The next road is obviously much better.

There is no mud in this place, and there is a pool of water beside it.

Except that it is a bit strenuous to lean upward, there is really nothing else.

If it weren't for the terrible journey before, they would even think that this is a spring outing.

Old Wu asked as he walked.

"What guess do you have about the disappearance of the people from the Southern Demon Kingdom overnight?"

Zhang Weishan shook his head.

This matter has no beginning and no end, and he himself doesn't know how to say it.

And everything was told by the old man.

What exactly did the old man go through back then, and how did he know the details.

"If you want me to say, at this point, it's basically meaningless for you to ask these questions!"

"When we get to the ruins, it might be easier to find out by ourselves than to ask him!"

The old king said.

Zhang Weishan smiled wryly, but it was true.

It was also his first time here, what happened to this place.

I'm afraid no one knows except for those who experienced it back then.

Even the old man and Nanqian Wang didn't know.

Anyone who wants to know is probably already dead.

Nothing to say next.

The closer they got to the island, the more nervous everyone became.

I am afraid that no one has visited the ruins of the Southern Demon Kingdom for many years.

Since the accident that year, I am afraid that the calm here has been completely reduced to death.

The crowd walked for more than an hour.

Finally, after passing through a large dense jungle.

The front is suddenly bright.

A sloping upward convex landform appeared.

This area is very strange.

The whole ground seems to have bulged up from the ground like a big bag.

And all the buildings were actually built on this protruding landform.

Those buildings were not tall, and looked like a quaint small town.

To be honest, seeing such a scene in this almost primitive forest is somewhat unbelievable.

After all, there is an ancient town hidden in this place. Who would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes?
"Didn't you say Nanyao Country? This is Nanyao Town!"

Lao Wang looked a little disappointed.

"You know, this Southern Demon Country is not a real ancient country, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen the address here!"

"In my opinion, calling them an ancient country is more appropriate than calling them a hermit town!"

Old Wu said.

The ancient town in front of them was indeed somewhat lower than their expectations.

Originally thought that since this place could call itself the Southern Demon Country.

Thinking about it, it should be a huge country.

I didn't expect it to be just a town.

But at the time, there was nothing wrong with calling themselves the Southern Demon Kingdom.

After all, this place is really not something anyone can come to if they want to.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Weishan didn't care about these things, he greeted him, and immediately led people in.

The whole town is quite big.

Standing at the entrance, you can't even see where the other end of town is.

The whole town is built on a slope.

So the streets are also a bit rough.

But the overall appearance is slanted upward.

The buildings in the whole town are well preserved.

Although there has been no one here for many years, it seems that they built the house here, which also played a certain role.

Even if it rains in this canyon, the rainwater will automatically flow out of the town due to the terrain.

This is why there are so many swamps and pools around the town.

It's just that this place is hot and humid, people live here, can this body bear it?

Many building doors are left unlocked.

It seems that when the accident happened, many people were in their own homes.

Or it was not far to go out, so the door was not locked.

They walked into the nearest building.

It was a residential building.

The facilities inside are very simple.

There are only two beds piled up with stones.

And a table, and a stove inside.

There was a stone table next to the bed, on which there was a chessboard similar to chess.

But it's not chess, and they can't tell what kind of chess it is.

I think it should be the people here back then, for entertainment.

There are even a few pieces on the chessboard, it seems that the game is not over yet.

"Hey! That's weird, look here!"

Lao Wang shouted.

The crowd followed.

I saw this guy standing in someone's kitchen, pointing at a big black pot on the stove.

"Look, are the things in this pot food?"

Everyone looked and saw that there was a layer of dried things in the black pot.

Much like rice crust.

But absolutely not.

Because it doesn't have the shape of a grain of rice at all.

On the contrary, it is more like porridge, which is similar to crispy rice after drying.

"It really seems to be formed after the porridge dries up!"

"Could it be that they were really cooking at that time?"

Old Wu said as he knelt down to look under the stove.

The stove here is the kind that burns wood.

Looking down, he found something tricky.

"It's all carbon ash, which means that the firewood inside has been burned out!"

"Either I was cooking, or I was done!"

"And at that time, I hadn't washed the pot, so it couldn't be that I had finished eating!"

"That is, they are something that happens between eating and cooking!"

"If we say that the incident happened suddenly at that time, and it was attacked by a man-eating tree!"

"It's impossible for all the pieces on the chessboard to be undisturbed!"

"The stove here is also so neat!"

"There is no half-burned firewood on the ground, which means that something may not have happened to them in the room!"

"It's possible that something happened after going out!"

"And the destination may not be far away, so many things here are left unpacked!"

"For example, the neighbor called him something!"

Old Wu analyzed the situation here very thoroughly in a few words.

Even Zhang Weishan couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

The old king said.

"Then you said that the reason for the accident was that a neighbor came looking for him?"

Old Wu shook his head.

"I said you have to use your brain, otherwise your brain will really become a pig's brain!"

"Think about it, if it's really because the neighbors are looking for it, is it true that the whole town is looking for it at the same time?"

"Since this family is cooking, it means that it should be a meal, and people from other families should be cooking too!"

"And at this time, what makes everyone leave home is probably something big happening in the town!"

"Like a meteor? Or an earthquake?"

"Or maybe the village chief wants to send money?"

"And so on, we don't know about this matter, but this matter definitely made everyone in the village go, that's why this accident happened!"

"Of course, this has yet to be verified, let's go to other people's homes to see!"

"If it's similar to the situation here, then it can basically be done!"

Everyone kept nodding.

I was afraid that I would have no clue when I got here.

Unexpectedly, Lao Wu really analyzed the matter thoroughly in a few words.

At the moment, everyone stopped talking nonsense and left the room one by one to search in the adjacent room.

Sure enough, the situation in the next few houses turned out to be like this.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help thinking about it.

What happened here back then that made the whole town leave the room.

Then disappeared together again?
"Go inside and have a look. If something really happened in this place, you shouldn't even find the bones!"

"If we can find their bones, we should be able to find out what happened to them!"

Old Wu said.

Everyone nodded, and immediately walked towards the depths of the town.

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