Zhangzhou is located in Hainan.

Everyone bought tickets, spent two days, contacted all parties, and delivered the supplies first.

Then set off.

By the time they arrived in Zhangzhou, three days had passed.

Including the two days of waiting, more than half of the week has passed.

There is no way, I am in a hurry, and I bought a green leather car, so the speed is naturally slow!
What?Why not fly?
Because they are not going to broadcast live, they are relatively low-key in the green leather car.

There is no live broadcast this time, so if you go by air and train with great fanfare, it will definitely cause a sensation.

Making a green leather car is low-key, and almost no one pays attention to it.

Someone paid attention, at most they thought it was a passerby who looked alike.

After all, every time they set off before, they always took a special plane.

Who would have thought that they would suddenly get in a green leather car.

The weather in Zhangzhou is muggy.

Even though the new year has just passed and the fifteenth day has not passed, the place is still a bit stuffy.

And it's that hot and humid.

The past few days have been a torment for Wang Bangbang.

Captain Qin's comrades-in-arms are all over the country.

In the past, he was also a small team leader, and one of them was a comrade-in-arms from Hainan, nicknamed San'er!
San'er is seven or eight years younger than Captain Qin, not even thirty.

The family is doing business.

When everyone arrived in Zhangzhou, he was the one who came to pick them up.

Captain Qin said.

"My comrade-in-arms is familiar with the local area. I have asked about Zhaojiabao, but there are several Zhaojiabao in the local area. Which one should we go to?"

Zhang Weishan looked at the map and pointed to a place near a mountainous area.

San'er frowned when he saw the village.

"The people in this village are old-fashioned!"

"Business is very difficult. I've been there a few times, especially the old village chief. They don't want anything at all. Their village only has water and electricity now!"

"Every household doesn't even need a TV set!"

"Tell me it's weird!"

"There is still this kind of living habit, which is a bit primitive!"

Wang Bang Bang said.

"Isn't it, and I heard that the mountains near their village are haunted by ghosts and wild people!"

"What are you doing here?"

San'er was puzzled.

Captain Qin did not tell him the identities of his comrade-in-arms Zhang Weishan and others, he said.

"My friends are all artists, and the main purpose of coming here to collect folk songs is to understand the local history and culture!"

"We are all laymen, don't ask too much, can the supplies be brought over?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing I can't do here!"

San'er said as he waved his hand, and saw a van driving over.

"This car is specially loaded with supplies, and our car is in front."

Under San'er's leadership, everyone boarded a black car with four circles.

It looks pretty good.

Along the way, Captain Qin and San'er chatted about the daily routine.

San'er was mainly introducing the local development.

It turns out that their place belongs to a prefecture-level city.

It was not developed before, and it belonged to a small town.

But it has developed well in recent years.

In addition, several large ancient tombs were unearthed around.

There are even a lot of antique dealers in this town.

In a place as big as a palm, an antique city was actually built.

If you want to know where there are these together, there is also an antique city in Zhangzhou.

I didn't expect it to be opened in the town now.

"This antique city is almost all fake, there is nothing to see!"

"If you want to see the real thing, you have to go to a big city!"

Everyone nodded, they were not interested in this matter.

While talking, they actually passed the antique city, which was quite well built.

And just when everyone was rushing towards the place.

Suddenly San'er's phone rang.

After connecting, San'er's face soon turned ugly.

"what happened?"

Captain Qin asked.

San'er frowned.

"The guy who pulled the goods in the back said that someone is following us!"

"Captain, you are a special soldier, didn't you notice?"

Captain Qin was taken aback for a moment, but also a little puzzled.

Zhang Weishan said hurriedly.

"Don't worry, it's the Wu family!"

"People from our family?"

Xiao Wu was taken aback.

Zhang Weishan nodded.

"Your second master said that he will send someone to follow us. The reason why he told me the address is conditional!"

"You are not allowed to go down. In order to ensure your safety, he sent someone to follow him. Once he finds you go down, he will immediately send someone to take you back!"

