be honest our son is also at home!"

"We don't know this time."

"If you can trust me, let the two children be your companions, it will be better than being alone in the future!"

Zhang Weishan also nodded.

The more he looked at this girl, the more he thought of Shen Wan and the child she brought.

Maybe this is life.

He didn't see Shen Wan and the child in Mobei.

But here he met grandma and this little girl.

Zhang Weishan also resigned to his fate, if he can't find Shen Wan in this life, then he can raise this girl as his own child.

They are all hard-working people, so it is a kind of fate to meet them here!

The old woman was very grateful when she heard the words, and said that if she had the opportunity, she would take her granddaughter to see Zhang Weishan and their children.

Zhang Weishan left the address, and then set off with his brother.

Before leaving, Zhang Weishan hugged the little girl, a very obedient child.

She is also very beautiful, but it is a pity that her life is so hard.

The money left by parents is enough to spend, but it can't make up for the loneliness of not having parents.

Grandma and the little girl watched Zhang Weishan and the others go away.

Finally disappeared into the mountains.

Grandma said.

"Son, shall we go find my brother?"

the little girl said.

"But he's not my brother, I don't want to go!"

Grandma laughed.

"But you will treat him as your younger brother in the future, and I will leave sooner or later!"

"You can live with them in the future, they are all good people!"

The little girl seemed to understand, but asked.

"Where are you going? Can't I go?"

Grandma just laughed and didn't answer.

in the mountains.

The little brother quickly found a passage.

A group of people walked in.

Still the same endless passage.

They walked for a long time before the little brother opened a secret door.

And at the same time as the secret door opened, a voice rang in their ears.

"Zhang Weishan! You are finally back!"

"I waited for you a long time!"

Zhang Weishan smiled wryly.

"If possible, I really don't want to come!"

"Haha! But you have no choice!"

The other party laughed.

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