The stone steps going down are limited in width.

There is no way for two people to walk side by side.

But for safety, a circle of metal railings was installed on this stone corridor.

It can be seen that the material of these railings is the same as that of the prison railing on the side.

But this can only be called a railing, because it is completely different from the modern railing.

Zhang Weishan led the way, and they quickly found out.

The railing was only repaired to the vicinity of the cave.

Even under the Internet, there is no more.

Even the stone steps are basically at the end near the cave.

There is no way further down.

It seems that the people from the Southern Demon Country here just spread their traces here.

They didn't seem to know what was under the deep pit.

Along the way, they encountered many sentry positions.

Obviously, the road here was full of people back then.

And they all stand here.

There is probably something very important in the cave below.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to arrange so many people to guard this road.

After all, this road itself is already very manly.

The crowd walked all the way down for half an hour.

It was finally around the entrance of the cave.

The closer to the bottom of the cave, the stronger the smell of blood in the air.

And there was a stench in the air.

It seems that under this huge pit is a huge biogas pond.

Even though Zhang Weishan and the others were wearing gas masks, they could still smell those smells.

Everyone can only be patient all the way, hoping that the situation will improve after entering the cave.

The cave was close at hand, and they saw a small platform in front of the cave.

About three or four meters square.

There are a lot of sundries on it.

The most of them turned out to be something similar to a shovel.

The front end of that thing is made of metal.

Followed by a wooden handle.

The overall shape looks a lot like a shovel.

But the only difference is that there is a gap in the middle of the shovel metal.

And it's round, it looks like it's used to fix things like ropes to the ground.

Lao Wang picked up one of them and tried it, and found that the wooden handles were rotten.

With a little force, it will disconnect and cannot be used at all.

Old Wu said.

"This may be the tool they used to fix the vines back then!"

"It seems that they also encountered the cannibal Fujiman here!"

"But this kind of tool can't hurt the man-eating vines at all. It seems that those vines didn't seem to be aggressive at that time!"

Lao Wang laughed when he heard this.

"Doesn't that mean that Fat Lord, my previous guess was correct!"

"I just said that the truth is in the hands of a few!"

"You didn't believe it at first!"

Everyone was helpless. If this kind of thing hadn't been seen with their own eyes, it would be unbelievable.

After all, who would have imagined that the people of the Southern Demon Kingdom were not disturbed by these vines at the beginning?
There is nothing else at the entrance of the cave.

After everyone checked it, they walked towards the entrance of the cave.

The whole cave was dark inside.

But on both sides of the hole, there are actually candlesticks built.

The candlestick is as tall as a person.

There are tools for lighting on it, and Lao Wang took out the fire pocket to light it up.

Immediately, the thing shone with a green light.

It looks very weird.

But it can also light up the surroundings.

They saw that there were lights on the wall about one meter inside the hole.

Seems to keep the light on all the way in.

They didn't have much time, and the surrounding noises were gradually weakening.

Must hurry up.

So everyone didn't delay any longer, Lao Wang ran in and lit the two lamps, and everyone found out.

On the wall in front of him, there were two more lamps.

The range of divisions of these lamps is also really particular.

Basically, they are at the edge of the lighting range of the front lamp.

In this way, lamp resources can be saved as much as possible.

At that time, these lamps were also very precious things.

So they also have to save to use.

There are many chiseled marks on the entire wall.

But if you look closely, you can see it.

These chiseled marks were actually made from the inside out.

In other words.

The passage in this place does not exist naturally, nor does it enter from here.

It was shot by someone in the depths of the cave, when they hit the outside.

Old Wu said.

"Does the passage look familiar to you?"

"It's somewhat similar to the passage under the shaft where we found Chen Qi!"

The crowd nodded.

It really is so.

"The passage under that shaft was also drilled from the outside to the inside."

"It's very similar to the one here. Could it be that this passage is also one of the passages in that place?"

Xiao Xidao.

At that time, they saw those murals in the passage below the shaft.

I know that there was a group of people who seemed to be looking for something back then.

They dug a lot of tunnels in that place.

The passage under the shaft is just one of them.

If this place is connected to that place, then the scale of this underground space will be too large.

"From the swamp to here, the horizontal distance is at least several thousand meters!"

"It's nothing to drive on the ground, but underground, such a long distance, even with modern technology, it's not easy!"

"There were no tools back then, how did they do it?"

Old Wu said.

Everyone can't figure it out.

This matter is really impossible to study unless specific literature can be found.

While speaking, they had already advanced 30 meters.

The lamps on the wall were also lit up.

Looking back, you can see rows of lamps burning well.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Go deeper.

After walking for a few more minutes this time, they saw an entrance beside the lamp in front of them.

Inside the entrance seems to be a large space.

Can't see what's inside.

But there are lamps on the walls.

The height of the head in this place is limited, and the flares cannot be fired towards the top of the head.

And they didn't know what was in this place, so they didn't rush out with lights.

Instead, he walked forward along the lamps on the wall, and checked the situation of this place while lighting the lamps.

Soon they will see.

In front of the lamp, on the side wall, there is a cave entrance.

Looking at the situation inside, it turned out to be very similar to the one they came in.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what was going on in this place.

Zhang Weishan said.

"This should be one of the passages, don't worry about it, keep going!"

Lao Wang nodded and continued to walk forward. Sure enough, he soon saw a lamp appearing on the wall.

The lamp continued to move forward, and after a while, another entrance appeared in front of it.

At this time the little brother spoke.

"We're going in circles!"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, thinking they were turning back.

But after following them, they realized that the little brother didn't mean that.

Rather, they are walking in a circle.

Because there were no lights in front of them, they must not have turned back.

The only possibility is that this place is a huge circular area.

They walked along these lamps, and in the end they would definitely return to the place where they came in.

After Lao Wang understood, he said.

"Then we don't have to go to such trouble, just use flares!"

"Look how many holes there are in this place!"

As soon as he said that, he fired a flare towards the middle.

As the white light lit up the entire space, they found that it was exactly as they had guessed.

This place turned out to be a huge circular space.

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