Everyone also understood what Zhang Weishan meant.

But the problem is, if you understand it, how can they follow these bronze tentacles to find the bronze ware?

They are not ants, nor are they air.

The space inside this hole is very limited.

It is also impossible for them to turn into air and follow the bronze tentacles to find it.

The old king said.

"Then tell me, where should we go?"

"There is no road in this place, and there is no passage. If we go out the same way, we will have to find another entrance!"

"Should I go out now, or what should I do?"

Everyone looked at Zhang Weishan, there was really no other way now.

Zhang Weishan was also a little helpless.

The discovery of these bronzes really surprised them.

But the problem is, there is no way now.

How are they going to go?

Zhang Weishan thought for a while and said.

"It was windy when we came down here, which means there must be other entrances or cracks here!"

"When Yaoyang was built back then, those bronze tentacles were definitely not formed all at once."

"And such a complicated process must be accurately fed into each channel!"

"It must have been built in the hole!"

"I suspect that the space inside each hole should be large enough for people to drill in!"

"In this way, the workers can construct inside. After the construction is completed, they will block the passage, build a plane outside, and block the tentacles!"

"Or build parallel passages."

"Anyway, since they were able to build it back then, there must be a way for someone to pass through. Otherwise, how did these holes be built?"

Everyone heard the words and thought it made sense.

As the saying goes, existence is reasonable.

Since these holes exist, there must be a reason for their existence.

It can't just happen for no reason.

With an idea, everyone started looking for it.

There are many holes in this place, large and small.

But looking for it can automatically filter out a lot.

For example, some of the very small holes are obviously unlikely to be drilled into people.

So their targets are all on those relatively large holes.

Inside these holes are bronze vessels.

One by one, like a discus, buckle on the wall.

And all they have to do is knock around these bronze handles.

If there is really space in these holes, just knocking the stones around the bronze cake will naturally reveal the passage inside.

Everyone dispersed and went to look for each other.

However, after searching for a full 10 minutes, there was no gain at all.

What Zhang Weishan hit was the biggest hole.

He found that the surrounding stones of these bronze cakes were extremely strong.

Knocking it up turned out to be no different from the whole mountain.

Everyone's situation is similar.

And in this way, the situation became a little weird.

If there is really no space around these bronze cakes, how were these holes built in the first place?
For a while, everyone was caught in a dilemma.

Pharaoh advocated not going out first.

It is a waste of time for us to continue to stay in this place.

Taking advantage of just going out at noon, maybe you can go to other places to look for it in the afternoon.

However, Zhang Weishan insisted on staying, he always felt that there should be some mechanism in this place that they haven't discovered.

Everyone will not be able to eat, so they continue to search.

Whether there is an entrance or not can only be known after all other holes that may pass through have been explored.

After another 10 minutes, there were very few holes left.

Just when everyone was a little desperate and ready to go out.

Suddenly Xiao Zhang exclaimed.

"There is a situation here."

After hearing the words, everyone rushed over.

I saw that there was no bronze cake in the hole in front of Xiao Zhang.

After Xiao Zhang took out the black oilcloth inside, a very small wooden door appeared where the bronze cake should have been placed.

The wooden door is less than one meter wide, and it is round.

The oilcloth was just attached to it.

If the tarpaulin hadn't been removed, they might have thought there was a bronze cake behind it.

This mechanism is so ingeniously set up that it can be confused with the real one if it is mixed with other holes.

After discovering this wooden door, everyone was very excited.

Wang even picked up the climbing pick and went up to stab it.

The space inside is limited, and he can't open it at all, so he can only use a climbing pick to poke it, hoping to open the wooden door.

As the years go by, wooden items are very susceptible to corrosion.

Even if it is covered with a layer of tarpaulin.

The wooden door has been corroded very badly.

After poking it a few times, the entire wooden door has completely turned into wooden scum.

And a circular passage with a diameter of nearly one meter was exposed inside the wall.

The inside of the passage was extremely dark, and it was unknown where it extended.

Zhang Weishan handed over a candle and asked Lao Wang to test the air.

The candle was placed at the entrance of the channel, and the flames on it quickly swayed. Obviously, there is air circulation in this channel.

And judging by the degree to which the flames swayed, there was even a slight breeze inside.

This shows that this channel is completely feasible.

Old Wang looked at the passage in front of him and frowned.

"Do we have to take this passage? I suspect that you are targeting the fat man!"

"Come on, who is to blame for being fat? What good will it do us to target you?"

Old Wu laughed.

Lao Wangman waved his hand helplessly and said.

"Well, I can't say no to you. The space inside seems to be quite large. If I really want to go here, then I can only wrong myself for the fat man."

Lao Wang jumped down from the top, and Xiao Zhang went up instead.

Xiao Zhang's body is relatively thin, so it is most suitable for him to investigate the situation inside.

Xiao Zhang quickly got into the passage with a flashlight.

However, because it is head-down, it cannot go too deep.

Everyone pulled his feet, and he yelled when they went about a meter deep.

"There is a lot of space inside, and there are steps going down. It should be the passage used by workers to build holes in ancient times."

Everyone was very excited when they heard the news.

At the moment, it was like Xiao Zhang pulled out, then packed his equipment and was ready to go.

The little brother was the first to go up, his movements were very sensitive, and he slid in little by little with his feet down.

In this way, after entering the interior of the passage, you can touch the ground with your feet first and have a point of strength.

And when entering a place like a hole, it is very taboo to let the head go in first.

Because once there is a mechanism in this kind of place or the head of the collapsed person sinks in, they may die on the spot.

And if you go in foot first, it will be the worst, and you will break two legs, at least you can save your life.

After the little brother went in, he waved his hand and said there was no problem.

Then everyone got in.

There is no problem with Zhang Weishan's, it's just the old Wang at the end.When he passed outside this passage, he had to suck his stomach.

The crowd chattered non-stop, and finally dragged him in reluctantly.

After coming in, Pharaoh sat on the ground and panted heavily.

"Fatty is so exhausted, why don't you call me a tomb with such a narrow terrain in the future!"

"This is simply discrimination against us fat people, I protest!"

"Protesting is invalid, go back and lose weight by yourself!"

Old Wu said unhappily.

Lao Wang was so tired that he didn't even have the energy to argue with Lao Wu.

Zhang Weishan didn't bother to let them turn their heads to look deep into the passage.

Only then did I realize that the little brother had already walked about six or seven meters forward.

Only the head of the whole person is exposed on it.

This is a passage with a steep slope and there are steps built all the way down.

Very weird.

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