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Chapter 889 Lao Wang volunteered, and the stone steps changed unexpectedly

"Report? How to report?"

Old Wang asked.

"Don't forget, Lao Liu said before that no one can go out!"

"That is to say, the place we can reach now is at most the cave we came down from at that time!"

"I can't get out at all, how can I report this?"

"That cave is enough!"

Old Wu said.

"I remember that our drone was facing each other in the cave next to that cave!"

"As long as we can get in touch with the outside world, there is no need to go out in person!"

"Let people outside spread the situation inside, as long as those people really want to cooperate!"

"I will definitely find a way to come over!"

"And all we have to do is wait here. With the food we brought, it is enough to survive here for a week without any problems!"

Everyone was lost in thought when they heard the words.

Old Wang murmured.

"Oh, that's it!"

"If that's the case, it's actually okay. According to the time we got down from the top to the present, it's only a few hours!"

"It only takes half a day to make a round trip, it's just a little tiring!"

"If it doesn't work, I'll go back! Anyway, Fat Master, I have rough skin and thick flesh, so I have more strength!"

Old Wu said.

"Let me go with you, it's too risky to go back alone, you still need someone to go with you!"

Zhang Weishan shook his head when he heard the words.

"Let me go with him, I know the exact location of the drone!"

"No, you are the team leader, what if those people on the opposite side are not honestly waiting outside?"

"If they are nearby and come early, it will be difficult to handle without you!"

"Let's go back!"

Old Wu said.

Zhang Weishan was still a little worried, it was not right for the two of them to go back and tell the truth.

When Lao Wang is doing things, he will especially go wrong.

Although Old Wu was able to persuade him.

But his own curiosity is also important.

If something happened to the two of them on the road, they might be delayed.

And most importantly, the two of them are only as good as Lao Wang.

Reporting letters along the way requires a lot of physical strength to catch up.

After thinking about it, Zhang Weishan said.

"Let Xiao Zhang and Lao Wang go back!"

"We also need a military advisor here, so Old Wu should stay!"

"That's what I mean too. Naively, your physical fitness is too high to go up, so you should stay!"

"I just wonder if brother Xiao Zhang is willing to take a trip?"

Old Wang asked.

Xiao Zhang nodded.

"I can do it, I will listen to Master!"

Seeing this, Pharaoh slapped his thigh and said.

"That's fine, then let's not delay, let's go back now!"

"Go up early, and this matter can be resolved early!"

"What if those people are really still waiting for us outside? If it's delayed by one minute, they'll come in one minute late, which is twice the time wasted!"

"Let's go!"

Xiao Zhang nodded and didn't talk nonsense.

At that moment, the two of them packed up their things, bid farewell to everyone and left within 10 minutes.

It's just that the way up here is very difficult.

In addition, everyone wanted to send them off, so they simply set up the camp at the place where they came down before.

There has been a road in Huashan Mountain since ancient times, so there is no fear of someone secretly taking the Dragon Bone Book of Heaven.

The bronze door finally opened half a gap.

So everyone didn't mess with the Dragon Bone Book of Heaven, and let it be placed on the bronze gate.

Everyone set up camp under the cliff.

Start resting immediately.

Although they stayed here, the next thing was not easy.

They must take the time to rest, so that if the other party really comes, they will have the energy to deal with it.

According to the speed of Pharaoh and the others, plus the current time.

They should be back by noon tomorrow.

Because after going back, it will be late at night.

If you come back overnight, it will consume too much energy.

The best arrangement is to leave tomorrow morning.

Expect to be back at noon tomorrow.

This timing is the best.

After everyone cooked some food and ate casually, they all fell asleep when they felt sleepy.

And this sleep was indeed very solid.

With the little brother around, Zhang Weishan is also very relaxed.

He wasn't worried about what tricks Old Liu would do.

Once it is done, it will definitely not be able to avoid the little brother's detection.

This sleep lasted until seven o'clock the next morning.

When Zhang Weishan woke up, he saw Old Liu holding the paper as if going to make things convenient.

However, the direction of the past is not the side of the bronze door.

This old Liu still knows the rules very well.

If the name is convenient for him to go to the bronze gate, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

So went in the opposite direction.

Xiao Xiduan came for breakfast, Zhang Weishan ate some after washing up.

Looking at the time, it will still be morning, and I don't know what's going on with Xiao Zhang and the others.

Zhang Weishan couldn't settle down.

However, he had just had breakfast, and sure enough, Lao Liu ran back in a hurry.

Said with a look of horror.

"There seems to be some changes over there!"

"Why don't you go and see?"

Everyone didn't look like he was joking.

So he got up and followed.

Zhang Weishan had just had breakfast, and remembered what he was doing here.

Can't help but feel a little disgusted.

When I faced zongzi before, I didn't feel anything.

But this kind of thing still makes him a little uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Lao Liu hurriedly said.

"It's not a place, it's not a place, I want you to see the way we came down yesterday!"

"What happened to the way down?"

Old Wu asked puzzledly.

Lao Liu scratched his head and said.

"I don't know what to say, you should go and see for yourself!"

Seeing him hesitating, everyone didn't ask any more questions.

Following him, he soon came to the place where he came down yesterday.

That place is actually on the edge of a cliff.

There are steps up the stairs.

Lao Wang and the others went up here yesterday.

After everyone came here, they didn't find anything strange.

They all looked at Lao Liu involuntarily.

Old Liu didn't seem to explain, instead he bent down and touched the stone steps directly.

Everyone finds it strange.

But when he raised his hand.

Everyone sees it.

Old Liu's hands were wet.

It turned out that a layer of water appeared on the steps without knowing when.

Because the steps are originally black.

So these waters are not too obvious.

If you don't know how to touch it with your hands, you may not be able to find it.

"When I was convenient just now, I always felt water splashed on my buttocks, so I touched it casually!"

"When we came down yesterday, I remember there was no water!"

"Does this count as a situation?"

Zhang Weishan and the others ignored him, they just looked at the steps one by one.

They found that it was not just this section of steps.

There was even water on the steps above.

Zhang Weishan felt that the situation was not very good.

So I tried to go up two floors.

However, after walking for less than 2 minutes, he felt that the steps were covered with water.

Step on it, there is a loud crackling sound.

And the strange thing is that at least 2 minutes should be able to see those buildings similar to staff dormitories.

But this time, he didn't see anything.

Continuing to look up, he found that it was pitch black.

It seems that there is nothing else but the rock wall.

Just when he was a little doubtful.

Suddenly, there was a loud "click" from the whole place below.

It seems that something happened at the bronze gate!
"not good!"

Zhang Weishan thought in his heart, jumped down immediately, greeted everyone and ran towards the bronze gate!

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