"I said, don't think about it so much, we don't know where we are right now!"

"It's too early to think about this now!"

Zhang Weishan said.

Everyone nodded. It is indeed too much to think about these now.

After all, who knows what is waiting for them ahead?

"Let's go!"

Zhang Weishan greeted him.

The crowd then continued on their way.

Almost the entire passage was blocked by this huge vine.

But fortunately there is still a way to go, they dare not stay longer, so they hurry on their way very fast.

The first few minutes are fine.

But as they go longer and longer.

They gradually discovered a situation that surprised them very much.

That is this thick vine, which seems to have no end.

After walking for so long, everyone didn't even see where the end of this vine was.

And the most frightening thing is that the thickness of the entire vine has not weakened.

This is the most terrible.

You should know that whether it is a vine or a plant, during the growth process, the closer to the rhizome, the thicker it is.

And the closer to the top, the thinner it is.

Although this vine is entwined with countless small vines.

But it will also become thinner as the vines gradually become thinner.

But the one in front of them didn't change at all.

Pharaoh just smacked his lips and said.

"Damn, how long is this vine!"

"No wonder it can extend directly to the mountains near the entire canyon!"

"Fatty Master feels that if these vines are connected together, they may be able to circle the planet we live in several times!"

This seems to be a joke, but it is enough to show that the vine next to them may not be short.

as predicted.

They may not even have thought of it themselves.

They walked for more than two hours.

And the vines next to it have never seen the end.

During this period, they saw a lot of corpses in this passage, which seemed to be the workers who built it back then.

I don't know why, those workers who died here didn't even have someone to collect their bodies.

In addition, there are signs of water leakage in some places.

Obviously this passage is not as closed as they imagined.

In some places, there are cracks due to the age or geological reasons.

But unfortunately, they are neither water nor smoke, so they cannot go out along these passages.

After more than two hours, everyone's vigilance against these vines seemed to have relaxed a bit.

It is because the time is too long.

Let the fear at the beginning go away in the rush.

Several times the fat man even put his backpack on the vine.

Then ask Old Wu to pull him forward.

Just like sliding down a slide.

There was a lot of stinky bloody liquid on the vine.

It's very creamy. Although it's a bit dirty, it does save a lot of energy.

Unfortunately, this channel is not all the way down.

Otherwise, they can be used directly as slides.

"It would be great if this vine could be so quiet all the time, but unfortunately there is always an end!"

Old Wu said helplessly.

Zhang Weishan signaled him not to think too much, and continue on his way.

A cool feeling should begin to appear in the air.

This means that the air is beginning to circulate.

They are probably not far from the exit.

Everyone continued on their way.

This time, however, it took less than 5 minutes.

Suddenly they heard a noise.

The loud noise was very strange, it sounded like someone was farting.

But that frequency is too high.

And it is getting faster and faster.

How can people fart all the time, and the frequency is so high.

If you fart like that, everyone will have to let go.

And most importantly, the voice came from behind them!
The old dynasty looked behind and fired a flare to see what was going on behind him.

However, there was nothing within the range of the flare.

This flare gun can shoot at least 20 meters.

In addition to the range of illumination, I dare not say more, 40 meters is definitely available.

But 40 meters didn't make any difference.

This is very strange.

I didn't see anything unusual for 40 meters, but there was that kind of popping sound that kept coming.

Then there is only one situation, that is, the movement must be very large.

It is precisely because of this huge movement that they haven't seen anything yet.

As a result, the voice had already passed.

Zhang Weishan looked behind, his face very ugly.

That kind of popping sound is not uncommon and can be heard often in daily life.

But at this moment, he couldn't remember the circumstances under which he made such a sound.

Just when they were in doubt.

Suddenly, the huge thick vine on one side began to tremble.

And the frequency is very fast.

It was as if there was some big hammer hitting the vines quickly behind.

This kind of movement is really abnormal.

With such a thick vine, how big a big hammer must be used to achieve such an effect?
"Run away!"

Lao Wang suddenly shouted.

The movement was getting louder and louder, as if they were already close at hand.

Everyone knows that there should be some distance between that thing.

But his speed must be very fast.

Hearing the words, Zhang Weishan said hurriedly.

"That's too late!"

"Hurry up to the vines! Lie down!"

Speaking of which, Zhang Weishan was the first to jump up.

He was afraid that others would not understand what he meant, so he was the first to go up to demonstrate.

I saw him lying on the thick vine unexpectedly.

That vine is very strange.

I don't know when it was pressed against the wall tightly.

And the place where Zhang Weishan was lying was where the vines touched the wall.

The vine is round, forming a groove in the middle of the wall.

Although the groove is not big, it is just enough for a person to lie down.

In this way, unless the thing can even fill the groove.

Otherwise, they could just hide in this gap.

Everyone understood what he meant in an instant, and jumped onto the vine one by one.

However, Lao Wang's body is too fat, and he can barely shrink in only by inhaling with his stomach facing down.

And at the same time they just retracted into the crack.

I only heard that the pot was completely fried behind me.

The huge noise made them unable to hear any sound at all.

Only the huge "rumbling" sound came.

Almost at the same time, they saw that the light of the surrounding flares went out instantly.

Followed by a gust of wind, it swept over in an instant.

When it first opened, there was even a scorching heat in the strong wind.

That was the residual heat of the flares.

The flare seemed to be pushed back by something.

Lao Wang wanted to look up to see what it was.

But before he raised his head, he didn't know who yelled.

"Don't look up, don't look up!"

"Look up and die!"

Because Lao Wang was lying on his stomach, he couldn't see the situation above his head at all.

But others saw it clearly.

I saw it above their heads.

No, it's not on the top of the head at all, but almost less than two centimeters in front of it.

An equally thick vine python is passing by rapidly.

That vine was going too fast.

Quickly blow the clothes on them to swing back and forth.

Old Wang was the worst, although he couldn't see the situation above his head.

But the clothes on his body were scraped by the vines from time to time.

Soon his clothes were torn all over his back.

That is to say, he was sucking his stomach, otherwise his back would have been scraped to a bloody mess!
Because the side of the huge vine that was pressed under them was just a bit higher than them.

At this time, it has been worn down and started to be a little smooth.

If it continues, sooner or later they will be scraped into a pulp.

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