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Chapter 825 It's really a worm trap, a giant under the deep pit

"Damn it, what the hell is this place?"

Lao Wang couldn't help asking.

Everyone didn't speak, and they didn't know where it was.

The designs and arrangements in front of me are simply too strange.

Originally they thought it was a place for sacrifices.

After the priest is finished, the things on it will fall down the platform.

But now no one thought that there would be such a space under the platform.

It can be used to catch these dead floats, that is, sacrifices.

"It seems that the sacrifice is not the purpose of falling, their purpose is to let these sacrifices fall into this groove."

Old Wu said.

"Let the sacrifice fall into the groove? Why is that? It doesn't make sense at all!"

"If you fall into a groove, it's a fall, and if you fall into the bottom, it's also a fall. Is there any difference?"

Old Wang asked.

Everyone shook their heads. I'm afraid this is also the reason for this design. It's just that they don't know the reason yet.

"What do you see that is?"

Xiaoxi suddenly asked.

Everyone looked for the sound and saw that Xiaoxi was pointing at the top of the groove.

The entire groove presents an inverted V shape.

It is embedded in the rock wall, like a V-shaped net bag.

And at the position of the uppermost opening of the V shape.

There is a row of small holes side by side.

Those small holes are only the size of beer bottles, and the inside is pitch black, and nothing can be seen.

Everyone shone the flashlights, and soon found that the holes seemed to be very smooth.

It seems to have been polished on purpose.

However, such a thing was almost impossible in those days.

This kind of small hole buried deep in the ground does not need money to polish the interior, and someone can do it.

It requires a very ingenious means and tools.

And this kind of means and tools are obviously not something that the Southern Demon Kingdom can master.

Because what they saw along the way, whether it was the buildings or the engraved patterns, were basically of the rough type.

Apparently that's the style of the country.

But if the smoothness inside the small hole is not artificially polished, there is only one explanation.

That is, there should be water flow in the small hole, or traces of friction after something has passed for a long time.

Old Wang looked at Xiao Kong and said suddenly.

"Hey, look at the direction of this small hole, it seems to be the location leading to the vine passage!"

When everyone heard the words and looked up, it seemed that this was really the case.

Although the entire deep pit is below the water level, it is clearly the place leading to the Tengman passage.

And you must know that this place was actually on land back then.

This means that these small holes should pass through the ground, then enter the water, and finally connect to the vine passage.

Just why is it designed this way?
Everyone couldn't figure it out.

Zhang Weishan pondered for a moment and said.

"Could it be used by them to lure worms?"

"Put these offerings here after offering sacrifices, and then the bugs in the vine passages will smell the smell and come out of this small hole?"


Old Wu said.

"The probability of this is very low, because this V-shaped place can't hold many bugs at all!"

"Once there's a real worm coming out of it, it fills up very quickly and it falls down."

As soon as he said this, everyone seemed to have caught something.

He himself immediately reacted and said.

"fall down?"

"fall down?"

"Is this the purpose of falling?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at the bottom of the pit when they heard the words.

The deep pit under the platform of the altar is three meters in diameter.

It was pitch black below, bottomless.

If it is true as what Old Wu said, these small holes are to draw the bugs out of the vine channel, and then fall down.

Then this matter can be complicated.

Because such a design and arrangement is obviously not for feeding bugs.

On the contrary, it is more like a design to lure snakes out of their holes.

For example, put the sacrifices on the V-shaped platform after the sacrifice.

Then lure the bugs in the vine channel to come out and fall.

At that time, there will inevitably be a large number of bugs coming, and their real purpose is to let these bugs lure the innermost things out of the deep pit.

If this is the case, then things will become a little incomprehensible.

Is there something terrible hidden in this deep pit?

Man-eating vines?Or a huge ancient creature?
"I think we might be thinking too much."

Xiao Xi said.

"These sacrifices have been here for some time, why are there no bugs coming out of the passage?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, as if it was true.

Death Float fell into it for at least a few minutes at this time.

But there is no response in those channels!
"Could it be that the time has not yet come?"

Xiao Zhang said.

"Damn it, maybe it takes time to start the meal!"

"Now in the middle of the night, are those bugs all asleep?"

"If you just fell asleep, why did you still chase us?"

"Or is the passage too long? They need it."

Before Old Wang could finish his sentence, Old Wu next to him exclaimed.

"You crow mouth, you seem to be right."

Everyone heard the words and looked, and they found that there were insects crawling out of the passage.

It's just that there are very few, only a few in twos and threes.

But looking at the size of those bugs is completely different.

Some were like the ones they had seen before, and others were similar to the buffalo-headed skulls they had seen at the pool.

Among them are several kinds of bugs that they have never seen before.

It looks like a gnat, and it is a link-like insect.

But they knew it was definitely not an antler.

Because they are too familiar with the physical characteristics of gnats.

If it is really a scorpion, you can definitely see it at a glance.

Qian Chuanzi is not, anyway, it looks like that, but it is a bug that has never been seen before.

The worm was so colorful that it looked like a rainbow.

But they look so beautiful at this moment.

I just feel tingling in my back.

Because the more beautiful the bug is, the more toxic it is, which is the same as the poisonous mushroom.

The appearance of those bugs is getting faster and faster, and the number is increasing.

In just one minute, all the channels were almost filled with bugs.

Those bugs gushed out of the channel one by one like running water.

The V-shaped platform below was filled almost in the blink of an eye.

Then everything went as they had guessed, and more and more bugs came out.

After the entire platform is fully occupied,
All the bugs that came out from behind rolled into the deep pit.

In an instant, it was like a rain of bugs.

A large piece of worms all fell into this deep pit.

Everyone's scalp was numb, and they couldn't help swallowing.

For the time being, no matter what is under here, just because the depth is bottomless, if a person falls, he may die on the spot.

"I said what to do now?"

"Otherwise, it's better to run away, don't really wait for the things below to come up, I'm afraid it will be troublesome!"

Old Wang said.

However, the little brother who had been silent at the side suddenly said.

"I'm afraid it's too late!"

When everyone heard the words and looked around, they saw two lights like lanterns slowly emerging from the darkness below.

And the light is getting brighter and bigger, obviously climbing up.


Zhang Weishan yelled, and immediately beckoned people to run towards the bamboo raft.

As soon as they let go, the platform closed again.

It's just that no one believes that the platform can stop the behemoth below.

"Did Chen Qi really jump off?"

Xiaoxi asked while running.

Zhang Weishan shook his head and said.

"I can't care about him now."

"Anyway, if you jump down, you will die. If you don't jump down, it's probably the same."

"Now he can only ask for his own happiness."

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