"What do you mean this rabbit is fresh? But the blood has been drained?"

Before the person arrived, Zhang Weishan asked.

Several comrades from the program group next to him also came over after hearing the words.

The equipment is basically installed.

Wang Bangbang raised the dead rabbit in Yang's hand and said.

"Look for yourselves, the fur is smooth to the touch, and it doesn't have any rotten smell!"

"Isn't it just that he died not long ago?"

Indeed, the place is densely forested and the environment is humid and hot.

If it's been dead for more than two days, I'm afraid the rabbit will start to stink.

Moreover, the internal organs of the entire rabbit body will rot, causing the abdomen of the entire rabbit to swell.

Just like a big whale stranded on the beach, its belly will swell after death and it may explode itself.

But this dead rabbit obviously didn't have such a situation.

This shows that at least the internal organs in its body have not started to rot.

Then the time of death should not exceed one day.

Wang Bangbang took the dead rabbit and threw it on the wood next to the camp.

Get ready to handle it.

Zhang Weishan and others walked over and surrounded them.

I found that the rabbit was really not small.

It looks like an old rabbit.

I don't know if this kind of rabbit died of old age.

Wang Bangbang quickly walked over with a kitchen knife and a bucket of water.

Obviously, he was going to pluck and cut off the rabbit.

The rabbit itself was dead, so there was nothing wrong with it.

The fat man was skillful in his movements. He brought a portable flamethrower and sprayed it at the rabbit.

Suddenly, there was an unpleasant burnt smell in the air.

Things like rabbit fur stick to the skin as soon as they are burned.

Xiao Wu said him.

It is said that there is no one who treats rabbit fur like this, and the rabbit fur needs to be stuffed with soil.

It means to paste the rabbit with mud, and then put it into the soil to bake.

After roasting, when you pull it, the rabbit hair will all fall off.

One of the program crew on the side laughed.

"Both methods are actually outdated."

"This rabbit fur can also be sold for money. It is impossible to process rabbit fur in the factory like this!"

This person's name is Chen Qi.

Is a chatterbox.

As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, Wang Bangbang said impatiently.

"At this juncture, where can I find you a factory?"

"If you can make do with it, you'll be content!"

Chen Qi said with a smile.

"Master Bang, then you have to take off this rabbit skin later, otherwise the rabbit fur will stick to it after burning!"

"This is really hard to talk about!"

Wang Bangbang gave Chen Qi a blank look when he heard the words.

"Why do you have so many things, why don't you handle them?"

Chen Qi stopped talking when he heard the words.

Although Wang Bangbang said so, looking at the black substance sticking to the rabbit skin was indeed disgusting.

Ever since, I picked up a stone from the ground, cleaned it and started scraping.

Soon the black substance was scraped off.

Some blackened rabbit fur was exposed.

It looked like the rabbit had lost blood to death.

There are muscles where there should be muscles.

It looks delicious.

However, when the fat man scraped off the black substance at the rabbit's neck.

Suddenly, I was taken aback.

He saw that there was a small hole at the position of the rabbit's neck.

About the size of a cigarette.

And some meat turned out, blocking the situation inside.

This discovery made everyone stunned, and they didn't know what was going on.

Wang Bangbang said.

"This rabbit was killed by something!"

"But why didn't you eat it after biting it to death?"

"Could it be that it's just for killing and playing?"

"It's unlikely. Animals that can hunt rabbits have never heard of them having the characteristic of killing them and not eating them!"

"And the wound doesn't look like it was bitten to death, but rather like it was poked out by something!"

"Look to see if there is another direction!"

Zhang Weishan said.

Wang Bangbang nodded, and immediately rummaged in another direction.

When he scraped off the black substance on the other hind leg of the rabbit, he saw it immediately.

On the other side of the rabbit, there was an identical wound.

That's when things changed.

It is absolutely impossible for an animal to bite such a wound.

To bite out such a wound, the animal's teeth must be more than ten centimeters long to do it!

Obviously, it is impossible for any animal to have such long teeth.

On the contrary, this kind of wound is more like the direct penetration of something like a tree branch.

But the rabbit is not stupid, it is impossible to self-mutilate.

In the forest, a rabbit, it's okay to bump into a tree branch by itself?

This is too nonsense.

Wang Bangbang was also very curious, and had already cut the rabbit's skin open while speaking.

I want to take a closer look at what is going on inside the rabbit.

He cut along the neck wound.

Soon the rabbit was cut in half.

However, when everyone saw the situation inside the rabbit, they couldn't help but froze.

I saw that there was really no blood left in the rabbit's body.

The fat man cut all the way, but not a drop of blood came out.

It was as if the blood in the rabbit's body had evaporated out of thin air.

Zhang Weishan was very puzzled, so he squatted down and used the dagger to poke the wound position of the normal rabbit corpse.

Soon he gasped in surprise.

Because he found that the rabbit's wound was near the middle.

There are so many strange things.

Poking with a dagger appears to be granulation.

To be honest, he doesn't know much about animal structure.

So at the beginning, these granulations may be just the normal structural characteristics of animals.

But as he fiddled with it a few times, he realized that this might not be the case.

Because the granulation itself is black, completely different from the color inside the rabbit.

And as he fiddled with it, those granulation unexpectedly started to fall off.

It's not like being one with the rabbit.

Instead, it seemed to be embedded in the rabbit's body.

He pushed the granulation apart, and found that the part of the granulation embedded in the rabbit meat actually produced many tiny tentacles like plant roots.

Seeing this situation, everyone was a little confused, Xiao Xi said.

"Is this a seed?"

"I also want to ask, why the fuck is it like a plant seed!"

Wang Bangbang also echoed.

This thing looks too much like a germinating seed.

But how can there be seeds in animals?
And there is no way to plant seeds in animals.

This obviously doesn't make sense!

Wang Bangbang looked at those black seeds that looked like ant eggs, and felt disgusted, and said.

"Damn it, anyway, I don't have any appetite. Otherwise, Master, I should lose it!"

Zhang Weishan nodded.

In such a situation, no one can eat it.

What if the rabbit has this kind of thing elsewhere in its body?

Who knows what will happen if you eat it in your stomach!

As Wang Bangbang said, he threw the rabbit's body out.

It's just that the black seeds that were fiddled out were scattered all over the place.

Just when everyone was about to dig some soil to bury the seeds.

Suddenly the whole seed squirmed.

It was like bugs the size of rice grains, wriggling on the ground.

In an instant, everyone's faces changed.

A thought popped up in everyone's mind almost at the same time.

Did they get it wrong?
Isn't this the seed of some plant at all?

but animals?

The more Zhang Weishan looked at it, the more strange it became, and he picked some of them up with a small kamikaze.

And as the little kamikaze picked up the black seed, the seed unexpectedly stopped wriggling slowly.

It seems to be a plant again.

But as he threw these things on the ground, the thing started to squirm again very quickly.

Zhang Weishan was very puzzled and said.

"Why do these things appear to be very uncomfortable when they fall to the ground?"

"Is there something on the ground that can stimulate them?"

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