"Master, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Xiao Wu was a little speechless.

Zhang Weishan laughed.

"I said earlier that I was afraid that you would get angry, be obedient!"

Xiao Wu said helplessly.

"Bang Bang and Yi Yi won't go down, I'm actually fine!"

"But we can't let them follow like this all the time, just in case something happens again!"

"Do as the Romans do, don't make trouble in other people's villages!"

"I'll make a phone call with Second Master later and ask them to follow us. If there's nothing else, I'll make a call to move supplies!"

"This line!"

Wang Bangbang laughed.

Some people work as labor for free, but fools don't want it.

Zhang Weishan smiled and didn't speak.

San'er heard that he was one of his own, so he didn't say much.

Captain Qin said.

"San'er is fine, the guy driving behind here is also a veteran! He is so vigilant!"

"Hey, I was born as a scout, many of me are veterans, let's help each other!"

San'er laughed.

In the afternoon, everyone finally arrived at Zhaojiabao.

As expected of the word "fort", there is actually a circle of earth wall fortresses built outside the entire village of Zhaojiabao.

Buildings of this style are really rare.

There is a circle of small rivers flowing outside the village, coupled with the architectural style here, it really feels like some small bridges and flowing water.

But before entering the village, Wang Bangbang said in surprise.

"Damn it, there is no mobile signal here! Master, our radio communication equipment may be out of service!"

Xiao Wu heard the words and said.

"Don't worry, there are two types if there is no signal, one is the existence of interference, and the other is the problem of mobile phone signal coverage!"

"Our radio equipment is a separate set, as long as there is no source of interference nearby!"

San'er hurriedly said.

"Don't worry, it's okay!"

"This is the problem of mobile phone signal coverage, and this place itself also needs to cover the signal!"

"But I didn't say it before, the nearby mountains are haunted by ghosts and savages, and the comrades who built the signal tower often get lost and have accidents!"

"In addition, there are not many people living here, so the progress of the signal coverage has been delayed!"

"Your equipment will definitely work, but you can't get in touch with the outside world in this village!"

"If you go up the mountain, you won't be able to contact the outside world!"

"By the way, don't go up the mountain, it's very dangerous!"

San'er persuaded.

Captain Qin laughed when he saw this.

"Don't worry, we won't go up the mountain!"

"Let's go, help us put things in, I'll buy you a drink tonight!"

Some things can't be told to San'er, so they can only take one step at a time.

There are many people who come to travel nearby.

So there's nothing surprising about their arrival.

The villagers have long been accustomed to it.

Generally, people who come to their village to play will not exceed two days at most.

Because there is no signal, modern people don't play with mobile phones.

With San'er's contact, everyone moved into the guest house in the village.

The proprietress of the guest house happened to be the daughter-in-law of the village chief.

It's pretty long.

Zhang Weishan simply packed his luggage.

Just chatted with the proprietress.

"You are from a big city, West Lake City is famous!"

"But since we're here, let's have a few days of clean life. No one plays with mobile phones here. How nice to enjoy the natural scenery!"

Wang Bangbang laughed.

"That's right, it would be even better if I could get another beautiful daughter-in-law like the proprietress!"

The proprietress laughed immediately when she heard this.

Xiao Wu saw that he was not going right, so he hurriedly said.

"Miss Boss, we people are very interested in the stories of your village, can you tell us about the haunted mountains around your village?"

"Yes, let's talk about it!"

Everyone was curious.

Seeing this, the proprietress laughed.

"What's the matter! It's gone to the sea. If you want to know, then I'll talk about it. But I'm at work, or wait until night?"

Wang Bangbang laughed immediately.

"Your husband shouldn't get mad at night. He is the son of the village chief. We don't dare to offend him. Let's do it now!"

"You don't have any other customers besides us now, how about I pay you thirty thousand characters?"

"It can be done!"

The proprietress couldn't help laughing, so she immediately called the buddy to ask him to count, and began to tell the story.

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