Watch the live broadcast and point out the archaeology, and get a unicorn tattoo at the beginning

Chapter 882 Survivor Old Liu, unable to get out of the natural cage

Zhang Weishan didn't know how long he had been in a coma.

When he felt conscious again, he found his lips were wet.

It seemed that someone was feeding him water.

But that kind of thing doesn't seem like water, but looks like a kind of plant, it's wet and sweet.

He recovered quickly, and when he opened his eyes, what he saw was not Xiao Xi.

This took him by surprise.

He thought it was Xiaoxi who woke up first.

So when he saw a man's face full of stubble, he was startled.

The man was very calm, seeing Zhang Weishan woke up, he said.

"I am human!"

"Come and help when you wake up, your companions haven't woken up yet!"

Zhang Weishan was still a little confused.

But seeing Xiaoxi and others lying beside him, he hurried over to check.

He found that Xiaoxi and the others were not in danger of their lives.

But he just didn't wake up, as if he was in a coma.

And there are so many vines around the fanciful vines that people are stunned.

On the ground, above the head.

They squirmed one by one, as if they were in the internal organs of an animal somewhere.

But this vine has no smell.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be disgusted to death.

"Don't be in a daze, just cut down a vine and wipe their mouths!"

"The juice of this vine can link the hallucinogenic effect!"

Zhang Weishan followed his example, cut off a vine, and rubbed it on Xiaoxi's lips.

Sure enough, within a short while, Xiaoxi's whole body became conscious.

Woke up soon.

But it seems that consciousness has not recovered, and it seems a little dull.

"Who the hell are you? What is this place?"

Zhang Weishan asked.

The man smiled wryly.

"Didn't you come here? You still ask me?"

"As for who I am, I'm the one they gave up on!"

"But they definitely don't know, I'm still alive!"

"Your drones are out in the cave!"

"There is no signal when you come in, they are still waiting for you to keep safe!"

"But don't say I'm alive! Otherwise they won't let me go!"

Zhang Weishan was confused by what he heard.

But I probably guessed something.

This person is likely to be a member of the last exploration team that came here.

I don't know why he separated from those people.

And got stuck here.

If the people behind the detection team knew that he was still alive.

Maybe try to kill him.

If so, this person must know a lot of things.

Maybe it will be of great use to Zhang Weishan and the others.

Zhang Weishan didn't ask any more questions, and first woke up everyone together with the other party.

The little brother recovered the fastest.

But he didn't ask much when he saw that there was an extra person here.

Instead, look around.

Zhang Weishan saw that the others hadn't fully recovered yet, and they were all sitting on the ground in a dazed state.

So he walked out of the cave.

This cave has two exits.

The man had previously pointed to the exit on the left.

He just walked out.

It was found that there was a similar space outside the exit on the left.

No one is floating in mid-air.

The pictures in the live broadcast room are all black, and there are noises from time to time.

Apparently the signal here is already very weak.

Zhang Weishan hurriedly took out a signal repeater.

However, after this thing was debugged, the signal in the entire live broadcast room was still the same, and there was no improvement.

He had no choice but to take the drone and walk another dozen meters outside the passage.

That's when I heard Hu Yiyi's vague voice coming from the live broadcast room.

"Please answer!"

"Please answer!"

Hu Yiyi kept repeating this sentence.

Zhang Weishan hastily responded.

There was a long silence in the studio.

After a while, Hu Yi's excited voice came.

"Master, are you all right?"

"It's okay, the signal here is not very good, even if a repeater is placed!"

"Tell the outside world that the live broadcast is temporarily unavailable!"

"I will put the drone here, if there is any problem, I will come out and contact you!"

Hu Yiyi responded.

Then Zhang Weishan put the drone aside.

The Mivine here directly ignores the drone.

So don't worry about it breaking.

Zhang Weishan had no choice but to return to the passageway where everyone was.

In the cave where the drone is located, there is a way out.

But the passages are all slanted upwards.

It's not easy to go.

Especially the ground here is full of vines, which is greasy.

I'm afraid it will take some time to go up.

And when Zhang Weishan returned to this channel.

He saw that the consciousness of Lao Wang and others had recovered a little.

The question that the person has asked himself before is being asked.

That person was also helpless, as if he felt that it was troublesome to be asked by everyone.

So he looked at the people and said.

"If you're all sober, then I'll talk about it together!"

"I was from the previous group, but they thought I was dead so I was left here alone."

"My name is Liu San. If you have any questions, you can ask me after you think about it!"

The crowd nodded.

Seeing that they were still a little confused, Zhang Weishan said.

"Let me ask, I've basically recovered now!"

"Brother Liu San, I want to know how you know that the juice of the vine can restrain hallucinations?"

"Besides, why don't you go out since you're fine?"

These are two more important questions.

Why the vine juice can restrain toxicity and hallucinations, this is not even said by the botanist Hu Yiyi contacted before.

Apparently they don't know either.

But Liu San knew it, which was very strange.

Second, he looks like he's been stuck here for almost a week.

Why don't you go out by yourself?

How did he survive a week without eating or drinking here?

He looks in good spirits.

Did he prepare a lot of food?
Liu San didn't seem to expect Zhang Weishan to come up and ask these two questions.


"I thought you would ask where this is first!"

"Since you asked these two questions first, I'll tell you!"

"First, this vine juice suppresses hallucinations because I accidentally ate the vine!"

"So it's my personal experience!"

"Second, why don't I go out!"

"Actually, I would have done the thunder for you, if I hadn't been here!"

"You will experience what I have experienced for nearly a week."

As he spoke, Liu San explained the reason why he didn't go out.

Everyone can't help scolding their mothers.

Liu San said that he didn't want to go out.

It's that he can't get out at all.

He came in from another passage.

That is the channel on the right.

The passage on that side is not easy to walk.

But it's not that hard to get out.

The rare thing is that the vine here won't let you go out.

Liu San said he tried four times.

All ended in failure.

The reason is that after he climbs three or four caves each time.

Those vines would wrap him up and send him back here.

And hallucinate him every time.

Make him miserable.

And it takes nearly seven hours for each hallucination to wake up.

So after three or four times he was stuck here for days.

When he woke up for the last time, he was in a daze.

He was really hungry, so he ate the vine water spirit here.

It was later discovered that after eating the vines here, it can actually inhibit the hallucinogenic effect.

But he still couldn't get out.

Because inhibition is only relative, it can shorten the time you are unconscious.

But if you want to go out, the vine will still bring you back, and you will still be stunned by the poison.

Unless you can get rid of the vines here.

Otherwise, since this is a natural cage, you will not be able to get out at all.

Lao Wang scolded when he heard the words.

"Damn it, doesn't that mean we can't get out either!"

"This is fucking troublesome, Fatty doesn't seem to have enough explosives!"

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