As the drone went deeper, they gradually found out.

This place looks like a man-made cave.

The chiseling marks on the surrounding walls began to become normal.

Even looking back, you can still find that there are obvious signs of collapse in the place where you came in.

In other words, the shaft and the passage here should not have been connected before.

But with the collapse of the barrier between the bottom of the shaft and the passage here.

That's why there are traces of connection.

The most obvious one is the dents in the shaft, which are completely different from the dents in this passage.

And the traces in this passage seem to be older than the dents in the shaft.

"Huh? Look!"

Suddenly, Hu Yiyi's voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

Everyone looked closely, only to see that the drone had stopped.

And in front of the drone, some stone carvings began to appear on both sides of the passage.

The stone carving patterns are line drawings, very simple.

It is completely different from the murals in the ancient tomb.

It looks like someone got bored here and painted these murals.

But obviously the other party couldn't really be bored.

Because these murals are framed by a square line.

Instead, it seemed to be describing something.

After all, the division is so clear, if it is not for the purpose of describing something, then it must be that the person who portrayed these murals has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Obviously, this possibility is not too great.

As the drone adjusted the focal length of the lens, everyone could see the contents of these murals clearly.

I saw that the inscription on the first mural seemed to be a scene of a group of people cheering.

These people hold tools similar to digging mountains in their hands.

Some people are even more bare-chested, while others hold torches in their hands.

They seem to have conducted an exploration here.

The meaning expressed by this mural is not particularly clear.

Zhang Weishan asked Hu Yiyi to point the drone's screen to the second one.

The content of this mural is much simpler and clearer.

Inscribed on this recent mural is a large group of people performing enlightenment work.

What they dug seems to be a cave.

It's just that several lines were drawn with dotted lines around the cave.

It seems to express that besides the cave they dug, there are other people who also dug in other places.

Turn the screen and continue to look at the third mural.

The third mural is relatively simple.

What is engraved is the scene of people distributing digging tools.

From the first picture to the third picture, everyone found a problem.

The murals on the wall turned out to be flashbacks.

"Flashback murals are not common, and the people from the Southern Demon Country here are quite interesting."

Lao Wang joked.

However, everyone shook their heads, obviously not agreeing with his statement.

Old Wu said.

"It's definitely not the case. The murals are not words. There is no such thing as a flashback."

"And you can see that the chisel marks on the wall were clearly chiseled from the outside in."

"That is to say, they are murals painted while chiseling caves."

"So the correct order should be looking from the depths of the cave to the outside."

"It's just that we came in through the data, so the viewing order is exactly the opposite of the order they originally engraved."

When Lao Wang heard this, he suddenly realized that this was the case.

"Then why don't we fly directly to the head and look for it from the inside to the outside?"

Zhang Weishan waved his hand.

"The situation inside the cave is still unknown."

"It's better to flashback the past like this."

Everyone nodded, the drone continued to walk in, and soon more pictures emerged.

Based on these pictures, everyone gradually discovered what was going on here.

It turns out that at the end of the cave, there is a very huge underground space.

And the people from the Southern Demon Kingdom who lived here at the beginning discovered this place.

For unknown reasons, they excavated extensively at this site.

With that space as the core, almost all directions were chiseled.

And the cave where the drone is located is just one of the chiseled places.

After all, the content of the murals in a cave is limited, so they don't know why the people of Nanyao Kingdom have to carry out such carvings.

They seem to be looking for something.

And judging from the murals they saw at first, it was clear that they finally found it.

So the last part of the mural depicts their cheering scene.

It's just that what they found and where it was, these murals did not explain.

It is possible that these frescoes were depicted elsewhere, and it is also possible that this last content has not been recorded.

When everyone figured out the situation, the drone basically reached the end of the cave.

Everyone saw that there was indeed a large space at the end of the cave, but it was very dark.

The drone's lighting distance is limited, and in the darkness beyond the lighting, they could vaguely see something piled up there.

Hu Yiyi did not control the drone to fly over.

Because it's a very risky thing to do.

The light source emitted by the drone is like fireflies in the huge dark space in front of us.

Once you fly in, you will probably get lost in the dark, unable to find the way out.

"What about Master?"

Hu asked one by one.

Zhang Weishan was silent for a long time, finally he could only grit his teeth and say.

"Come out!"

"Come out? Give up now?"

Old Wang was a little helpless.

Old Wu also sighed.

"Drones cannot go in, and once they go in, they may never find the exit again!"

"No, then we can send two more planes in!"

The old king said.

"It will take at least three or four hours to send the drone in!"

"Can you wait?"

Old Wu asked back.

This time Lao Wang was completely dumbfounded.

Indeed, within three to four hours, they could do more things, and even directly find the island where the Southern Demon Kingdom is located.

In contrast, spending three or four hours here waiting for a drone just to explore a cave is not very appropriate.

Chen Qi's strange behavior seemed to indicate that he was no longer a normal person.

It would be better if he was just a corpse.

But now it is like a bug, deliberately avoiding everyone.

In this case, it is really not easy to find him.

In the end, everyone gave up.

Zhang Weishan asked Hu Yiyi to control the drone and go back the same way.

When the drone comes up.

It was almost dawn.

This night, they tossed all night.

Everyone is exhausted.

But there was still mud under his feet, and he couldn't rest at all.

After a brief rest, everyone continued on their way.

But before setting off, Old Wang pulled the slate back and covered the well again.

A flare was also placed on it.

There is a remote control grenade next to it.

The remote control distance is about one kilometer.

Wait for them to come out in this way until they enter this range.

The grenade can be detonated, which triggers the flare.

In this way, it can provide orientation reference for everyone.

Second, if conditions permit, the drone can go down to have a look.

I can't give up this drone, as long as I can see clearly what's inside.

That's not bad either.

After getting everything ready, everyone set off.

And they were lucky.

This time it was only three hours.

After the sky is completely bright.

They could see the end of the silt beneath their feet.

They had already walked out of the swamp.

The forest is very quiet during the day.

Both the poisonous insect and the man-eating vine seem to be asleep.

Everyone quickly set up a rest camp and ate something.

Then began to rest up.

Zhang Weishan, Xiao Zhang and the younger brother took turns to watch.

The exhaustion of this night made many people almost fall asleep.

Take a full rest until more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone started to wake up one after another.

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